Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How To Beat Laziness

I don't walk up to a person of lazy ways and habits and throw down accusations. What if the situation is a deeper wound then you're willingly offering? The destination of a performance should never rest in the hands of those making the demands. We want way too much in 2015 without ever putting in the dirt time to make the moment happen. Bosses aren't leaders. They're just happy that they have control. True leaders locate the strings that untie the masks so that everyone can peacefully stop hiding.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Why I Dont Celebrate Birthdays

I'm not being selfish by not celebrating birthdays. It's not that I'm afraid of the numbers getting larger. There is a deeper root to the story we all carry. Who you are isn't based on the present moment. The journey to become you has been a continuation of generations. Most you've never and will never meet.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Part Authors Never Answer

I find incredible enjoyment interviewing authors. That's why I created the iHeart Radio Channel View From The Writing Instrument. There is an energy that writers share. But how far does it reach through a page?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

All You Have To Do Is Step On It

I meet more people on a weekly basis that stopped in the middle of their dreams and turned a different direction. When asked why. They replied, "I lost the desire." There's no such thing as losing desire. We become unfocused by the waves of energy around us. We feel that every step we take has to be loved by everyone around us. When in reality... the nearest thread to a thought is reality. Why do we waste time inviting others to a celebration of creation when the first thing they do is shut us down with judgement. They have no right to judge what your mind body and soul gave birth to.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Art Of Movement

We're all given reasons to study the paths that make up our separate journeys. The height of the mountain will never match the inner visual of your worst fear. But how you display yourself while other are around... is what causes the effect to create movement. More can be said about the way you move versus the words you speak.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

After Words Fall

The best thoughts come from the most odd places. Sadly those thoughts become lost within this world of too much to do. Someone forgot to teach us to keep it simple and jot it down. It's in the days that follow that a thought has spouted roots. How lost are we as a society? The best way out wasn't written down.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Indifference Can Still Be Equal

Silence hurts. The type of silence that hurts most is when you know there's something wrong and you don't say anything about it. -Steven Furtick 6-21-2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Locating The Way Is All About Questions

I've never missed a day. No matter what time of day. Someone finds a way. To always ask questions. Mainly about the amount of spiritual flow that cruises through me at the speed of light. To suddenly point them to the big book always seems like the best answer. But I know from experience. Being shown the pages doesn't generate a reason to expect so many seasons. Where is this thing called eternal love and unconditional support? It's in the book! Not everybody reads the way they should... therefore we choose to experience.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

On This Day. We Embrace. Charleston, SC

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A white man opened fire during a prayer meeting inside a historic black church in downtown Charleston, killing nine people, including the pastor, in an assault authorities described as a hate crime. The suspect attended the meeting at the church Wednesday night and stayed for nearly an hour before the deadly gunfire erupted, Police Chief Greg Mullen said. The shooter remained at large Thursday morning and police released photographs from surveillance video of a suspect and a possible getaway vehicle

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Beyond The Spirit Of Writing

Nothing irritates me more than when preachers shout, "God told me!" Only to find myself never coming up with the right words after a brilliant thought slips from the tip of my writing instrument. Rather than erase it. I let it sit on the page. After a few months pass. I return to feel where the writer might have traveled. Today is one of those days when I reach back to hear the clearer word.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Stinky Ink

This morning while writing. I had to open a fresh new bottle of ink. It stinks! Oh my god like rotten eggs! But I have to write! What are the things in your life that you allow to stop because the moment wasn't perfectly designed? Then without notice... that brilliant idea or creation disappeared with the passing breeze.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Up There Or Over There

This is one of those moments that may or may not open your eyes toward a better view of your body language. Lets say you did the same exact move. Arms raised. Fingers open. If you could stand above you. If you could stand beside you. From the angle of where you are watching yourself... through a martial artists eyes you are sending out two different messages.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Endlessly Forever The Student

Each of us carries a story. But rarely do any of us get to share how it is we've survived. Churches rely on the pretty people to pass the word forward. Places of study rely on the younger faces and souls to be bent into a shape to make their way into waves of change. Without ever asking the elders how it is the winds and rains were once blocked from what will soon become shade.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Journey Of Greater

In every walk of life there are gifts unopened. In every day that is filled with sunshine. The heat of the day dries up dreams. Why do we grow thoughts if all we're going to do is force them off our limbs? What is the one thing that you do the very best of? What if you made it Greater? This is how Steven Furtick's Greater series changed my life. Taking a beat up old radio dream completely ready for the trash can and turning it into a journey that now reaches over 70 million people daily.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Aren't We All Broadcasters

No matter where you travel. In the car or sitting at your desk searching for a favorite song. Someone is Broadcasting. But too often such a word is connected to the wrong definition. We hear Broadcasting and instantly think its Radio or Television. When in the reality of modernisms... We are the generation that can't stop Broadcasting.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Lone Walker

One of my pet peeves is a simple stroll through the hallway. Be it at work. Be it at home. Those you bump into. Fail to share a welcoming, "Hello." It's within that moment that I often wonder. What if they truly weren't there. It was a spirit guide of keeper instead.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Family Farms Begin With Weeds

I was alive during the final chapters of all my grand parents. But if you ask me what types of people they were. I hold no answer. Nor was anything written down by their challenged and changed hands. If I were to ask you about 9-11 could you truly share the experience with what will become or is your present day grand children? Maybe the missing link in life... Is our need not to document the journey.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calming The Vampire

You can try all you want to have an incredible day. But what keeps you from having it? The irritating invisible feeling of "Void" We don't feel numb. Numb is still a feeling. Therefore we stay away from bad news and horrible thoughts from people by way of avoiding the presence of the negative energy. We've become flooded over by vampires. Energy suckers. Verbal abusers. People that seriously run out of control with their emotions and no matter what day it is... you've been sucked in

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Scent Of Ink

We are a photographic memory stuck on smart phone data stick. Quickly we snap the shots that simply tell the story. And yet does anyone know how long the photographs will dance in digital history? Today I paint the picture with my writing hand about what its like to be a writer in 2015. This could be the first time that I physically call myself Old Fashioned.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Indifference Storm Chaser

Why do the summer months come across as open fields of new growth? The human mind and heart were created to be the best it can everyday. The atmospheric changes of the planet should not be in charge of your changes. Yes we have seasons in our body. But too often our indifference of self versus self causes us to have no effect. We cannot control the storms on the planet. Why then do we try get in the way of the storms in our hearts?