Friday, August 29, 2014

Congratulations You're Pregnant

It's Labor Day Weekend! You are carrying your bosses child.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

God's Mulligan Is Your Gain

What's that one thing in your life? Be it a person place or thing. That you wish you could change. Hollywood has made its movies. Books have been written. Blah blah blah. If God gave you a moment that you could step back and change. What would it be? Mine would be the day I picked up a book called Why Suicide.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Create Movement

Without movement. There is silence. You may invite our mind and body to stop. But ultimately it's not the body locked on being overworked and stale to the pale delivery of happiness. Study the art of movement. earn to see how your stream flows by way of movement. .

Monday, August 25, 2014

Key Faub To My Heart

When I was a kid. I thought everybody went to church! I assumed that was part of the process. By my teen years. I learned about indifference. Guess who won? The beautiful blonde girl. Why should I want God anymore when wow wow wow! I gave her the key to my heart. Never realizing that thirty five years later she'd be gone but never once did God turn his back on me. What? ''

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sleepless Not In Seattle

I don't sleep at night. I don't sleep in the daytime either. I get sleep. About thirty to forty minutes at a time. Is this a call for Jesus? Or is it Jesus calling me?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Stop Questioning The Interviewer

If God has already planned out your life. Why do you keep asking questions? The more questions you ask. The more he gets knocked off the origin of his path. When was the last time you looked at who you are and finally realized that what you are is not the person you dreamed of becoming. That's ok! It wasn't meant to be. So what are the right questions?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Being ON is your OFF

Building character is all about taking chances. Putting out there a self that looks bigger than what it truly is. In radio...we call that Theater of the Mind. The problem with living out the character you are on Face Book and Twitter is the number of times you're gonna have to be ON. To be him or her. To be ON. When in reality. Happiness is found in being OFF.

Monday, August 18, 2014

What Is Mindfully Living In The Present

Mindfully living in the present. Everybody from George Harrison to the greatest in spiritual flow and performance have passionately shared their vision and version of what it means to Mindfully live in the present. If you know the way. Then what way are you teaching others to travel?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Quarterbacking With Pointed Fingers

The best commercial on TV right now is T-Mobiles interpretation of what football fans do while watching the game on their smartphones. Only to see the players leap out and begin harassing the fan. What if the people we point fingers at...were given the chance to give it back?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Free Cup Of Coffee

For the love of God! Will you please stop blaming everybody for your lack of success! Stop walking up to the coffee pot expecting it to be hot and fresh. If you want it your way. Then make the coffee!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The 11:00 News Should Feature Your Picture

Depression is back in the headlines. By the droves people will escape their closets. Then by Saturday return. I'm not afraid to talk about the sickness that has weakened me. I base my calling on trying to reach through the thickness of doubt, fear and overbearing silences that barely a normal person can explain. Depression is real. It's not a mood swing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A War In Road

Why should we stop watching the 11:00 news when everything around us is a replica of what's being reported? Hordes of people herd their way into church every week hoping to locate peace. Where does such an incredible luxury begin and end? Is it through awareness? You might think differently after today.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Breast Cancer Isn't An October Thing

Every year. October has always been looked upon as being 31 days of Breast Cancer Awareness. Once the month is over. The positive motivational signs are lifted from the street. The parades are gone and so are the gatherings where cheering so loud brought incredible tears to your eyes. But Breast Cancer and the threat of it doesn't go away. It's every day!

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Crow Nation's Moses

My stepfather always claimed I had bird brain thoughts and plans. He didn't trust me to lead. He called my methods of speaking an obstruction of thought. Sadly...the moment I got into radio. The accusations continued. No show on the radio came un-sliced. And yet the message from afar kept telling me to stay true to the path chosen before birth. We run from message makers because it feels better to fit in. When was the last time you tried to re-invent a puzzle? There are stories of great spiritual travel you'll never hear. But this is one that does affect your path. Because if someone hadn't stayed true to the message from afar. The world would be different today.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Numbe One By Default

Every one of us can name ten to twenty people that have verbally abused us this week. Add on the five to ten others that stole your art and or gift to create to better their life and style. But shared nothing when the victory was scored. I've spent more time trying to recover from the accepted abuse than any other time in my 35 years of Broadcasting. Its ok to abuse in 2014. For the decision maker starts the process giving permission to those below him or her to continue the leadership methods of intimidation. And yet not once does God do this to you. Doesn't he have the final word?