Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Documented Prayer

Listen to "Documented Prayer" on Spreaker. Maybe it's because I'm a daily writer or a great note taker. I'm very guilty of documenting prayer. Things are shared during these moments of meditation and or conversation that are meant to grow outward from your mind body and soul. But what are you supposed to do with it? Wander through an old fashioned bookstore and count the number of financial and self help books there are. Are they all the end result of God moving through artists and authors? Not all of them. Just be aware of what you're feeding your current need. Julia Cameron's Artist Way changed me by teaching me to reach beyond the gift of performance. To study the physical presence of a higher reason and season. There are things we do this time every year and it always includes inviting change. But we forget to notify two of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Painted on our hearts is the aspiration to create change but without these two valuable tools included in the journey the open palm will reveal more emptiness.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Interviewing An Interviewer

Listen to "Interviewing The Interviewer" on Spreaker. I remember the conversation I was having with Joan London from Good Morning America. I chuckled at the beginning then softly asked, "Can an interviewer interview an interviewer?" It's not a game but rather an art to making sure the right moment takes place for the answer to be unique and quite possibly one of a kind. I save the questions people ask me. I want them to ferment. Not to grow old in age but to be part of the my present place in the now. To allow the question to grow inside of my head and heart. Every question is a learning tool for everyone involved. Slowly we're slowly getting back to it by way of tiny digital boxes from Amazon and Google. But are we asking the right questions. More importantly are we face to face with the right person? Maybe it's you interviewing you. How do you deal in moments of such exchange? It's completely natural to play it off or it will infect every depth of thought you travel. Learning how to ask yourself questions without damaging the legs that invited you to the dance. It's not like working out at the gym in January then quitting by March. Lifelong are the questions and even longer the days of hopefully holding a truer image of the self you are. Asking yourself questions is a brilliant way to build a personal relationship blessed with respect and compassion. Try it... every book store carries those pages that ask questions. Start there. Learn to see what asking questions looks like versus accusations.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Lyrics from Billy's Forest Chapter 90

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 90" on Spreaker. I recently shared with a friend, "While trying to prevent a storm I actually created one." Selected words from two days earlier were misinterpreted and it led to some serious judgement. There seems to be a lot of that going around. Instead of putting focus on the purpose and plan, we've developed this new habit of giving what we feel permission to rein over all things developed. No matter how far off the truth it is, our heart and brain see it as actuality. Instead of offering an open door or simple face to face time conversation. Assumption believes it has just enough evidence to give it permission to be King. We're throwing stones. Not playful skips across a smooth as silk lake surface. We've called in the diggers and they're bringing dump trucks of rocks to our front door. This isn't the first time in history something like this has happened. This dude of faith had returned to the city. The locals instantly brought out someone they had stamped guilty on. The visitor to the city knelt to the ground, wrote something in the sand, then stood up. The accusers were given a thought to hold. Once shared the visitor knelt again and wrote more words in the sand. The crazy day drew to a peaceful closing. I'm a daily writer. Taking the time to listen while documenting something from your heart has an incredible way to keep your palms free of stone throwing. Did this person deserve to have such harsh accusations thrown at them? I'm not the one to judge. Empty your hands and build a path of peace. It actually could start as simply writing something down before igniting your hearts energy.

Monday, December 18, 2017

In Between

Listen to "In Between" on Spreaker. I hear it all the time, "Nobody supports my ideas or decisions. I feel alone." Or how about this one, "People are always attacking me." During uncomfortable situations like this, it's always best that we take ten steps back and become aware of the process that led to the moment. I've yet to meet the person that doesn't like to hit life's everyday road and make it all their own. Yeah I get it team work and collaboration are the best highway. On the workplace front yes. But where the buddy buddy system fails are in lanes of driving home, sitting on the sofa without the TV on or trying to get sleep at night. I get it! The give and take policy that drives business up. But the taking part still generates a huge amount of silence. The plastic smiles we wear while building systems of victory are nice and polished. But once free of the design, the inner voice of each player grabs onto your heart tightly. You can deny it. Voices in the head are for crazy people. How do you put a buffer between the itty bitty indifference that's ripping your soul to shreds at night? Do you have to look eye to eye with the beast? Nope...

Friday, December 15, 2017

Get It Off You

Listen to "Get It Off You" on Spreaker. Yeah I know. We all want to be successful. Your heart busts its tail trying to put you in the right place at the right time. So much time and energy is spent on something you believe in and there doesn't ever seem to be a payoff. Sadly that's when most people get off what they assume is a sinking ship. And when that happens the wrong people are put into positions of leadership. Locating the true roots of success requires a process. A journey. The art of falling off a cliff and doing incredible damage to your mind body and soul. The difference between a successful person and someone trying to be successful is that word "Trying" You can try all day. But it doesn't put your feet in a pair of victory shoes. Be successful. Do the path. Study the behavior of the elements required to be a leader. Stop trying and just do it. There are too many bosses in positions of decision that try hard everyday to make their businesses the one thing that people want most. "Try" I truly can't stand it when I hear that word and in all honesty it serves as an invitation for me to leave the conversation. My circle isn't filled with those "Trying" Do what is required and take on the journey. Your personal victory is there

Thursday, December 14, 2017

When God Shows Up In Your Writing

Listen to "When God Shows Up In Your Writing" on Spreaker. Yeah I know. I boast of being this daily writer. I put down on paper the existence of the present so that we may learn from it in the days that follow. But that doesn't always make the world a pretty place to be. Being open with my writing makes it a very dangerous walk in the way of giving permission for all states of expression to move through me. Not stand on the outside of the door and knock and we decide if the visitor can step inside. But it moves in. Takes over the remote control. Then empties the refrigerator of all things that would bring you positive energy. The way I am writing is what I call hidden speak. It's placed upon the screen in a way that you may or may not grasp but it doesn't paint the truer picture of the deeper vein of travel. But when God shows up in your writing. All that is poetic and free spirit no longer finds purpose in the plan. When God shows up in your writing. There is no knock on the door. It just happens and it becomes a choice to listen or to pretend seeing pictures only an image maker assumes it can create.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Paths Of Victory

Listen to "Paths Of Victory" on Spreaker. I've always been inspired by the paths we walk on the side of a mountain. Who was the first to take the step? How many people have been here before me? Who will one day follow? Yet in our personal lives the paths we make seem to march around in circles. How can we take our yesterday and make it a brilliant tomorrow without infecting what's available in our today? One of the most difficult journeys you can take on is learning how to live a healthy life in the "Now." Be present in your present means the paths you've made on the mountains you've crossed can only serve as a point of direction not correction. Being in the moment is sometimes quite lonely because we love to listen to old songs while watching classic television. So how do we become a modern leader inside a world locked and lost in a past that can't be changed. It can be challenged! But in the end who wins? The demands and commands of those kept tightly in your circle play a huge role in the decisions made. But how often do you lose balance in life because your heart can't seem to locate today's light?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 89

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 89" on Spreaker. What if what we see are only images an imagination can get away with delivering? And that maybe if we look beyond the mirages of everyday life and living we'd see a completely different painting. This chapter dives into the presence of Fall during its closing moments. There are so many seasonal changes. Including the awareness of a chilled breeze. Once noted on paper a different team of wind makers shakes the morning dew from the limbs of the leafless trees causing the writing to become wet. Sounds like a normal day in Carolina. What lessons can be learned? I wrote, "Damp to the touch." We waste no time in trying to dry off. No matter where we stand or what storm is presently pouring its purpose on your parade the idea of being damp to the touch is completely uncomfortable. And yet its where the lesson lives. How do you expect to activate your next victory if the expectation of tomorrows demands have been wiped free of your purpose and plan? Being aware of your seasonal changes is a gift. Allow there to be moments of damp to the touch. To let it serve as a teacher by way of realizing how alive you are in the moment of trust.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Road To Victory

Listen to "The Road To Victory" on Spreaker. I call it fermenting. Putting words on paper then walking away for several months and many times years. A total disconnection from the writer, the student and the reader. By developing this discipline you're able to stop judging and start holding onto valuable energy that becomes greater knowledge. On Easter Sunday 2016 this tiny phrase made it's way from the edge of my heart straight through the tip of the nib on the fountain pen, "Wisdom discovered along side but not upon the path." Over a year later my heart ignited. Each and everyone of us are governed by the people that make up our circle. From bosses to family members the majority of our steps are commanded by other people's needs, wants and desires. We choose to use the wisdom alongside the path rather than utilize the mission that you were brought to this rock to achieve. Why are so many people walking around like unhappy zombies? Because the wisdom on their path isn't being used. Is it because most want others to make decisions for them? We've become a co-dependent generation of well wishers and complainers. Reactivate the mission by taking notes. Become aware of where your truer wisdom is located. It's not alongside the path. Its on your path. Find your victory.

Friday, December 8, 2017

White Roses

Listen to "White Roses" on Spreaker. I believe everyday we wake up our inner fields of hope, opportunity, loss and victory are surrounded by three to fifteen tiny white roses. They are the one thing that inspires you to perk up and or just participate with the moment. The goal is to learn how to put those tiny white roses on the outside. To inspire, influence and showcase leadership to those who will pass you by. But we don't make that move. We choose instead to keep those tiny white roses to ourselves. People endlessly steal from each other and after awhile something as simple as an invisible white rose being taken from your process serves as a good reason to just play along. Those roses don't belong to you. More will be made. To make that happen the goal is to refocus the energy of your path and soil. Yeah I know you're super strong and could easily be on Batman's team. For about thirty seconds. Those tiny white roses are missing something extremely important on your personal journey of grabbing onto acres of success.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Existence Of God

Listen to "The Existence Of God" on Spreaker. I got caught up in a circle of thoughts last night. Four completely different walks of life having an open conversation about the existence of God. The most inspiring part was how nobody raised their voice or felt as if they had a better God. My side of the journey put focus on how I love documenting thoughts. The existence of God isn't always about the moment but rather the challenges and changes that may be headed your way and because you took the time to take note of something moving through you... It's that existence of God on paper that teaches the injured soul that you have the proper tools to lift your light again. Today I go back to Easter Weekend 2016. A morning walk through McDowell Park in North Carolina. For the first time in my nearly 35 years visiting this particular place I happen to take note of three white teacup roses. Nobody dropped them. They were firmly attached to the planet. And very vibrant with energy. Learning from that existence of God is today's step toward putting peace inside the pieces.

Davon Fleming

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Davon Fleming From NBC's The Voice" on Spreaker. The goal for Davon Fleming isn't to outshine the people he's competing with on NBC's The Voice. His mission is to never let go of integrity. He stays focused on being a well rounded performer of all sounds from Pop to Country, Hip Hop and beyond. To shy away from being a one vocal beat wonder.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I'm Not Sure Why

Listen to "I'm Not Sure Why" on Spreaker. I openly admit I spent most of the night in question. It sits so deep in my soul that it's infected what has become a new day. Only to read from March of 2016. Easter! What the daily writer put down on paper kind of scares me because it's almost like he knew that I would arrive near Christmas 2017 and in a way he held every reason to look at the present and say "Grow beyond the season." I can't help but wonder if we truly grip the reins of possibility. Settling instead of what we assume is the edge of the horizon. I speak so much of being aware that when I'm standing in it I get lost. Awareness doesn't play a fair game because most of the time while we're wading in the process of understanding it resembles everything that took on the shape of our past. Victory at work cannot play out its importance if what you are choosing to present is a step made in yesterdays newspaper. Living a healthy well focused on the present life requires a ton of focus. Meditation is essential to your personal growth. The problem is... Most can't stand walking alone. Maybe it's time. Let go of what you think you know and grow in fields of trust and faith. Every day is Easter. Even nearly two years after you've lived it or written about it. Let your true self rise above the tears caused by the emptiness created by others. You have the right to be successful. Choose to be.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 88

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 88 mp3" on Spreaker. Yeah yeah I know. Be great at one thing. Interestingly enough those that put focus only on what they assume is their talent or gift tend to shrivel up and blow away with the wind. No day passes that you aren't given brilliant new ideas and paths. We choose to set them aside because it doesn't fit into the realm of your current business success. That's when I bravely say to friends, "Then stop complaining about your job." Apple and Samsung can't stand each other. Because they're pretty much building the same phone but with different names. Its cost billions of dollars in court cases. Look through this corporate mess and see how being willing to endlessly change is what makes you a strong leader. Both sides of the smart phone war zone work harder on being unique and effective then any other company on the planet. If either one of them would've tried one thing only and mastered it's ability. How we communicate would be extremely different. I'm the employee that would carry a Samsung phone with me to work at an Apple plant. You aren't paid for people to like you. Your talent is on loan to them. Don't ever turn your switch off. In fact be different this Christmas and give yourself permission to dream again. There are no two the same. Get back on the path of victory.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Questions With Real Answers

Listen to "Questions With Real Answers" on Spreaker. I openly admit that I am a "Question" junkie. I love asking them. I love answering them. I'm deeply bothered by those who choose not to use one of the most valuable tools given to us around two years old. Nothing charges up my batteries quicker then watching a little human stick figure asking their parents questions at the grocery story. They've chosen that moment to learn something new. As adults most of us think we need answers. We've taught ourselves to reach out to these new fangled digital devices,"Alexa who won the 1972 World Series?" We're pretty much wasting a lot of precious time asking dumb questions or questions that truly don't help us build better foundations. None of us truly pretend to know it all but you'd be amazed at how much you truly do know. But you aren't activating it. Content is a chunk of gold in the right place at the right time. But if you aren't doing anything with the answer you've just received no wonder bosses and business owners look brighter then the employee. They got there by stepping away from what's comfortable and asking the right question.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Once Upon A Time

Listen to "Once Upon A Time" on Spreaker. When people hear that you are a daily writer they tend to believe you use it as prayer or you're connected to universal languages that lead to brilliant moments of pen meeting paper. I write every morning at 5:30. That's been my discipline since July 1994. I have more moments of walls meeting mountains then physical acts of victory. What I won't do is stop myself from writing. If the writer wants to be a butt I allow him to have that voice on the page. I sat with a U.S. soldier this past week and he openly admitted that he's having a tough time becoming a civilian again. We talked about writing. He says he tries but he gets bored. I asked him if he's ever interviewed himself. Don't go into the writing knowing the answers. Ask a question then answer it without being a perfectionist or that you have to be Godly and heal the world. Answer the question. Then let the interviewer locate another question from your answer. I believe in my soul all of these incredible conversations with people of fame I'm blessed with are part of the process of me asking myself questions when all of this began in July of 1994. Amazing things happen to your mind body and soul when you let your inner self have a voice in your giant human world.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Me Inc

Listen to "Me Inc" on Spreaker. I was blessed with the opportunity to sit with a large group of creative people. You know me somewhere in the conversation I'm going to bring up daily writing. So many heads nodded. It was if they were saying "Whoa please don't invade my place of safety." I get it. So many times we jot things down we don't want others to read. But in reality it doesn't belong to you. In the months and years ahead your dark cloud actually serves as a winning tool. You made it through the mountain. I've been studying the paragraphs of my daily writing laid into the veins of the living tree on March 23,2016. Before jumping into the final paragraphs I truly didn't have a clue as to what I was putting so much energy into. Then I realized the artist had come face to face with a moment of crashing.

Barbara Tucker

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Barbara Tucker Take It Back" on Spreaker. The depth of Dance continues to grow back to its arrival. Barbara Tucker is the master at putting bass in your face. She says, "Before there was Techno, Progressive and Trance there was House Music. Her latest release on rBeatz Radio is Think (About It)

Addison Agen

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Addison Agen Talks About Writing" on Spreaker. At the age of 16 Addison Agen is creating one heck of a story. Is she writing it down? She's very open with the process of documenting the journey knowing that 5 to 50 it will still be a learning place for the one thing she loves most... Her music.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Boat Docked At The Edge Of The Bay

Listen to "Boat Docked At The Edge Of The Bay" on Spreaker. All too often I feel like I'm too full of myself. Only to take note of the number of notes I'm endlessly writing down. Not to serve me but others. To lend the open hand while locating paths of performance by way of being a leader. On March 23, 2016 I penned out a couple of paragraphs that were down right deep. Way to far to travel for most. Until I break it all down in November of 2017. Once the sentences and paragraphs are explained the picture becomes clear. So why didn't I just come out and say it the first time it was written? It's what I call Hidden Speak. Most of us don't want others to know how we truly feel. A bad day doesn't have to come with a book. But the person carrying the weight needs to get it off their chest and away from their body. Through Hidden Speak I'm able to walk in peace without causing an irritation. Going back over a year to reexamine the layout of words becomes a modern tool. To use that moment to not only question my own steps but to challenge those who are in need of quality leadership.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 87

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 87" on Spreaker. We all go through it. We're so consumed by work, play, dreams, far away wishes and too many commands. The cup is so full that it's become too easy to get lost and confused. You wake up from a simple catnap and your mind can't instantly plant you in a place of easy recognition. The sweats set in. You begin to doubt and quite possible feel fear. It takes longer than normal to readjust your awareness only to realize it was a moment of disconnection that felt like a completely different direction. With our amazing ways of staying in touch with those we love and create with. We keep protective eyes on the steps that make up the circle. But when something doesn't look or feel right it becomes too easy to forget about their existence. You can't say this is what it's like when you get older. My grandson walks the same trail when he wakes up. How do you prepare for this? The body is already beaten down by the everyday world. It doesn't need mental departures to add to the confusion. I lose my keys a lot. So I started placing them in the same location every time with my wallet and everything else required to be carried. Can we leave objects of recognition to bring us back safer? Then it hit me. It's not a trinket that's required. It's something much larger than a breadbox.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Trash Treasure Vinegar

Listen to "Trash Treasure Vinegar" on Spreaker. I've always been fascinated with what people put out on their curbs for the trash man to take away. In today's world that doesn't always guarantee a trip to the dump. Walking through a flea market I'm reminded of one man's trash is another man's treasure. We collect a lot of things. So much so that we've outgrown our homes. Storage units three to five stories tall have become a huge business. So why is it we can't throw things away? If we aren't using it why keep it? Oh I'm no angel here. I'm extremely guilty of collecting things because I want them in my present moment. When I'm finished with it the next step of the journey is to locate a closet or find space in the garage. I do dream of the day when I can rent a dumpster and throw it all away. Downsizing your life is a horribly difficult task. What about downsizing your emotions? How can we take what we've experienced and let it go? I write everyday because I can physically tell you it creates room. I rid the mind body and soul of all things that could and will lead to bad thinking and decision making. Preparing for a storm and or growth requires space. You can't get it at Walmart or Morningside Storage. They say being creative is a space maker. The more you paint or write music the easier it is to find your path several miles from imploding. But are you getting rid of the right stuff? I read your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter talk. You may think you're shedding your fur, feathers and skin but it's still there on the digital imprint. Just as it is with my daily writing. Oh boy it can take me back 17 years in a heart beat. How do we grow forward carrying so much trash? Is it another man's treasure? My heart recently reminded me that a great bottle of wine if not taken care of will become vinegar.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 86

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 86" on Spreaker. The story beyond the story. The lessons learned while marching through the storms of everyday. While studying Martial Arts I learned very quickly that winning is a choice. Sounds like a tool of insurance more than assurance. Learning to live that path helped me embrace the unexpected while celebrating the carefully planned out. Then when life takes a swing at you the forest student steps back into the circle and realizes the importance of learning. I didn't learn how to kick, block and punch but rather opened my awareness. That's a tough life to live up to. Being aware means you stand on the roof of your foundation and take on the storm. There's a reason why willows bend with the wind. But were they always that way?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Ask Questions

Listen to "Ask Questions" on Spreaker. I am firmly convinced that we are the generation that's forgotten how to ask the "Right" question. We have Google, Bing and Yahoo! Not a good enough answer. No website has the ability to showcase the value of experience versus information. I am blessed with the opportunity to speak in front of many many people. In the opening of the conversation I always invite the passerby's to ask me three top of the mind questions. Not because I'm conceited or feel my time is more valuable. I'm trying to train people how to get back to asking questions. Bosses tell us what to do and how to do it. Followed by invisible angst. They know you're upset with the multi tasking but they don't care. Ask questions. Showcase your concern. Be alive in the moment and stop being a human robot! No boss holds their position without asking questions about the level of play they're expected to maintain. Nowhere is it written that once you get to that decision making position that you have the right to never answer questions. Being transparent is the fad word. But very few people in control actually live it. Start asking questions. I truly don't care if it makes them uncomfortable. They've got knowledge and the experience and it's your goal to gain access to it. Taking what you know and making it greater is the gift. If you don't ask questions there can be no growth.

Friday, November 17, 2017


Listen to "Lost Time" on Spreaker. Yep.. Its almost 2018. What happened here? A minute still requires 60 ticks on a clock. The actuality of a day is still 24 hours. How then did we get to the end of 2017 so quickly? I believe it's the cause and effect of two things: Your job and what you do on the social networks. We keep our mind body and souls so busy that time means nothing to the hearts requiring rest. Your job owns 8 hours of your day but expects 12 to 15 without pay. The social media gets everything in between. Will And Grace are back on NBC. Really? When did they leave?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Power Of Choice

Listen to "The Power Of Choice" on Spreaker. Nothing stops my steps from moving forward quicker then hearing someone say, "You are so talented. You were born with the gift. Success is your victory." Seriously? We're all born with the ability to bring light to all shapes and shades of darkness. The power of choice is the key that unlocks or blocks the door. A great day doesn't begin the moment you walk in the door at work. Nor can you call it a brilliant chapter written when you arrive back home. Being a daily writer gives me the opportunity to study the requirement to build upon the presented foundations. Instead of trying to always win in the moment. The goal is to study what's been laid out and or experienced. To study the paths of choice that make tomorrow a place of achievement. That's not a gift but rather an open palm that simply says "We can do this. But it's not going to be easy."

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Give It To God

Listen to "Give It To God" on Spreaker. A sentence recently fell from my writing instrument, "I'm not sure people know what's going on. The reaction is to have no action for it may invite more darkness." Instantly I called such a statement wrong because we've become the generation of having too much to say. Podcasts to Youtube a lot of noise is being broadcast. But the sentence goes deeper into the process of who and what we are. How often do we sit through an entire newscast? We get the initial first paragraphs and bolt. It's too heavy to hold. Microsoft Edge isn't shy to put up global news on the face of the computer. I can't figure out if it's actual or propaganda? Which makes me wonder about who is and isn't accepted on our social networking devices. How many of them are planted there to control your thinking? Do we truly know what's going on or are we acting and reacting to something someone digitally put into play inside our place of growth?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 85

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 85" on Spreaker. If I were to truly explain what this entry is about you'd judge the book by it's cover. In fact if you have a difficult time dealing with reality I suggest you don't pull your vehicle in. Life is a series of changes and challenges, victories and reasons to grow outward a quarter inch at a time. We love to pull things toward us without realizing at any given moment it can be taken away. But how do you deal with it? Anger? Depression? Do you instantly get locked up on new vices that send your already awkward path into a spin before you win? Writing with truth is how I deal with faith. Growing up is what we are invited to do everyday. It's something so many never get used to. Mainly because it's too easy to wear a mask.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Bebe Rexha

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Bebe Reha On Writing" on Spreaker. Getting the opportunity to push your music beyond the recording studio isn't always the easiest step. Record labels know what they want and if you don't fit in the twist and spins on the path of creative flow can easily take out those writing and performing. Bebe Rexha has learned to put it in her writing which has opened new doors of incredible success. Her latest release on rBeatz Radio is I Got You.

Dennis Drummond

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Dennis Drummond From NBC's The Voice" on Spreaker. Can you imagine the world of music without guitars? I'm not sure Dennis Drummond from NBC's The Voice can. There's always six stings somewhere near him. Which is important to the sights and sounds of modern music because it's become so easy in 2017 to recreate the instrument inside EDM digital studios.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Without You There Is Silence

Listen to "Without You There Is Silence" on Spreaker. Through out our lives great friends and supportive family members will gut check us. There's always a challenge with the self we are. Not everybody likes them self. It's completely natural but very destructive. And after you've spent thousands on books of motivation and or doctors to help you recover there's still that shape of silence. You can like yourself. But that doesn't mean it's an automatic to motivate, influence and inspire yourself. Those are usually thrown out the window by business leaders who've taken control of your process of growth. You will be injured today at work by a leader that's doing everything they need to look good in front of their boss. You don't have to get used to it. Motivate change. Influence yourself to locate a stronger path. Inspire others to take your lead. It's time you reach beyond liking yourself and become a stronger you.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Listen to "I Feel Something" on Spreaker. So often we're so caught up in the past or too far in the future that we take our hearts off the present. Then one day you walk the typical everyday path and you feel something that doesn't seem right. It's completely natural to become nervous and or sick to your stomach because your inner core has finally gotten your attention. Change is on the way. Time to embrace the storm. What keeps us at bay are the number of times we've been here. It's almost as if we're crying wolf. Because I'm a daily writer it was easy for me to spot the changes that were about to unfold. Being honest on paper and not playing a fantasy game has kept my pace locked on forward motion. Evidence of change started showing up in my writing in February of 2016. By mid March the temperature of the atmosphere had heated beyond reasons why I should talk myself out of it. I knew I was headed into a storm. Here in November of 2017 I find myself face to face with what I thought I knew and what I physically know. But is it a tool?

Friday, November 3, 2017


Listen to "Stages" on Spreaker. It's not very often that words written today make their way on the air in the moments that follow. I usually return to these daily pages 18 to 24 months later. It helps me measure growth which becomes an incredible teaching tool. But not today. Openly I admit that I struggle with receiving gifts from God. I feel as if I'm taking. I don't like being a taker. Enough people have taken from me and I know the emptiness all too well. During today's writing something very special was placed in my heart. The word taken needs to be replaced by accepting. The artist isn't me. It's God. By accepting what he shares, it becomes our calling to help him locate the stages required to display the writers, musicians, actors and other creative hearts. Accept the gifts from God by activating the mission.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

No Excuse

Listen to "No Excuse" on Spreaker. I'm not a time hog. I'm a respecter of time. Three hours early to me is six hours too late. We are designed as humans to always be prepared. The best tool we hold is knowing the importance of time. But in 2017 being on time is what freaks like me do and most people want no part of it. I'm so sick about time that if a meeting has been set up for 12 noon, modern day technology allows me to record incredible conversations from anywhere in the world. So why put pressure on the process by trying to wiggle through unexpected traffic and weather? Be alive in the moment by trusting no tick on a clock. You can beat it at its own game. Instead of gambling on the walls falling. Leave early. Prepare early. Being on time makes you a leader. Writing that I have to laugh. I know a lot of business positions that truly shouldn't be held because being on time means nothing to them. It all starts at the top. We've become masters at making up excuses. Not on my time.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 84

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 84" on Spreaker. I recently sat in the forest paying close attention to the changing of the leaves. Slowly one by one they'd drift to the earth below. I love to people watch. There's a dance that we do during times of challenge and or reasons to want to grow forward. Body language says a lot and most of the time those carrying the message have no clue what they're sending out. During those bouts with doubt and or shame where does the energy come to remain faithfully strong and unbent? Where do you locate peace during times of thunder? And if the storms are too strong is it because unknowingly we've halted the energy of the universe from physically entering us? A lot of questions but that's how you begin to grow forward. Ask them out loud so you can find focus on days when leaves are changing only to fall so gracefully to the planet below. During your times of change is it always a hard fall or is it a dance you've gotten used to? Where do you grow next?

Monday, October 16, 2017

Prayer While Dreaming

Listen to "Prayer While Dreaming" on Spreaker. This subject has been heavy on my heart. We bump into people everyday that endlessly talk about their good or bad dreams from the night before. Why is it we can't pray while these mental movies are taking place? You can dream about praying. That's a different story. So are the words from the masters of the Pulpit when they say "God speaks to us through our dreams." That's not the point I'm bringing up. In a dream you can fly or win millions of dollars do you kneel and pray by way of being grateful? If it's a bad dream do you look at it in the face and bring God into the moment your REM is delivering? Do we have the ability and or power to bring prayer into our sleeping patterns? Not before we go to sleep. During the actual moment you are mentally seeing the visions unwrapping within your imagination. It doesn't mean you have a weak heart. Meditation is a skill. It takes many years to master the ability to mindfully place yourself in areas of peace. Learning how to pray in dreams while the dream is taking place. Are we too far from the moment to take control or is it like meditation and the art of breathing will need to come into play? Try it sometime. Take note that you're in a dream then try to pray while inside the events of that dream.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Teaching Tomorrow

Listen to "Teaching Tomorrow" on Spreaker. Since July 1994 I've always called myself a daily writer. In looking back I'm not sure that's true. Journals and diaries are usually filled and tossed in a box. I've met people that have taken years to fill up a book of empty pages. Which makes me want to rethink this idea that I'm a daily writer. Honestly my calling is to take notes. A lot of them. Not to be digested today but to serve as a seed pasted to a deserted desert floor. I didn't know in 1997 that unedited sentences and paragraphs from the personal chapters would take the shape of my first published book. Once it was spotted on book shelves I thought it was over. There I did it. Not so! Today I host a daily podcast called Your Daily Ray Of Light. The lessons shared are 100% from those moments in the latter days of the 1990's. Taking notes is a very difficult discipline to keep fine tuned and oiled. Nobody wants to leave a breadcrumb trail. And yet if you did it's amazing how many of your experiences invite peace to other travelers experiencing thunder in 2017. During my moments of daily writing in February 2016 I sharply questioned my reasons for being open. The answers fit perfectly into the challenges and changes of a creative way that's been tortured by bosses, coworkers and others that think they know you. Only you know your truer self. Protect that person. There's no way you can dump them.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sound In Silence

Listen to "Sound In Silence" on Spreaker. Is there sound in silence? If it were proven to be true wouldn't silence have to adopt a new identity? In every walk of life there's always someone seeking permission to step through the walls of this everyday world and do nothing but experience the presence of silence. It doesn't exist. There's sound in silence. Have you ever meditated? How long do you step away before those thousand voices begin a process of tearing you down and apart? We are the generation that's had to participate with too much noise. No matter where you walk or play there's always something taking place. Probably more in your mind and heart than anywhere else. Because we try so hard to locate a silent walk or thought we are forced into what I call Accepted Behavior Of Randomly Tight Invitations Of Numbness. Think about it. We accept the behavior of ourselves and others who are consumed by that ancient feeling labeled numb. Numb is how millions of people are accepting 2017. But look deeper into my description. Accepted Behavior Of Randomly Tight Invitations Of Numbness. The first letters of each word says it all. What are you getting rid of to locate silence. When in fact it doesn't exist. Not until we get those invisible voices a place to play other than your mind body and soul.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 83

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 83" on Spreaker. These are some trying times. So many unexpected headlines and business decisions causing horrible shades of stress leading to fear. How can we survive the attacks inside an age of where it's OK to tell employees to work free of charge during overtime hours? Society bounces back in ways that make very dark headlines. That in itself causes fear to pop its shell and begin a process of growing roots. World leaders with potty mouths and no desire to back off. It's all there! Every reason to begin trusting fear. Which isn't a good field to plant new dreams, ambitions and reasons for being. What if it wasn't up to you? When the "J" guy was in the garden shortly before his arrest he fell to his knees and said, "Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” I'm no scholar but many have argued about this story and lesson. I don't see "J" fearing but rather giving. Use it as a lesson on your own personal journey. The first sign of thunder clouds rather than running for cover give your season to the maker of rain.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Tammy Tuckey Part 2

Listen to "Tammy Tuckey Part Two Recording Music" on Spreaker. Normally when I produce an artist showcase it puts on display the latest beats and lyrics from those who've been buried in studio work. For Tammy... Her love and connection with Disney has opened a new door of possibility. Fans can GoFund her. The happiest place is totally behind her expression of putting focus on what's been lost for many years. Disney songs brought forward through incredible collaborations with many of the original artists. - - -


Listen to "Friendships" on Spreaker. I'm "not" a loner. And yet I love walking into a recording studio alone and getting lost in a project that brings success to not just one person but many. But here's the problem. In this age of so many platforms and reasons for having collaborations how true is the foundation of friendship? I keep hearing stories about how this friend did this and that friend did that. There's Facebook Friends and Instagram Friends. Church friends and workplace friends. But does it truly fit into what's supposed to be a sacred connection of growing forward and outward? Here's how the dictionary defines friendship: a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations. Now lets look up relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. It says nothing about trust and support. Most businesses influence, inspire and motivate their teams of worker bees to bring their talents together. That's called a relationship. Not a friendship. And most are left along side the road until further teamwork is expected if ever. That doesn't qualify as a friendship. You can be friendly to each other. You can build journeys and success stories. Instantly I'm reminded of the way people poke at their spouses and say, "That's your workplace wife or husband." We spend so much time at work that it kinda points to that. But it doesn't shape shift into a friendship. It can. But we're talking reality. I always try to rely on the children's song make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold. It can be used as a tool but... It totally invites us to dump and run. Not to challenge you. Look deeper into the cause and effect. In what areas of your life do you have friends? And are they true or a chest pain away from leaving the scene?

Friday, October 6, 2017

I Am What I'm About To Become

Listen to "I Am What I'm About To Become" on Spreaker. We aren't a lazy generation. We honestly have too much on our minds. It's become the norm to live in a past we can't change or spend too much time trying to design the future. Only to learn bosses, coworkers, family and friends are getting in the way. That invites judgement, self doubt, fear and shame. Living in the present is where peace survives. But being the present is a very difficult place to remain. Putting both hands on the moment requires focus and determination. I carry with me favorite lyrics and verses. So that when I feel myself slipping its extremely helpful to put myself on a written inspiration and or affirmation. I am ______ is nothing more than a open door for you to live in the past. You are a chef? You are a hard worker? I am _____. How can you keep the past out of your present. I am what I am about to become. That puts you in control of decisions being made. Its a choice. Its leadership. If you are about to be angry. Hmmmm change it. I am what I am about to become. That leaves the door wide open for you to leap out of situations that feel negative or untrue. Put yourself back in charge of who you are by making the right decisions on what you'd like to become. Remove the walls and mountains and locate the peaceful path toward victory.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 82

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 82" on Spreaker. I was moved by a thought that filled my heart while talking to a legend in music. It flooded my process to the point of taking the words into the forest. I wanted to better understand why in the center of such an incredible conversation something so moving leaped into my heart and then onto a page. The weird thing about being a writer. What once moved you has a way of steering you toward deeper waters and valley floors. As much as I was inspired by the short little paragraph that touched my soul. I somehow made my way into another paragraph about standing in front of God. I was asked about what I was thinking while on the path. With so much thought he felt I wasn't serving him but myself. That's an eye opener. Because how many of us say we're in it all the way for the Great Creator but everything we do points us to serving ourselves first? This isn't a Bible thumping message but rather an openness about being aware of your presence in the present. Do your actions and reactions meet the command?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Fading from Your Past

Listen to "Fading From Your Past" on Spreaker. I've always had a difficult time keeping focused on the present and moving forward into a brand new tomorrow. I'm guilty of always wanting to return to a past I can't change. I want to study it. To learn from each step. To turn it into a tool that helps me design the far far away future. So much energy is wasted trying to get there that when it finally arrives... It was nothing like I had planned. Can any of us truly say that who we are today is what the child painted in the first grade? Memories aren't my best friend. Sure I love it when the radio spins a Meatloaf song and I'm instantly shot back to Billings Montana 1978/79. But once there everything wants to connect to it like a Bill trying to make its way through Congress. Outside of your heart and brain your memory is one of very few things that endlessly works. It was designed to keep you entertained. It creates fuel for fires while gifting you with purpose and a plan. Learning how to live in the present is a lifelong mission of trust and faith. You can't get there alone. But when you do discover the paths and riverbeds that help free you from the past and a future you're trying to design... The existence of peace grows outward from your mind body and soul.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Listen to "Prepare..." on Spreaker. I know... Our minds are endlessly creating words and pictures and it's extremely difficult to trust the formations. But what happens if you take note of the moment and try to understand the rooting system of why a single word has awakened you at 1:20 am. Too often we spend our restless moments tangled up in other peoples excuses which forces us off the path of what could be a lesson of importance. We hear about Rock Stars and Movie moguls making their way to their creative ports to pour into the veins of a living tree what just moved through them. But do you have to be at their level of play to realize there's always something available to be processed long after that single awake moment? I know why I was shot into play. The headlines! But how do we reach beyond this position of other peoples decisions and prepare?

Monday, October 2, 2017

Listen to "Sheltered By What" on Spreaker. As of late. I've heard a lot of people talking about how they're sheltered. Sheltered by what? They never say. Confidently they just smile. When silence is the only answer delivered isn't that a break down of communication. Actually I see it as a lack of trust. We protect what we think we're strong in. Very rarely do you meet someone willing to open their hand and say, "Grab it while you can." I think Christianity is the same. Each of us grab onto our individual interpretations of the message but outside the squared circle of religion do we speak openly about what shelters us? Highly unlikely. We're that group of people that finds religion and politics to be places for potential disagreement. If only we could be more open with the other fire starters like unnecessary comments made on social media or people who can't arrive on time or end up canceling everything after your life's been rearranged. There's never any concern. They're sheltered. I get it! By what? Darth Vader once had an entire army and arsenal to protect his interests. You know the story.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Emotional Awareness

Listen to "Emotional Awareness" on Spreaker. I heard one of the most incredible conversations yesterday. Howard Stern and Jerry Seinfeld openly speaking about being real with what we feel and how to deal. Jerry didn't have to bring up his daily conversations with a friend but he opened our hearts to the possibility of spring forward to a newer way to handle emotion. For an hour everyday he and his friend do nothing but speak with an open soul. Any subject and every emotion. It made me think about how the world is spinning these days. Instead of instantly running to FaceBook Twitter or Instagram to broadcast how it is we are feeling would we be in a better place if only one person was allowed into your process of growth. Writing that put a pain in my gut. The relationship between Jerry and his friend is a well shaped machine of forgiving energy with an ability to see beyond what's being said. Not everyone can handle that. Somewhere on the path of discovery we were given permission to belt out the emotions with no regrets until someone says "Ummm that was too far." But. But. But. So we revert to social media and come up with creative methods of oh my God. Emotions. We carry a lot of them. But how do you deal with bouts of doubt when what you are feeling is alone? The first step is to trust no one to be a great listener. Bruce Lee once taught martial artists to never reveal the book of survival. Locate a favorite place to walk. A quiet place to listen to the atmosphere. Allow it's energy to move through you. Not into you for future use. It has to move through you and the moment you were blessed to hold onto. The more you learn about how things are presented then stuffed into your soul. The better you'll be when you process all situations by not participating with the negative. Let it move through you so you can move on. It's a choice. One that people will never understand. But in reality who cares and why should they. It's your shoes those feet are stuffed into. Take care of the mind and body putting the weight on those heels.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Old Man Shoes

Listen to "Old Man Shoes" on Spreaker. For the longest time I've been convinced that we spend the majority of our lives living off the origin of an echo. All that we are today is nothing more than portions of a child's wish or want. That why we're here in the moment. All that you wanted at that age was it met and now you're wondering how to gain access to more? Google has turned us into monsters by way of demanding those around us to do as I say and give me many things to choose from. Ouch... The idea of living off the core of an echo doesn't fit into a description. We're too focused on how fast time is moving and invisibly we realize that today could be our final. Therefore we become stressed by the demands placed upon the points of interest and not on the process required to maintain quality. Then one day you realize how bad your body hurts. You're bent at the hips and the hair on your arms is somewhat gray. But that doesn't have an affect. Not until you look to the floor and take note of the beat up old man shoes you're wearing. And there's no way you're going to get back to being young again because you gave it all away.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Strings And Threads Of Yesterday

Listen to "The Strings And Threads Of Yesterday" on Spreaker. I can't say I laugh at decision makers that rely on research to help them locate their corporate success. But I will chuckle over the idea of how most of them put their noses too deep in company growth and not enough in how they've personally reached out. Not as a business person or leader in the community. We all carry invisible weight. The masks are worn to glorify the presence of how we want people to accept us. But then the darn thing falls off at the wrong moment. What is a new beginning if what we keep are the strings and threads of everything we've done time and time again? Companies hire and fire to maintain their focus on success but the human chooses silence. Or if we do make noise it's because something has triggered an approach that doesn't sit well with a hurting self. Where on a map is the destination if the arrival of time meeting space argues with each other within the caves of self? Wait! Don't answer that! Research shows your business or company will profit if you rewrite this rule, terminate that area and rebuild the corners of identity. But nothing by way of research changes you. What research? Teach yourself to write everyday. Or face a life after 50 of silences you'll never locate sound for. It'll all be forgotten. Only to place blame on the company or business that required research to keep it above water.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Dylan Jones

Listen to "Dylan Jones David Bowie A Life" on Spreaker. Inspired by one of the most fascinating lives of our time, DYLAN JONES' engrossing, magisterial biography of David Bowie is unlike any story ever written. The book is a groundbreaking oral history of pop's greatest chameleon, drawn from hundreds of interviews with friends, rivals, lovers, and collaborators, some of whom have never before spoken about their relationship with Bowie. Jones's DAVID BOWIE: A LIFE (CROWN ARCHETYPE; ON SALE SEPTEMBER 12, 2017; $28.00; 978-0-451-49783-3) weaves a hypnotic spell as it unfolds a remarkable rise to stardom and an unparalleled artistic path. When David Bowie died in January 2016, not only were social media channels flooded with images of Ziggy Stardust, but national newspapers cleared their front pages to cover his life and death, broadcasts dedicated time, and every celebrity and citizen with an iPhone and a Bowie story shared memories and admiration. Headlines blared, tribute concerts were organized, and Bowie's colorful life was mourned. The titillating reportage and accounts that followed suggested a more complicated legacy than was perhaps understood, and yet they barely scratched the surface of a life that had yet to be done justice in print. Jones, editor of British GQ and author of When Ziggy Played Guitar: David Bowie and Four Minutes That Shook the World, has now delivered the definitive David Bowie biography. The first major collection and most comprehensive publication since his death, DAVID BOWIE: A Life is composed from over 180 conversations with those closest to the star. No Bowie bio has ever been this raw or intimate, or reached deeper into Bowie's vast web of connections in search of the man behind the persona. Containing contributions from those who knew him in all walks of life-from Bowie's landlady to Bono-this tour of a fascinating existence is guaranteed to thrill those just coming to Bowie's story while offering something new to even the most die-hard aficionados. Firsthand accounts draw readers behind closed doors and into studios and private conversations shared with Bowie. Jones documents accounts from people like John Lennon, Peter Frampton, Tommy Hilfiger, Paul McCartney, Mick Ronson, Boy George, Lou Reed, Luther Vandross, Iggy Pop, Moby, Courtney Love, Kate Moss, Martin Scorsese, and many more. Included are testimonies from: · George Underwood, on Bowie's first U.S. tour: "The audiences on the Ziggy tour of the US just couldn't believe their eyes. Every night was a sensation. . . . We went most places by Amtrak, which is a great way to see the country. He was high rolling on that tour. Every night was a party. . . . It was a rock and roll circus. . . . In the US he was treated as a star." · Ava Cherry, on recording in Philadelphia: "David was one of the first white artists they'd recorded in Sigma Sound Studios in Philadelphia. David was immediately accepted by the black community. . . . I heard there were some players who didn't want to be on the record because David was white, but I don't believe that. . . . We went in there and just played away. . . . He also did a show at the Tower Theater in Philly, and that was a huge thing for the city. That's where he recorded David Live. It was great singing with Luther Vandross, as he was such a great singer, such an accomplished arranger, and our voices melded together like magic and butter." · Kristina Amadeus, on growing up comfortably: "I don't remember him being worried about being lower middle class. His father was from a very affluent family. . . . He went to a good public school and inherited money when he came of age. . . . But David did, like Jagger, adopt an almost Cockney accent for a while because it was trendy." · Angie Bowie, on marriage: "Our marriage was a partnership to accomplish making David a worldwide star."

Siddhartha Khosla

Listen to "Siddhartha Khosla This Is Us" on Spreaker. Siddhartha Khosla is a film and television composer, and singer/songwriter/producer of the critically acclaimed band, Goldspot. Siddhartha is currently scoring NBC’s hit Golden Globe and Emmy-nominated drama series, “This Is Us,” starring Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, and Sterling K. Brown.  The show is television’s biggest breakout hit of the year, adored by both audiences and critics alike.  Within the series (Episode 16 “Memphis”), Khosla composed the hit song, “We Can Always Come Back To This,” which ranked #12 on iTunes Top 100 songs and #1 in the Billboard Blues Charts for 4 consecutive weeks. Upcoming for Khosla is Hulu’s newest original series, “Marvel’s Runaways,” premiering November 21st, and CBS’ comedy series “Me, Myself and I,” premiering September 25th and stars John Larroquette and Bobby Moynihan.  He also scored the upcoming film drama “The Sounding,” starring Teddy Sears and Frankie Faison, and musical film "Basmati Blues,” for which he composed original songs, starring Academy Award-winner Brie Larson and Golden Globe Award-winner Donald Sutherland.  Khosla’s other scores include Lionsgate TV drama “The Royals,” starring Elizabeth Hurley, and the feature film comedy “Fat Camp,” starring Chris Redd and Vivica A. Fox, which recently premiered on BET.   Khosla began scoring for television and film while fronting his acclaimed band, Goldspot, which was first discovered on KCRW’s  “Morning Becomes Eclectic.”  NPR described Goldspot as “An inventive sound and independent vision,” and the Sunday Times UK called it “the best band to come out of America in years.”  In 2013, the band’s album “Aerogramme” captured #1 Album of the Year on the Los Angeles Times’ pop music editor's year-end best albums list.  Goldspot released three studio albums, including one with Mercury UK/Universal Records, and had hit singles reach #10 in the UK radio charts, and #11 in the Alternative Charts.  Goldspot’s original songs have been featured on numerous TV shows, including  “How I Met Your Mother,” “The O.C.” and “The Neighbors,” as well as in major advertising campaigns for Google, Target and Apple.   Siddhartha’s Indian-born parents came to the US in the mid-seventies to make the American dream their own.  With only eight dollars in their pockets upon arrival, they were forced to take night jobs while they completed graduate school during the day.  They had no choice but to send their toddler son back to India, where Siddhartha  was raised by his grandparents.  During this time, when international phone calls were prohibitively expensive, music became central to Khosla’s life as he listened to his mother sing to him on cassette tapes she mailed from America.  Khosla’s song “Evergreen Cassette” is about this very experience, and was featured in the first season of  “This is Us.” Khosla’s love of music and connection to his Indian heritage were kept alive by his parents once he returned to the US, as they played old Indian movie soundtracks in their home. As a teenager, he embraced Western bands such as The Smiths, The Cure, The Beatles and Paul Simon.  Today, his childhood experiences and musical roots inform his scores and songs to convey a sound that is engagingly unique -- from vintage electric and acoustic guitars, and rare 1950s organs, to live orchestras and instruments from the Eastern hemisphere like the harmonium and the Greek bouzouki, to Flemish harpsichords and 80's analog synthesizers. In November 2013, Khosla was invited as the musical guest for First Lady Michelle Obama's Diwali celebration at the White House, where he delivered an emotional performance of several of his original songs. Khosla has a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, where he composed and sang for the university’s award-winning a cappella group, "Off the Beat."  He now resides in Los Angeles with his wife and children.

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 81

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 81" on Spreaker. I've spent a lot of time in mediation studying what it means to live in the presence of the present. There's a huge amount of energy waiting to be tapped into. But too often we allow the outside world to crack the code. Putting focus on being in the present allows the movement of all things to become part of your awareness. There are large amounts of natural songs being given birth while putting colors in the sky that no maker of paint can copy or erase. Growing within the shapes and shade of being present in the now isn't a healing task but it does open your heart to the availability of insight. You're able to patiently study the waters flooding your personal goals and ambitions while trying to put purpose in the dented wall you keep hitting. Put down the purpose and operate a better plan. Just because the Preacher up front is spouting that God told him this and that and yes and no should never put your heart in a state of wow I am alone because I never get to hear such things. Trust and Faith take on an entirely different appearance when the openness of the present is allowed to take up shop in the visions you keep setting aside. Locate a place of peace. Go there to only listen. Soon you'll start to write. Then you'll begin a journey of activation. It's a choice. One that requires time. I mean look how long it took you to get here.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Evolution Of Change

Listen to "The Evolution Of Change" on Spreaker. Change is something we do everyday. Most of us don't like it. We're comfortable the way we are. I remember when Apple's iPhone was went through it's first level of change people were complaining about no longer being able to do different things. Now we expect there to always be something new. Bosses endlessly tell their employees that changes need to be made. I grew tired of hearing "If you don't like it we'll show you the door." Where's the victory in that? But like the iPhone we evolve with the evolution of change. Until the day we hear something in our heart that invites you to step toward a spiritual change. This is where I get lost. All things that demand change pull us in and we change. But the moment God wants to show us new ways we don't want to break the bad things. It becomes a choice. Only to come face to face with an emptiness that seems endless. Man can make you change but the maker has to wait until you're weak. What if you met the decision maker with "I am willing with your way. Show me and I shall serve." Pretty heavy loyalty isn't it? The difference between the changes? One is demanded while the other is commanded. One says do your job while the other says "I'll be your leadership."

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Awareness of Change

Listen to "Awareness Of Change Part One" on Spreaker. A strong sentence began the morning's daily writing.  What are you supposed to write when the outside self has taken note of there being change?  It's not based on fear or doubt.  There was no shame.  Only the awareness of something taking place.  Because I listened to a second day of writing about change my heart steered me in the direction of listening to the physical playing out of other people's steps and the tone of their voices.  It allowed me to prepare.  Rather than face a mountain of uncertainty.  I gave my path blessed by Christ to the maker.  He would guide me through what was now my present storm.  My entire life I've always wondered if such situations are moments of awareness because we've lived this life before or that the habits of others keep us on 24 hour guard?  How can you be positive when you know the horizon has arrived?  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Google Me

Listen to "Google Me" on Spreaker. It's my problem. I not only admit it but I get it. We spend way too much time saying "So tell me about you." My reply is always, "Google me." Layered are the avenues of judgement. Sure work ethics and morals are constantly on display and people want to know how it became. Do your homework. There's no better way to silence a potential relationship then having someone talk about the process of their growth. They either come across as bragging or in the same moment the person receiving the information has already decided to judge their character. Inside this information driven society we've made it too easy to surround ourselves with only the people that make us happy in the moment. Leaders build up their empires by selecting the exactness of their being. Which is a pretty weird way to create unique. Everybody's not supposed to be the same. Texture is a source for endless amounts of success. Or all the strings on a guitar would be super thin or fat. But nothing in between.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 80

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 80" on Spreaker. We keep hearing how there's too much noise in the world. So much so world leaders are building devices and shooting them off into space just so people can hear his voice. But what happens when chance and opportunity put you inside a forest. Not just any collection of trees but rather on this particular day everything within the limbs and leaves was completely silent. You were sent to sit in the forest not to listen to your heart or study the incredible art of a far out creator. Your mission that day was to do nothing more than understand what it means to be in the presence of the present. Not to use today. But to store away. To study. To return to during moments of furthered lessons. Staring at a blank wall is no different. But do you respect the silence or quickly try to fill it with whatever's passing by?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sleepless Nights

Listen to "Sleepless Creative Energy" on Spreaker. Sleepless nights aren't an easy task to break free of. My entire life has been blessed with wide awake moments at 1 AM to 4 AM. I say blessed because it opens your visions to understanding who you are beneath the worlds we keep. I loved doing morning radio because it utilized the energy in the most positive way. Even today I'm in the studio producing by 5 AM. Learning to accept the sleepless self is a battle. We all love to sleep and we're completely worthless to the rest of the world when we are halfway checked in at the workplace. But not everybody plays the same game. So the choices are sleeping aids to which I've never leaned on. There are some pretty hefty packages of letting go out there and the wrong mix can put us in states of expression that steal from the truer self that you are. How I find peace is by locating it's place of existence. Being nice to the self you are even when you're being challenged by a lack of sleep. Giving yourself respect and being grateful opens your heart to a new layer of peace. Knowing who you are and why you lay awake is a smarter place to grow.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Listen to "Cliche" on Spreaker. I'd love to the see the numbers on how many people were shaped by the words created by cliches. Blessed are the believers is the one that totally knocks me off balance. Those who truly walk and activate the path know that being on it means judgement ridicule and other sharp jagged stones tossed onto the fire still burning. Blessed is the opportunity to learn from the lessons not win the lottery. But how many blessed moments go unrecognized and or are set aside because the pain of having to deal with the storm was greater? Building the path requires the stones from multiple mountains. Rocks that are easily replaced and some heavier than the last. How do you keep pushing forward?

Friday, September 15, 2017

The 50 Fade

Listen to "The 50 Fade" on Spreaker. A friend and I were talking about what it's like to be walking through an incredible business day and from out of nowhere you forget where you are and why you were on the path. He called it the 50 Fade. Since that day that description gets it's fair share of bad raps. I blame everything on the 50 Fade. I did talk to my doctor about it. He laughed at me claiming that we've all been going through the 50 Fade in our twenties, teens and beyond. We do enjoy racing through a day and its completely natural for your mind body and soul to fade from the journey. Me being me... I look deeper into the experience believing God's tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me to step back onto his plan and purpose. So you'll hear me say things like, "Right Lord I was supposed to go this way. I'm grateful for the reminder."