Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Comparisons Reflections and Keys To Unlocked Doors
The toughest part of the year is always the final few weeks. We force our hearts and imaginations into moments of reflection. Bosses and jobs are doing their evaluations and the time has changed which makes it darker in the day earlier in the moment. But who is sitting with us when the inner self is comparing its dreams with the outer shell? How can you grow forward when the language between who you are has changed from what you are?
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 10
I am a Poet. That just happens to write in a forest. As of late. I've been invited to write inside a special circle of trees. The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. This week in Chapter 10. The writer speaks of no longer relying on his echo to lead the path. It's a story of struggles and yet through faith and a truthful way of understanding challenges and changes a new journey is born.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Small Church Sunday
You've heard of Small Business Saturday. It's the consumers way of supporting local business after the big stores and major corporations dominate Black Friday. It occurred to me. Why couldn't we do this with local churches?
Friday, December 18, 2015
The Evolution Of The Mirrored Image
Who you are in the bathroom mirror. Is not the person you will become ten steps outside the escape. Yet there are times. Too many to count. What we saw in that bathroom mirror wants to have a continuation of life beyond the mirror. Do you walk away from it? Do you give the shade a life of its own. Which then infects the rest of your day. How can you break free of the evolution of the mirror?
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Fear No New Idea
We take ideas and throw them away. We allow everyone around us to make us feel stupid and out of place. The best ideas go unanswered because we lack the courage to bring them toward reality. Even if it fails... the mission is the ignition. Turn your ideas into a movement forward.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
The Invitation To Paint Photographs
In August of 1997 I challenged myself to write for 1000 days. And in those days I would write 1000 pieces of poetry. Have you ever counted 1000 days. Its not over inside ten minutes. You are going to change. You are going to grow in directions you couldn't predict. Your eyes and ears were about to be introduced to a language that more people would understand which in a way causes awkward harmony.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Lyrics from Billy's Forest Chapter Nine
I am a poet that happens to write in a forest. As of late I've been called to a special circle of trees at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. I never know what I've written until the moment we meet in this moment of recording. Lets take a look at the writing. Then talk about the moment the poet has invited to move forward. The words were written on September 11, 2015. Today is December 15, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Who's Talking
I openly admit I get instantly turned off when preachers and ministers shout out to the congregation, "God told me to tell someone today..." Do you really think you're going to buy that car for $149 a month with no money down? I understand the marketing game of bringing listeners into the full picture of making you feel like you're talking to me. But I would love to meet the preacher that says, "No it's not God talking to me. It's my introvert self talking to the extrovert I become."
Friday, December 11, 2015
The Accent Is On Connection
I truly enjoy talking with writers and authors. What I find inspiring are the stories of how things were brought to life on paper. Instead of putting focus on the final project delivered. I want to listen to the sway and way the words came to life. But so often writers and authors don't use their accent to connect with listeners. The idea of writing turns them into ballsy sounding radio disc jockeys which has always been a turn off for most listeners.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Sit for a moment and write out the number of things associated with the word countless. You'll be amazed at how often such a word is linked to thoughts. But are the thoughts weighted? Can you carry the thought forward? Has someone ever stolen your thoughts? Countless...
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter Eight
I am a Poet. Since 1994 I've written within a forest. As of late. I've been called to a new circle of trees. These aren't my words. These are the lyrics from Billy's forest.
Monday, December 7, 2015
The Greenhouse Effect
The Selfie photograph has been a serious life changer. It's ripped the art of mystery from the grip of our imaginations. Windows surround each of our days. But we never stop to think how much of our true selves are being released to an assuming passerby. What you see from your side of the window doesn't match what others are seeing while looking in.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Being Greater Begins With Fear
Where do champions locate the necessary fuel to achieve success?
I believe it begins with fear. How you fear controls the direction of the curves on the path. What if you learned to accept your fears?
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Waking Up 53
I recently spent some time with Michael Palin from Monty Python. We talked a lot about daily writing. He loves going back to view what shaped the creative mind. I tend to be afraid. So many things happen with each passing day. How did I suddenly go from being a 19 year old with big radio dreams to being 53?
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
I Find Trouble
How much do you weigh versus how much would you weigh if your past wasn't overcrowded with the items you've labeled a mistake? Does our body weight change due to what we can't let go of? Locating a rhythm of forgiveness requires an understanding of who you are as a person. God didn't create the definition of the word: mistake. Man did. So he could keep making them.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter Seven
I am a Poet. I write in a forest. As of late. I've been called to write inside a circle of trees at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. Sitting within the whispers of wind. I hear words. It is the presence of an energy so many have walked away from. My choice is to write without ever looking back at what was placed on the page until the moment I arrive sometime in the future. Today is December 1, 2015. The story you'll hear was penned out on September 1, 2015. Together we'll hear the lyrics for the first time from Billy's forest.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Eyes Pointed Outward
How often do we make decisions based on keeping up with what we want to hear. When you don't see it creating fruit. We endlessly begin changing our shapes. What is the American Dream if everyday we want to be someone knew? Nobody is putting focus on developing the fields for there to be fruit.
Friday, November 20, 2015
True Larry
I love holding onto things. Especially writing instruments. I have some that date back 20 years. Today I'm holding one that was with me during my daughters wedding. Today I'm writing while my grandchildren sit next to me. What truly is the emotion catcher? The photograph? Or the writing instrument?
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Life Isn't About Testifying
My mother used to tell me about how she never wanted me to never talk about three things: Religion. Politics. And never talk about yourself. When we feel the need to connect. It's extremely difficult to keep from those subjects. How do you keep moving forward if everything you participate is based on the rooting system of three things my mother fought to keep me from?
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Getting Turned On In A Turned Off World
To open your heart to write is an exercise not an expectation. The energy that moves through you is what you assume. Learning to look beyond the words is what makes the words a fine wine. It's not about sipping but rather exploration.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter Six
I am a Poet. I enjoy writing in a forest. As of late I've been called to write inside a unique forest. This one is located at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC.
Monday, November 16, 2015
The Art Of A Creative Mind
I can't turn off my imagination. I'm extremely jealous of those that have mastered the art of silence. Setting aside those brilliant ideas. Why is it they're able to do it but I'm not? How much is lost when those that stop to rest drop ideas on the path? Or is it a shape of laziness because they realize someone else will come along and do the grunt work for them?
Friday, November 13, 2015
Task Talker vs Task Achiever
How often do you dread going into a meeting because the end result is more work for your already over saturated expectation. Leadership in this modern age is based on do it as I say it. There are Task Talkers and Task Achievers. Brilliant ideas are always introduced. But are never brought to the destination. Because talk is cheap. Ideas are tossed into play every day. The moment the foundation is started. There's a new way to sway the achievers.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Painting A Room
No day passes that we aren't forced to feel. It's though those mood swings that decisions are made. Billions are spent on trying to find a drug that will tame the mental beast. But have you ever tried to paint a room?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
More Should Include Few Roots
I was blessed with the opportunity to spend some time with Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones. He recently discovered a journey he wrote in as a 17 year old. He was blown away by what he was thinking 50 years ago. Which makes me wonder what we've left behind that we'll one day rediscover.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter Five
So often we are taught that once someone passes. Then its a time of letting go. I'm not so sure we're supposed to do that. From each of us are experiences and lessons learned. If we take from our past and make it the present. Using the lessons learned as tools that provide in the moment. The journey isn't that of departure but rather a continuation.
Monday, November 9, 2015
The Invisible Presence Of The Lord
I grew up watching a lot of Preachers. I love to listen to the message then activate it on the path. In the 1980's the Preacher went from the pulpit to the television set. Cable TV brought a ton of new message carriers to the surface of study. But one problem. All they could ever say was how much God told them to share. Really? Wow... God only talks to you? I'm out!
Friday, November 6, 2015
Ordinary In An Ordinary World
I've always been intrigued by other people's display of dark clouds and shadows. Life to me is a daily journey to the circus. And yet I hope nobody is watching me during a bad day.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Purpose Behind Thought
People always ask me, "How do you get the opportunity to talk to so many different people?" My only answer is, "I do one thing. I put purpose into listening to other people's thoughts." A thought is the first step. Not the action designed to create reaction. We put people in positions where thoughts serve no reason. We laugh, point at and ignore those who release bad thoughts. We also think that too much thought makes us a disconnection and not fun loving and accepted.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Is Your Life Gods Failure
I often find myself wanting to drop a tip in a bucket for the moments of emotion God shares with us on a daily basis. But we end up doing something else because the voices in our head become too loud. That's when all things great evolve into chapters of doubt, fear, shame and a lack of attention. Where do we truly travel in the moments after a great moment with God suddenly becomes silence?
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter Four
Getting the opportunity to write inside the forest at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte ,NC is a blessed opportunity to sit back and listen to the whisper. So often we demand a lot from the Great Creator. Yet we never take the time to listen to his whispers
Monday, November 2, 2015
Being Creative Isn't A Disease
People that are creative always feel like they're the monster. The world leaps on their path when they need something and the Creative Mind has to perform. The journey to develop what has become a creative path remains silent. The silent nights where the mind endlessly played while the body demanded rest. Where is there peace if the end result is another creative mess?
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Calling
A challenge for Daily Writers. You practice every day. But our U.S. soldiers need to set their stories free. A channel has been created on iHeart Radio dedicated to the men and women who have served this nation. There are millions of stories that need to be displayed on surface level. Have you heard your calling? What if the reason why you daily write is to teach someone who has become silent?
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Watch This
I try to live by one rule. Do not interview an interviewer. Therefore you should create the open space required to create a relationship based on conversation.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
We are collectors of stuff. We have so much stuff that we spend every Spring throwing stuff out. But are we keeping the wrong stuff? Are we giving the wrong stuff away? What is stuff if the stuff we have has made us an overzealous stuffy self?
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter Three
The magic of life... Is there such a thing. We are surrounded by so much harmony in music. Yet our lives feel like they're out of tune. I am a poet. I write in a forest. This one happens to be at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Season Changes In Forward Motion
We love sharing photographs. It's Fall time around the United States. Brilliant colors are on natural display. We love posting those changes on every social networking outlet. Humans go through seasonal changes as well. What do your photographs of those moments look like?
Friday, October 23, 2015
Who Are We Behind Everything
Who are we when nobody is around? Are we hiding or resting? I'm often more playful when there's nobody around. I bend the wind and spin through the dust collected on the nearly ray of sun. But to share that with anyone else... that seems unfair to the artist within.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
The Step Starts At Birth
We fear failure. We fear doubt. We fear...fear. How did we make it this far? By being followers. Inspiration and influence is a physical act of belief. Or someone you can't see pushing you off what's kept you balanced. My granddaughter recently graduated from the 5th grade. Even at that age... every child should know where they're growing to and beyond.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
I Am An Artist
What were you thinking about sixteen years ago? You can only assume right? How do you measure growth? Wouldn't there have to be mile makers? No wonder we struggle with the image in the mirror. It's getting older and you feel like nothings getting done. That has to change.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter Two
I'm blessed with the opportunity to visit one of the most peaceful forests in the southeast. It's not overly large and called a national park. It's a tiny forest near the city of Charlotte, North Carolina at the Billy Graham Library. I visit the forest where a voice speaks out to me. His name is Billy. He has asked that I write what he is feeling.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Before I Master I Must Learn Life
So often we create our own walls. We stop being creative not because of others. But because we were led toward a new horizon. Without ever realizing that the twist on the path was required to better protect the original plan. How do we get back to our dreams without damaging our present?
Thursday, October 15, 2015
I didn't grow up reading books. I had the entire state of Montana to explore. And yet today I write and write while endlessly searching for readers. I know more than ever that people don't have the time to read. But I don't stop searching. Therefore I send out invitations by way of introduction. Hello... have you met my writing instrument?
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Use Your Words
Nothing weakens my heart more than when I hear a parent tell their child, "Use your words." One problem... Too many people are using their words the wrong way. How can you regain control of a word building emotional moment without looking like you're a jerk?
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Here Or There
I believe we are out of focus. I also believe that we have stopped dreaming. To get anywhere we give away our paths so that others can deal with the headaches. Bosses hire people that are unmotivated. The boss never wants to be challenged. Therefore being second and third best is the new acceptable. The best of the best are still dreaming. Nobody wants to get there. Because being here is ok.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Lyrics From Billy's Forest Part One
We walk in places where we are unsure. We look at new invitations as being the maker of being unsure. It causes fear, doubt and sometimes shame. But what would happen if during that natural step of being unsure was in fact a brand new beginning? We are the decision makers of where we arrive. What if you let go and made a choice of going where your heart was told?
Friday, October 9, 2015
You Need To Be There
There is life beyond the walls we have created. Outside of your best thoughts there is a truth that leads you to a firmer foundation of understanding. How often have the greatest moments gone unexplained. And yet if you documented the path. The arrival of more brilliant experiences are easier to attain. You need to be there.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
A Foundation Of Connections
I love questions. I love asking them. I love answering them. I don't like silence. I love taking a simple thought and digging into the soul that's carrying it. I believe we do not know how to have great conversation in 2015. To talk is to waste time. I'm glad you shy away from face to face time because it's been my open door to reach people and places that would have never looked my direction. You'd think I'd be happy about that. Wrong! I want to have a conversation and share the art of connection. It's a tool that leads us all to an incredible tomorrow. Where as an email or text is quickly forgotten.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
We are all born to take chances. The difference between us is the size of opportunity. Jumping off a bridge isn't for everyone. Leaving work early isn't either. In this age of open forum writing by way of social media. Do we truly know what it is that we are saying? Are we taking a chance on thought?
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Heart On A Sleeve
We walk through life. How often do you learn things on the walk? What you become didn't come from a book. You are because it was your choice to walk. Each step might not be a brilliant display of color. But in darkness there's always a story.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Floods Of Seasonal Changes
I find great joy in taking the time to study the seasons changing. Not just in Mother Nature. But also human changes. It's the language of the mind body and soul... and yet we so often ignore the arrival of change. Nobody enjoys the swift suddenness of what could be a new step in a different direction. Through the silence our paths are reshaped. But is it wise to interrupt what should be natural?
Friday, October 2, 2015
The Other-ness Of God
I was invited to step into the community last night. While making sure the gathered crowd was getting a nice warm dinner and companionship. I was unexpectedly asked to share a message. Most would say, "No No I'm ok." Not me. I stood in front of them and allowed God to move through me. How? It's by having a relationship with the Other-ness of God.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Winged Warrior
The creative mind is always in the mood to create. Creative minds don't like to sleep. Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley wanted nothing more than to sleep. Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones penned out the song Satisfaction because he woke up from a dream. Being creative at night isn't an addiction. Its the art of listening to the voice inside.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
We build relationships like cities create skylines. And just like the villages where people collect. We have grown prone to taking a relationship and replace it with something new and improved. Today isn't a documentation of a single writing moment. It's an unwritten commitment based on experience. What we walk and wade through during our living moments aren't always predicted. We choose to set things behind us. Then move another step forward. Once face to face with challenge. The one thing we need most. Relationship. Is gone. Because its the friends that we have in life that always stand behind us. But as you kept setting things behind you. Your friend kept being pushed back.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
You Already Know The Message
I daily write. I experience a lot of things that can easily be written off deja vu or reincarnation. And yet as a Christian those are things that we aren't supposed to invest in. But I do believe in both. I also believe the person we are in this moment. Will leave a message for your future self. Sometime in your next tomorrow you will experience something that makes you feel like you've been here before. It's because spiritually you have. You left a message for yourself.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Big Ole Hairy Bumble Bee
Give me ten minutes and I will ask questions. Give me 53 years and I will locate one answer. But I never stop asking questions. There are invisible paths around every step we take. We are tripping over solutions. How does the seed become the bean that which creates the continuation. Who and what is the bumble bee that brings the pollen forward?
Friday, September 25, 2015
Why You Should Meditate
We hear a lot of talk about the importance of meditation. But hardly if ever do we meet the real regular people that make the choice to put meditation on their path. Preachers and Yoga instructors enforce their beliefs while the average Joe walks through life thinking they're doing what should be. Or they've decided like prayer to say what needs to be said then move forward.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Distance and Circumstance
Someone recently asked me if everything I write about in my daily pen to paper missions is always positive. There are a thousand personalities leaping out of me each time I breathe. No... It's not an easy task to keep positive. Therefore I learned to let those voices in my head and heart have a place where they can speak. They do so in the beginning of the day. Not in the afternoon. Not at night. They know their place. And through distance and circumstance. There is peace.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The Relationship With Self
We are born to write. I didn't just make that up. My mentor Julia Cameron teaches that inside the pages of The Artist Way. No judgment. Nothing to fear. Everything that has invited doubt and shame is creative turned into energy that can be used in other places of your journey moving forward and outward.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Learning To Be Located
Some like to squiggle lines on paper. Others choose to urge themselves into creating a wandering sentence. But how often have you gone back to study what fell out? Even a weird wacky doodle tells a story.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Stop Talking About Your Job
If you want to be labeled a Buzz Kill... start every conversation with, "How's your job?" We spend so much time complaining about our jobs that there's not enough time to locate something positive to share. By the time we get to comparing notes. The life of the party is gone. Stop asking people about their jobs. Enjoy your relationship. Not the presence of a lack of respect.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Being Less Makes You More
The title says it all. But can you be less and not want more? The challenges we face each day are based on the amount of junk you collect. A thought not set free is seen the same way. We are shadow makers. But what are you willing to toss out to stop the outrage?
Thursday, September 17, 2015
I believe there are more hiders in this world then there are books written. I believe we hide because there's already too much drama in the world. When a creative mind goes into hiding there are seasonal changes. Someone has to go in and locate the writer. I call it The Interviewer.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Forward Flow
I keep hearing people talk about their goals. Then complain about how they can't get there. Instantly I begin listening to their vocal patterns. Their stories are about their past. The present place in moving forward is based on something they keep doing over and over again. Which signals to me they can't get out of the past. Conquering a goal means moving forward. That includes the conversations you share.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Broken Spokes Of A Spoken Language
To speak freely is a beautiful thing. But how often do you think freely? Thoughts hit us one thousand at a time. The best are left a long the road. You have an accent in your way of thinking and writing. How true are you to its presence? Its when you tap into that level of communication that everything around you suddenly has a reason to participate.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Seasonal Changes
It's not just nature that goes through seasonal changes. As Fall approaches we prepare for winter. In fact I've seen my neighbors already preparing for spring. They're ripping weeds out of their yards by the roots. New trees are being planted. We spend a lot of time putting focus on seasonal changes. Yet we are forgetting the most important ones. Personal seasonal changes.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Creating Movement
We aren't lazy. The digital design of a modern society has created movement. And yet through these levels of language are we abusing the trail that has mastered the building and rebuilding of walls that should have disappeared decades ago? From vocal energy to the passing of a storm with lightning and thunder. We are moved in any direction by the elements that surround. Its not just one person or place. It takes elements to make moments move.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
New View From The Valley Floor
My father used to tell me, "Watch what you say." In 2015 he should be here telling people, "Watch before you think." Reality is a difficult thing to digest because no matter what you do today... someone is always standing by with an opinion. Suddenly there's silence. But how can you get beyond words that came out harmless but ended up delivering a hardcore arrow in the soul?
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Beating The Infamous Creative Block
I'm not a fan of this thing called Writer's Block. You are giving yourself permission to be a quitter. You were and still are a seed. Seeds are to sprout out and grow forward. When you kill the fields that bring fruit. You are allowing the darkness of art take over. When in reality the reason why there is challenge and change is because your mind body and soul are sprouting new leaves. Allow yourself to trust the journey. You will be greater for doing it.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Silence Isn't Silent
How often has an incredible bolt of energy hit you and nothing comes from it? We set out to accomplish a great day only to hear silence when we arrive. Is it silent inside silence? How can we break through the walls of no longer being in the mood? Where did the original idea run off to? Can you save a day after you've punched your way out of silence?
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Doorbell In Your Heart
I had a conversation with a longtime friend last evening. The friend found it to be weird that I am so open with my love for Jesus Christ. They wanted to know what it was like to be so strong and committed. And yet I have the same challenges and changes as they who walk beside me. I am not perfect. I don't have kids named after books in the Bible. I decided it was time to stop being the hider.
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Defects Of Self Protect
What has happened to our reasons to respect the creative mind? The Google Generation wants when they need without having to patiently wait for the gift to be shared and or created by themselves. Therefore they take. Then they return to take even more. If the creative mind is endlessly taken from its against the rules to be a cynic. Therefore they take more. How can we change this creative abuse?
Friday, August 28, 2015
Beyond Eternity
There is a place. It has no name. But when you believe. You will find endless amounts of peace. Today I reopen a path so that it might help you better understand that fear, doubt, shame and anger don't have the right to live inside of you. But how do you get it out without having a war? I'm glad you arrived in this place on such a crazy day. Suck in some air... now breathe.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Dreams Are they The Enemy
So often throughout the day. People speak endlessly about the dream they had last night. Is it just me? Do dreams deserve so much attention? Lives change because of this land of fantasy. It doesn't exist. Only to learn that many lessons are transferred through a dream.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Where Are We
I love watching morning traffic. It swells at red lights. Then shoots off like lightning on the straightaway. Where is everybody going so quickly when 95% of the people we work with are always late?
Monday, August 24, 2015
Don't Interview The Interviewer
I interview some of the biggest names in entertainment. Only to be placed on a path where the volunteers outside the church ask endless questions. They ask the same questions the same way every week. If I did that with the writers, actors, musicians and producers I wouldn't have reason to increase my list of connections. I'm not expecting anyone to remember me. I only want to know if they're living the path that they're trying to provide for others to live by? Being a second degree black belt in martial arts... We aren't trained to kick butt. It's a path. A lifestyle. It's a journey. Standing outside a church asking the same questions is a well trained student that has no idea where to take the answers they receive. Therefore they keep walking and ask someone new.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Rock Formations From The Universe
We never look for solutions any more. We compete for space. How much longer before you realize that no idea created by you belongs to you? Who you are isn't because of what you are. The idea and or energy moved through you to takes it place in history. You'd be much happier if you'd stop laying claim to the ownership and become grateful for the idea that chose you to come to life on a surface so untamed.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
A Portrait Of Age
The journey that which moves forward goes too long without being documented. Is it because we truly don't live in the past? And yet when we speak that's all we speak of. The disappearance of the people places and things that shaped the path is a headline that leads to multiple conversations. But where does it end but in a pool of comparison? How then can you look at age as being a positive rather than a pain?
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Protecting The Creative Mind
The most abused person on the planet is the creative mind. There are too many outsiders overzealous with judgment. 98% of them used to be a creative mind but gave up on it because the planet doesn't have enough teachers to show them the way toward releasing their creative energy to the good. We see the energy as being weird, mental or insane. Yet Native American Medicine Men endlessly walked through the trails searching for the creative mind to be their follower.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Locating Steps
What is awareness in 2015? So much time is spent trying to catch up that we forget about the art of knowing why we need. The most interesting part about being sold on the thought of buying isn't how you were convinced. But rather how you allowed yourself to be drawn into the sale, Verbal hypnosis isn't a game you see at a comedy club or festival. Gaining control by way of awareness may make you the buzz kill. But in the end. The products that become part of your presentation are physical tools and not a fad.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Want Need Deliver
No step is taken forward without there being an original plan. Do we know what that plan is? It's the 13th wonder of the world. While growing we tend to lean on the easiest way out. Very few people accomplish what it is they set out to become. The path became blocked. We look at that as being a reason to stop. Or we find a way into the chapters of success then easily sell out because the dollar amount created a fantasy.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
What Goes Into Every Interview
In a matter of hours I'm going to be spending time with Carlos and Salvador Santana and Ricky Skaggs. What can you ask someone whose been questioned their entire journey? As the interviewer my process is about rocks, trees and continuation.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
The Tables Are Turned
There are moments on the path when what we think is the scent of what stinks. But how did we get caught up in the thought? We assume that we're big and strong only to fall flat on the arrival of the first voice that enters our head. But how can we reach beyond an object you can't see? Yet you allow thinking to control you like a mad scientist creating monsters and beasts.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Human Seed
With so much jealousy in the world. I often wonder if what's judged would be looked upon differently if the aggressive approach came with a different view. I'm not one that believes in talent. I think we're all handed gifts. Ultimately they are shaped into pieces of art. A friend recently told me that I put the vision of being a broadcaster in my heart at five years old and stayed true to it... Not because I have the talent to be a radio person. But the visual became my way of life. My way of thinking. I wanted to be used as a tool. But how many sports heroes and financial wizard truly accept the fact that their talent is in the way of knowing the true gift?
Monday, August 10, 2015
I Am Aware
If you stand back and take a closer look at how we treat each other. The definition of innocent no longer finds roots in the soils of growth moving forward. There are too many decision makers relying on the innocent to make their lives better. The innocent sacrifice their time and energy while the decision maker gains in visions that nobody knew was coming. Look at what happened to the financial crisis of 2008. How many innocent lives were destroyed by the best sales people on the planet?
Thursday, August 6, 2015
4.5 Minutes
The time it takes to pen out a thought cannot be compared to the way we speak. We spend too much time setting up the scene. Not enough time realizing the listener is already checked out. And yet we complain daily about having to write something out. Unless its a quick shout out to a friend by way of social media.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
The Soundbite
We say things all the time. Remembering them doesn't seem important. Until that moment you fight to use it as a tool. Your mind never turns off. You were designed to generate energetic paths of choice. What makes it interesting? The influence you have on others. What you decide and or perform. So shall they. So what are you doing with those quotes that come out of nowhere? My bet... you're forgetting them. Therefore relying on assumption.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
The Fifty Fade
There are so many things going on around us at all times of the day. Yet we still want to attach ourselves to a memory. We go back home to other states believing everything we once were still exists. I don't believe that. The moments are gone. The human mind was designed not to replace a present with a past that can't be changed. The reason why we forget things is became that's what we're supposed to do. You can't hold the present if everything you touch is a memory that will never carry the scent or light that made the moment so incredibly special.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Without Reward
Why is it that the majority of us believe that nothing will be achieved unless there's an agreement with what will become the reward. Nobody wants to participate without answering, "What's in it for me?" How often do you think about doing something without there being something offered in return? Can you survive or do you need the feed for the ego?
Friday, July 31, 2015
The Choice To Write
I stood in front of several students last night. They could've easily been outside running the streets or cranking the music up in the neighborhood to eleven. Their choice was to be in the moment. To take their present and learn. Rather than brag or speak of my success. I turned the stage around to them. They chose to listen.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
The Hider Is The Writer
It took me nearly 15 years of daily writing to final stop hiding. What was I putting down on paper that I couldn't say face to face? So often we think writing is a Dear Diary moment. When in fact its the universe working its music through you. And you just happened to catch a rhythm of unique. Then it became your technique. But are you willing to share it?
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
You Are Not Invisible
Boss's and coworkers turn brilliant people into shapes of invisible behavior. But the blame doesn't stop there. Family members and friends can instantly make another person feel invisible. In moments like this our minds and hearts want to return to the day when things were happy. That means going back to an old job. That means picking up a few bad habits that you once got away with. Your success is not invisible. Its blinded by assumption.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
No I Can't Write Today
Am I the only one that's shocked that it's almost 2016? Did anyone leave any bread crumbs to follow back to that one happy moment in our lives? We aren't anything more than chasers. We have a dream. We stalk it. When it doesn't work out. We Google for a new outlook. Nobody knows because being here doesn't mean you hear your true calling. You don't have to. It's almost 2016.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Stop Giving Invite Participation
Your parents threatened you when the decision was to stop sharing. I honestly believe that's a horrible place to put a person. What is sharing but giving? When people give give give. Not only do the people around them become addicted to it. But the giver becomes empty. I am not a fan of sharing. I trust instead in participation. If there is to be a transaction. You should be asking, "What's in it for me?" While building a foundation sand alone won't hold up a home. It requires several different elements. But how strong is the house if the maker of support chose to steal the energy from someone or something that felt empty?
Friday, July 24, 2015
Playtime Is Over
When we set out as young adults to conquer a career goal. We treat the dream like a toy. Then one day you come to a line. That line can either be stepped over or run away from. That line takes you away from playtime and makes you a part of the foundation of success for the business. Not everybody can handle the pressure of growing forward. Therefore they take on other challenges. In most cases they spend the rest of their lives wishing and wondering about what if they hadn't made that choice.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Leadership Begins With Failure
Nothing brings silence to my soul faster than someone that expects their gifts of performance to be their fame in life. Just because you can throw a football or dunk a basketball doesn't qualify you as one of the greatest in the professional leagues. Where we go wrong in our stretch toward success is the idea that failure is the switch to turn it off. When in reality... its the experience that makes the champion.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Study The Hands And Shoulders
The martial artist in me learned very quickly how to verbally keep control of my own decision making. Know in your soul that those that study the martial arts aren't doing so to fight. It's to take a better view of how we communicate.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Being Patient Makes You The Silent Wolf
Its not that we have a love hate relationship with self. The digital platform has turned each of us into information gatherers without having to break bread with a passerby. Why should we communicate with a physical person when I have better conversation with someone halfway around the world? The problem is... its affecting our schools. Parents want a lot from teachers without realizing what's required to brand a lesson into the soul of a growing mind. If you stand back for a moment and look outward. You wouldn't want to listen to the songs you've created.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Dreams Fate And Reality
I've never been that guy that stands around listening to someone talk about the dream they had last night. What is a dream but a place where reality doesn't exist? I'm sorry that you had a bad dream last night but... I can't talk about it. We invest so much unnecessary energy in what we saw while sleeping. It controls the day into night. Placing the dream aside is a brilliant choice. Get back to reality and do all you can to stay away from fate.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Save It For A Rainy Day
My mother used to tell me, "Save it for a rainy day." Why would I want to save money for a day that's cloudy, cold and miserable? To save something for a rainy day basically means put it away for a moment that you will need it. But as humans we truly don't save our thoughts for a rainy day. We let things hit us then fall quickly to the forest floor. Because I write daily. I'm able to go back several months or years and learn from the lessons that were taught to me during moments that I assumed were wacky and insane. And yet in going back... I realized I was speaking to my future self. I saved my thoughts for a rainy day.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
The Other Side Of The Fence
How were you shaped? Seriously do you think it was a higher power? You arrived by way of the universe. But every step you've taken has been the end result of the people that surround you. You aren't you because of you. You are you because someone else took over your creative flow and turned you into what they needed you to become. Sounds like a great plan. If you're a robot. But you aren't. You were designed to make a difference. It's time you believe in yourself.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Leadership Begins On Your Path
The rules change everyday. You're expected to know when they changed. More importantly you have no voice to defend yourself when those making up the rules feel its time for change. How then can there be success if the earth beneath your feet is always moving?
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The Birth Of Continuation
I invite you to lay your open palm on any sheet of paper. The tree is still speaking. Who is the true writer? Is the wind that once flowed through the trees? Is it the rain that fell through the trees. Is it the passerby that was once so in love with another person they sat next to the tree and held closely to their soul the music of thousand plus one lyrics? I invite you to listen to the energy a single sheet of paper holds in its veins.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Activate Your Lessons Learned
I do find it interesting. The number of people that crowd themselves into southern churches. Only to face most of the same people on the following workday Monday. Its there that you quickly learn very few lessons taught actually became part of the path. And yet... and this isn't judgment. Most brag of what they've done by way of keeping true to the word. If religion isn't your thing. I'm ok with that. Replace the thoughts of religion with college or high school studies. Are you actively putting to work the lessons taught. Or do you stand on a box and brag of what you're doing? Without realizing the deeper purpose of their being a plan.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Moving Through Energy
For there to be air. You breathe. But what arrives with the air that you instantly toss to the side? What if you learned that your body collects thoughts and patterns from other living things? Does that give you permission to suddenly toss it away? Taking the time to recognize what real energy is... The pace through this race will slow down the rate of speed once traveled. What if your next thought truly doesn't belong to you but rather came from a budding rose?
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Don't Dam Learn To Flood
Stop asking why you can't find success and start studying the walls of your dam. We surround ourselves with people that lead us to their success, Not yours. We are pieces parts of a bigger plan and no matter how talented you are. Other people are making money off your performance. You have allowed other people's needs to dam you up. It's time to rip their bricks out of your dam. Flood the world with your performance.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Give Your Soul Soul
What is "Feel" when what we "Feel" is already on display? How do we gain control of our flow of energy? People don't care how you feel. Its a mechanism the human needs so that the person asking can locate their level on the ground they are presently walking on. People endlessly compare their present moment with everything moving around them. How do you gain control of what you "Feel?"
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Application
Where is your happiness? Time travel seems like a lot of fun. Only to realize it carries too much luggage. Why should we shape shift and race through time when Walmart can instantly brighten up your moment with a cheap high?
Monday, July 6, 2015
I've always believed the Universe and or God speaks to us every day. It's not words of humanized conversation as we know it. Its through waves of energy endlessly spinning around us. When you learn to listen. Amazing things unfold.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
What Is Your Reality
The other day I spent some time with Oscar award winner Lee Grant. We spoke deeply about writing. Then I asked, "Do you ever interview yourself?" The playground changed....
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Is Chaos Your Fuel
Chaos is a word that comes with several types of pictures. But do you need it in order to locate success? What if it became your fuel? Under controlled chaotic situations can't there be movement forward? Bosses tend to create chaos to control the levels of performance. Is your stress the end result of their chaos and how can you get around it?
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
How To Beat Laziness
I don't walk up to a person of lazy ways and habits and throw down accusations. What if the situation is a deeper wound then you're willingly offering? The destination of a performance should never rest in the hands of those making the demands. We want way too much in 2015 without ever putting in the dirt time to make the moment happen. Bosses aren't leaders. They're just happy that they have control. True leaders locate the strings that untie the masks so that everyone can peacefully stop hiding.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Why I Dont Celebrate Birthdays
I'm not being selfish by not celebrating birthdays. It's not that I'm afraid of the numbers getting larger. There is a deeper root to the story we all carry. Who you are isn't based on the present moment. The journey to become you has been a continuation of generations. Most you've never and will never meet.
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Part Authors Never Answer
I find incredible enjoyment interviewing authors. That's why I created the iHeart Radio Channel View From The Writing Instrument. There is an energy that writers share. But how far does it reach through a page?
Thursday, June 25, 2015
All You Have To Do Is Step On It
I meet more people on a weekly basis that stopped in the middle of their dreams and turned a different direction. When asked why. They replied, "I lost the desire." There's no such thing as losing desire. We become unfocused by the waves of energy around us. We feel that every step we take has to be loved by everyone around us. When in reality... the nearest thread to a thought is reality. Why do we waste time inviting others to a celebration of creation when the first thing they do is shut us down with judgement. They have no right to judge what your mind body and soul gave birth to.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The Art Of Movement
We're all given reasons to study the paths that make up our separate journeys. The height of the mountain will never match the inner visual of your worst fear. But how you display yourself while other are around... is what causes the effect to create movement. More can be said about the way you move versus the words you speak.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
After Words Fall
The best thoughts come from the most odd places. Sadly those thoughts become lost within this world of too much to do. Someone forgot to teach us to keep it simple and jot it down. It's in the days that follow that a thought has spouted roots. How lost are we as a society? The best way out wasn't written down.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Indifference Can Still Be Equal
Silence hurts. The type of silence that hurts most is when you know there's something wrong and you don't say anything about it. -Steven Furtick 6-21-2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Locating The Way Is All About Questions
I've never missed a day. No matter what time of day. Someone finds a way. To always ask questions. Mainly about the amount of spiritual flow that cruises through me at the speed of light. To suddenly point them to the big book always seems like the best answer. But I know from experience. Being shown the pages doesn't generate a reason to expect so many seasons. Where is this thing called eternal love and unconditional support? It's in the book! Not everybody reads the way they should... therefore we choose to experience.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
On This Day. We Embrace. Charleston, SC
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A white man opened fire during a prayer meeting inside a historic black church in downtown Charleston, killing nine people, including the pastor, in an assault authorities described as a hate crime.
The suspect attended the meeting at the church Wednesday night and stayed for nearly an hour before the deadly gunfire erupted, Police Chief Greg Mullen said.
The shooter remained at large Thursday morning and police released photographs from surveillance video of a suspect and a possible getaway vehicle
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Beyond The Spirit Of Writing
Nothing irritates me more than when preachers shout, "God told me!" Only to find myself never coming up with the right words after a brilliant thought slips from the tip of my writing instrument. Rather than erase it. I let it sit on the page. After a few months pass. I return to feel where the writer might have traveled. Today is one of those days when I reach back to hear the clearer word.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Stinky Ink
This morning while writing. I had to open a fresh new bottle of ink. It stinks! Oh my god like rotten eggs! But I have to write! What are the things in your life that you allow to stop because the moment wasn't perfectly designed? Then without notice... that brilliant idea or creation disappeared with the passing breeze.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Up There Or Over There
This is one of those moments that may or may not open your eyes toward a better view of your body language. Lets say you did the same exact move. Arms raised. Fingers open. If you could stand above you. If you could stand beside you. From the angle of where you are watching yourself... through a martial artists eyes you are sending out two different messages.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Endlessly Forever The Student
Each of us carries a story. But rarely do any of us get to share how it is we've survived. Churches rely on the pretty people to pass the word forward. Places of study rely on the younger faces and souls to be bent into a shape to make their way into waves of change. Without ever asking the elders how it is the winds and rains were once blocked from what will soon become shade.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The Journey Of Greater
In every walk of life there are gifts unopened. In every day that is filled with sunshine. The heat of the day dries up dreams. Why do we grow thoughts if all we're going to do is force them off our limbs? What is the one thing that you do the very best of? What if you made it Greater? This is how Steven Furtick's Greater series changed my life. Taking a beat up old radio dream completely ready for the trash can and turning it into a journey that now reaches over 70 million people daily.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Aren't We All Broadcasters
No matter where you travel. In the car or sitting at your desk searching for a favorite song. Someone is Broadcasting. But too often such a word is connected to the wrong definition. We hear Broadcasting and instantly think its Radio or Television. When in the reality of modernisms... We are the generation that can't stop Broadcasting.
Friday, June 5, 2015
The Lone Walker
One of my pet peeves is a simple stroll through the hallway. Be it at work. Be it at home. Those you bump into. Fail to share a welcoming, "Hello." It's within that moment that I often wonder. What if they truly weren't there. It was a spirit guide of keeper instead.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Family Farms Begin With Weeds
I was alive during the final chapters of all my grand parents. But if you ask me what types of people they were. I hold no answer. Nor was anything written down by their challenged and changed hands. If I were to ask you about 9-11 could you truly share the experience with what will become or is your present day grand children? Maybe the missing link in life... Is our need not to document the journey.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Calming The Vampire
You can try all you want to have an incredible day. But what keeps you from having it? The irritating invisible feeling of "Void" We don't feel numb. Numb is still a feeling. Therefore we stay away from bad news and horrible thoughts from people by way of avoiding the presence of the negative energy. We've become flooded over by vampires. Energy suckers. Verbal abusers. People that seriously run out of control with their emotions and no matter what day it is... you've been sucked in
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
The Scent Of Ink
We are a photographic memory stuck on smart phone data stick. Quickly we snap the shots that simply tell the story. And yet does anyone know how long the photographs will dance in digital history? Today I paint the picture with my writing hand about what its like to be a writer in 2015. This could be the first time that I physically call myself Old Fashioned.
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Indifference Storm Chaser
Why do the summer months come across as open fields of new growth? The human mind and heart were created to be the best it can everyday. The atmospheric changes of the planet should not be in charge of your changes. Yes we have seasons in our body. But too often our indifference of self versus self causes us to have no effect. We cannot control the storms on the planet. Why then do we try get in the way of the storms in our hearts?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Book Of History
Taking on the challenge of living in the present is pressure enough. But things change when you realize its not the present you're shooting for. It's the future. Everything you do is headed forward, It's your thought process that keeps you locked to a past that you can't change.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Just Give It A Voice
Why do people endlessly search for new jobs? How can people be so numb to bad news? No day passes that your mind body and soul are twisted and spun dry. But without your knowledge. Oh it knows that you should know. But ultimately its your choice not to listen. Betsy Ross was in her 70's before her most famous work hit the scene. Look at the Rolling Stones still going! Amazing things happen to people that learn the art of giving their mind body and soul a voice.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Beyond The Universe Of Pain
To get where you are going. How many times have you started over? Do you feel like there's always a new beginning? Why is it that you keep changing your mind? Pain has a way of designing your destination. What you wanted to be can't be because the minds eye has decided for you. What if you blinded that leg of the journey and took up the art of trusting your true calling?
Friday, May 22, 2015
Thank You
It isn't a three day requirement. It's an everyday gratefulness.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Was It Preacher Tom
There was once an age of radio and television when Broadcasters were expected to be part of the community. Be it good bad or ugly. The Broadcaster dedicated their life to the community. Almost like a preacher. It seems like today the only Broadcaster that's committed to the community is the weatherman. That in itself sort of takes away from the Preacher. What? How?
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
The Wind Collector
Throughout our every day changes and challenges we are handed paragraphs and sentences. Face Book and Twitter has given us the opportunity to paint the face of a flat screen. But in all that you have written. Have you put together a story that could be a book?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Today... my writing will be short. In this age of 140 characters on Twitter. I think maybe we should shorten it even more to just one word. My choice is THE
Monday, May 18, 2015
The Expectation Of Presentation
The way we walk is a gift but how grateful are you? In every breath you take... there is a gift that's shared. How often has someone said, "What have you given back to God?" I'm not shocked that many many people are walking away from religion. They feel they don't have the time to serve God. Interestingly enough... I think they already are without ever having to pray and or say yes.
Friday, May 15, 2015
The Magnet
Why do most people endlessly get in trouble? Are they truly a troubled person? If you dig a little deeper. Those that have been accused of being trouble are usually some of the most creative minds you'll ever meet. Why is that?
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Working Out Your Thoughts
What is the workplace but an incubator of collisions. We are born to create thoughts. But the thought of investing in a well raised thought isn't worth the weight of the time required. We have become this society based on quick thinking and quality driven finger pointing. Great teams are not taking shape because trust levels have been injured.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
UnScrambling The Eggs
Being a writer doesn't mean I have to lock myself in a room. The concept of the process isn't supposed to be a solo album. But rather an experience with leaping roots. There is no Code Of Silence on my path. The majority of the fun is watching someone grow with you.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
The Artist Versus The Realist
I find great inspiration in having deep conversations with other creative hearts and minds around the world. The journeys are completely different. Yet have we left behind the presence of the present? What do we say not to each other but to every body part we carry when the weight of your everyday becomes too much to hold? Who takes the time to display the tools required to be a success with yourself? Are we to learn it without books of choice?
Monday, May 11, 2015
A Mother's Peace
eyond Mother's Day your mother is still a person. She had a life before she was called to be a mother. But how many times do we physically take the time to get to know that little girl that became a woman?
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The Writing Window
Walden got a pond. I got a window. Since 1994. I've sat next to a window before the sun rises to do nothing more than write. I'm not sure where and why this window became my reasons for creating a conversation. Laughing I say its God looking from the sky on my poor penmanship. Then I get serious when a deer walks up to the writing area and seems to be speaking. I take note of a bright red cardinal. I see the limbs preparing for a change in weather. Life has its share of windows. Which one are you looking through?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
The Key Success
We want to be a success story. We want money. We want to be recognized as someone that made a difference. We just don't want to work for it. Someone taught you how to delegate. And so you did. And what its done is turned you into a machine unwilling to work its way through a shadow. The keys to your car moving forward no longer rest in your pocket. That's because you've allowed someone else to do your work for you.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The Rock and the Tree
I spoke to a group of broadcasters last evening. They came from every walk of life. The night was designed by a group of people wanting to know the health of where the medium of Broadcasting is going. I chuckled inside. First you have to define what a broadcaster is. The next step is to to quit walking into the man made walls made of rubber. You keep bouncing off the same shape of fate.
Monday, May 4, 2015
God Escapes
Does a higher power want to talk to us? Why is it we never physically hear words? The preacher man and politicians endlessly claim they've been given a vision. Guess the Great Creator doesn't like the rest of us. Really? What if the language isn't in the words you were taught to speak but rather in the participation of the entire layout? Rather than pushing yourself through you decide to become part of the environment.
Friday, May 1, 2015
50 Shades Of Display
've sat on this one for a very long time. A reaction to the movie 50 Shades of Gray. I come with no judgement. Because the bigger picture isn't the characters in the film. But our own submissive ways of living. Mr. Gray only seems like he's sexually charged. The full visual of the total display is a replica of today's walking world. We all put ourselves in situations where we're willing to give up our freedoms to taste something different. No matter how much it hurts. We return.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Share Versus Offer
Breaking down the words we toss out is a step toward better understanding the truer message we're trying to deliver. Your parents and teachers endlessly told you to share things. That's nothing more than a ticket for taking. The parental design is off base. Children should be taught to offer.
Monday, April 27, 2015
How Do You Prepare For Snakes
I am a People Watcher. It's not fun being silent wolf. To stand back and watch how we're treating each other. How did we get this far? Where are we leading ourselves?
Friday, April 24, 2015
Writing With Your True Accent
I've never said that I am a great writer. Nor have I ever said that my poetry is better than. I can't stop writing because my body won't let me shove it aside. The very moment you begin to think you are winning the war against doing it all on your own. Something out the ordinary falls in front of you. And you have to write about it. But how are you writing? To please other readers? Or do you write with your own accent?
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Ghost Writing
I'm a huge fan on being open and honest with everyone I meet. Not everyone believes in that philosophy. Being honest is something we like to hide. We are born to act therefore if you want truth... let me lie first. I totally believe that we are controlling our lives and decisions. Ghosts freak out a lot of people. When in fact our choices in life freak out a lot of ghosts.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Being In Sight Of Insight
Having the ability to trust insight is a destination that constantly changes. When do you trust insight versus someone having you in sight of their camera? Who is the watchful eye? Is it your experience and trust with insight or the lens that has you in sight at every red light or corner of the store?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Paths Are Deserts
Have you ever noticed that a path on a mountain never allows itself to be covered with vegetation or life? Endlessly we are asked to become part of a path. Is that someone's way of saying, "Get back to the desert!" A path seems lonely. Lonely in 2015 doesn't sound like a game based on fun and exploration. What are we doing when we say, "I'm on a journey. Its part of the path. This is the walk that God wants me on." Are we searching for shortcuts through the forest?
Thursday, April 16, 2015
What's Your Makeup
We may look like individuals. But is that possible if what we are wearing is yesterday's makeup? The weight of guilt has a way of making less out of a black line. It turns what we do into a color array of acceptance. Until that moment when the makeup begins to chunk off
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Share Your Story
I still hold the words of Dr. David, "You are creative. You need to get used to the idea that you will be depressed and angry. Creative people are made this way. The reality is... be aware of who you are. Who you become. Stop judging the swift curves of the road and just listen to the way the energy moves around you."
Monday, April 6, 2015
Be A Seed
Something hit me on Easter Sunday. While thousands poured into the room of study at Elevation Church Blakeney. I was hit with so many questions. The biggest being: If we are told to stop living in our past. Why are we studying the past of others inside the Bible? How can we be creative if we are living on other people's past mistakes, doubts, fears and shame? How can we be faithful of our own growth if the journey is based on the challenges and changes of others? You learn from it. You teach it. You create in forward motion.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Awake Or Aware
While driving toward the sunrise this morning. I openly admitted that I didn't know if I was awake or aware. Suddenly we wake up and its 30 chapters later. Where along the way do we place blinds over the changes and challenges? We are aware of the storms but are we awake to experience them? If we are to grow forward and outward. We need to retrain our bad habits. Its time to be awake.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Skyping At 88
My father called me fat. This after seeing me on Skype. He had never seen me before on a computer screen. He had no clue that I was still 2000 miles from him. He could have said anything but chose instead to say, "You're fat!" What? How could that be a positive?
Friday, March 27, 2015
Have You Heard It
I am the first to shy away from the path when someone shouts, "God told me to tell you this!" Ummm why is God so choosy with whom he is speaking with? Do you have to be perfect? Do you have to name your children after books in the Bible? What's up with this world if God is only talking to preachers. Or am I wrong? What if God endlessly talking and you aren't listening?
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Trust Starts Where
There is a place where you can call safe. But how willing are you to come out of hiding? There is a place where you can endlessly grow forward. But how wanting are you of being creative? There is a place where the wind gathers it collected words and hands it out to poets. But are you ready to write?
Trust Starts Where
here is a place where you can call safe. But how willing are you to come out of hiding? There is a place where you can endlessly grow forward. But how wanting are you of being creative? There is a place where the wind gathers it collected words and hands it out to poets. But are you ready to write?
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Choice To Choose
What is prayer? Is it the conversations we share with ourselves while driving? Is it the words we utter while doing lawn work? Is it what we shout out when life doesn't give to us what we wanted in this moment?
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Reflection
I have one connection. In every book I've published you're always going to read something about the reflection in a mirror. Not an avenue of conceit or poor leadership. But a reflection. How many times does the reflection we project not represent your present place? Too often the reflection we see isn't the reality of the moment but a chapter from a past that just won't go away.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Beyond the Blizzard White Canvas
The choice to be creative is something that's nearly next to being too easy to set aside. I'd rather tell someone I'm no longer creative then to explain how and where the art comes from. Artists are interesting in the way that its up to the ego to decide where the truth lives. The ego is easily bruised. The ego gets high too quickly. The ego is what in a world where we were all born to be creative?
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Walking Forward
Do we have reasons not to listen to the wind? Why do we wish and want when the answers could be a slight sound heard just to the right? Today is what? It's a reflection of yesterday. When you collect enough of them. You have a journey. But within those pages were you the teacher? What if your hand was being led by something you couldn't see?
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Understanding Continuation
I do not believe that we are designed to leave the footprints left behind. I believe that where we stand is a continuation that stems back to an age that memories no longer participate with. But the bigger player inside a world of participation knows where and how the arrival began. Look at a leaf. Stare into the soul of metal. The continuation of all things alive. Become tomorrows reasons to believe.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Automatic Draft
Just because someone speaks openly about their studies doesn't always qualify them to play first base for Team Religious People. Studying the word of God comes with multiple battles and disagreements. There's more drama within the chapters of dropping money in the plate than there are reasons why you should try and figure out what your local government is spending. But because I'm public with my love for God. Automatically I've been drafted to a team. The game is on. And I've asked God to bench me. I'm not gonna play.
Friday, March 13, 2015
From This Place Called Pet Peeves
The demand isn't always what others put on us. We are collectors of the little things that drive us crazy. Its not illegal to own a Pet Peeve Mill. We horde thousands of reasons to have a bad day.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Seeking Silence
I know! To write? Ha! A joke right? I mean... who has the time to write? Authors and Poets are freaks! Why would anyone want to locate the answers to a single line? A line that just happened to take the shape of a word that became a sentence. A stupid line! Who will see it? Does it matter? What if your life could feel less heavy by way of making a single line?
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Your Gift Makes Others Millionaires
'm not afraid to look at someone in the eye and say, "What do you plan to do with the gift that God shared with me?" If we stood up and supported the gifts from the creator. There would be far less pain at the workplace and home. Stand up and protect your gift. Millions of dollars are made each year thanks to what you bring to the world. The economy can't survive without a collection of gifts... Yet we are the generation that's gone numb on protecting the selves we have become.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
In an age of so much texting and typing. We have fallen onto the sword of silence. Our words are collected structures of run-on sentences. Or so short that assumption becomes the injury. I've been asked a billion times to stop sending emails. People don't understand the inspiration that I've chosen to share. Rather than fight. I've chose to revert back to face to face conversations.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Take a writing instrument and break it. Teach yourself a valuable lesson. Stop throwing away what you think is failure.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Stop Nibbling On Success Bite!!!
It kills me to sit and listen to the stories of how people walked away from their dreams. It hurts worse when professional ball players can't stay loyal to the fans that made them famous. We spend so much time nibbling on the hook of success that we've trained ourselves to become quitters.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
This Clock Has Three Hands
I get very vibrant with multiple colors when someone uses my time to gift their pocket. Vibrant as in verbal. Time is so little. Bit when you keep giving it away. How much time do you have if at any given moment God can call you home? You are not being selfish when you are short on sharing your time. People that want your time are selfish for thinking that you are always willing to just give away your music. Your time isn't a free download. Your time isn't a free cookie at the front of the grocery store. Protect your time. Who cares if you're labeled a jerk? You don't don't need to give away your time in order to feel accepted. When life is over. Will all those that stole your time be with you?
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Weathering The Storms
One of the reasons why I am so pushy on the thought of teaching others to pick up a writing instrument is due 100% to our need to locate the teachings of our origin. Nobody around you has a grip on your true thoughts. We are actors! But through a relationship with your inner self... the storms you have today were probably discussed in daily writing yesterday or several years ago. We do leave messages for our future selves. What is it you were so willing to share... but forgot to write down?
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Who Owns A Rivers Rocks
The most painful part of these modern days of digital connections isn't our lack of noise. But the physical use of stealing other people's noise and making it your own. Looking deeper into the process of noise. Can we live without it? Why is it so important for there not to be silence. And yet we create silence every day when we steal other people's arts. But who are you injuring most?
Monday, March 2, 2015
Learning To Live In The Present
One of my greatest challenges hasn't been surviving 36 years of a constantly changing radio world. My battles and scars are based on trying to learn how to live. We live so much in the past that we allow the pains of yesterday to be alive years after the origin of the injury. But how do you live in the present? I believe it starts with learning to identify what type of person you are. Are you a talented. Are you passion driven? Are you a visionary?
Friday, February 27, 2015
Hello Cann You Hear Me
Something very different today. I've spent the past 2.5 years following a voice I heard in November 2012. The voice said, "You are going to write a new book. But this one is going to be in the language that you speak. Poetry. The difference between this book and any other that's been published. You are going to stay true to who you are as a writer. Your accent will be heard without having to sacrifice it. As inspired by the way Mark Twain wrote about his challenges as a writer in his autobiography."
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Blinking Lights
t's not fair! Everything electrical has blinking lights. They serve as signals. Everything is ok or you need to make a change. What are we sending out as a signal? I think we have blinking lights too! But we choose not to use them.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
What If In A Dream
I'm not a fan of dreams. Which is probably why I love studying what dreams mean. I can't stand to have dreams. I will wake myself up to escape a world of fake smiles and people that have learned how to fly. But! What if a dream?
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Still The Same
How many times during the average week do you look at the image in the mirror and hate it because it always looks the same? Are you afraid of the same? What if there's something worth holding in being the same?
Monday, February 23, 2015
That Moment
At 52 I still believe I'm one of the luckiest people on the planet to still have both of my parents. And then you get the phone call. The transition is the moment God creates while reaching through Heaven for the finger tips and prints of the children he now needs in a place much warmer, filled with unconditional love and a spirit that no one on this giant rock can relate with. But there are a lot who speak of it. Many people run from the transition. It's at that moment that we should begin to listen.
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