Thursday, March 30, 2017


Listen to "Insomnia" on Spreaker. Insomnia... All too often we hear the horrid journeys of those suffering from something that seems like it could easily be cured. Take a pill right? Be it self prescribed or a doctor's decision. It may work for a night but then it's back to the eyes wide open moments. Some that have been taken over by this need to be awake during extremely early morning hours have taken sleep tests and are now attached to cpap machines. I can say this "It was more of nightmare then the happiness the medical official guaranteed." Insomnia... As a writer and creative mind. I've always seen it as the inner voice wanting it's space to be spotted outside your shell. It gets tired of holding onto the memories. It truly doesn't like your career. It's blown away by the methods of release chosen to get an hour or less of rest. That inner voice is speaking but we've chosen to believe that only crazy people recognize that being within. I allow that spirit to have it's place. I allow it to create.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Beyond Belief

Listen to "Beyond Belief" on Spreaker. Because I daily write. I've learned to be aware of more than just the field of fruit waiting to be harvested. Kind of a big subject. But we are very much aware of how bosses and others endlessly press forward expecting company growth and monetary strength without truly gripping the requirement of what took place before the farmer planted the seeds. The only thing they hold is your resume and word that you'll accomplish the task at hand. Being on the outside looking in what do you see? In everything we do we take note of the day things began. But did it really officially kick off in that moment. Daily writing has offered me a window to look through. To take note of writing habits as well as document gains and losses. But where were the first steps taken. Before anything is recognized there are signs of it's existence long before the public viewing. In the process of bringing to the surface every radio show I've created and produced. Every book I've published. Every song recorded. Before any of it came into being... there were signals and verbal exchanges about what if? Not just that but why? I don't believe we jump off a cliff into the positions we hold as jobs. I don't believe every project expected is a last minute decision. Before the farmer puts that seed in the soil there is a long list of visuals that became your present place. Rather than celebrate the victories and or dark clouds. Look beyond the assumed first step and see the entire story. It will help you grow forward and outward in ways that no boss can teach. You are the President and CEO of Me Inc.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Measuring Growth

Listen to "Measuring Growth" on Spreaker. Again this season I've been blessed with the opportunity to sit down and share conversation with the men and women being featured on NBC's The Voice. And in every conversation I slip between their prepared lines and ask the questions based on the experience. I believe we were all given the chance to be teachers. Who and what you are today might not please you. Reality is... Today's moment could be that one thing someone needs a week from now or more. Learning to document the storms with the victories is a great way to communicate to the several selves we are. We've all heard that we shed a layer of skin everyday. I believe our personality is no different. Who you are now might resemble yesterday but you aren't the same. I daily write not to glorify the journey but to learn from the lessons taught in days gone. To take from the notes the identity of where I was headed so I know how to meander around it in the seconds ahead. Stop being afraid of creating a paper trail. I get it. Writing opens your life to people that like to snoop. But there is no feeling better than knowing all that made you dark inside is free from the next decision leading to success.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Spilled Ink

Listen to "Spilled Ink" on Spreaker. I am a daily writer. I use a nib to place words onto a sheet of paper. Outside of the writing circle. I use a fountain pen. In using one of these instruments it requires bottles of ink. Yesterday I spilled an entire bottle. I call ink the blood from my soul. Kind of gross but to a writer where else do these words come from but those hidden away circles of energy. Because it flows it has to be the way I see. So I instantly wrote yesterday with ink stains on both of my hands "I've spilled Gods word on my hands." Writing while in meditation and or prayer is my way of bringing words forward. What thoughts didn't make it to paper? The ink was staining my hands not the veins of the living tree. Little things like this bother me deeply. Until I heard something in my heart, "To push things beyond the four walls of self. You have to spill ink. No matter who you are we all have moments of trips, stumbles and falls. We were born to make mistakes. But how many of us miss the lesson taught by instantly calling ourselves a failure?" Learn from your moments of spilled ink. There is always a message during your darkest of steps. Teach it so that others can locate peace.

DJ Snake

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update DJ Snake When A Song Hits You" on Spreaker. When a hit song hits you. You never know where the moment will shake you down. 2016 proved to be the year of the snake. DJ Snake. Turn Down For What being one of the biggest. He talks about how he was in Dubai watching TV when the urge to create became the energy he couldn't stop. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Let Me Love You.


Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Lookas Top Ten Rollingstone Magazine" on Spreaker. RollingStone knows they've got master mixer on the hook and they're ready for music fans to reel this maker of sound onto their favorite lists. Lookas is an endless student. The art of music has been his main focus since asking his parents to let him step off the business path and understand his drive to not only perform music but to be that producer that gets it. One of his latest releases on rBeatz Radio is Can't Get Enough.

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Art Of Being Lost

Listen to "The Art Of Being Lost" on Spreaker. Undocumented are the tiny prayers and or shapes of meditation we toss onto our paths during times of change and or victory. It's as if we leap into those solo moments of universal conversation and expect the higher powers to heal the purpose of there being moments that feel out of control. While preparing for my radio show "The Choice" I came across a documented moment that could easily fall under the category of prayer. I didn't let it rest in my head and heart then disappear through a whisper. On this particular day of morning writing there was reason for it to reach beyond January 12, 2016. The focus is based on reaching beyond what we believe. With a final thought resting hard on the art of being lost. Think about that. Amazing things appear on the surface of the planet from someone that's gotten tied up in a circle of being lost. Is there an art to it? Comedians, musicians and artists have openly admitted that much of what they create comes from a darker place. In your chapters of being or feeling lost. Is there something you should be creating that will inspire someone to improve their place on the planet. The art of being lost.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Falling Stars

Listen to "Falling Stars" on Spreaker. I came across a piece written on January 11 2016. Daily writing that put focus on the passing of David Bowie. I was bothered by the way that today's technology has turned what these artists brought to life into petrified stones. Music, television and other creative escapes have figured out how to last centuries. The impact of losing an artist is easily cooled off by Google, YouTube or your smart phone. The physical act of missing the writers, producers and performers that shaped our lives is nearly non existent. When we feel that Michael Jackson meets Prince moment our imaginations aren't forced into a physical act of memory. We let the digital devices convince us that they aren't gone. How could they be? They're right here on my computer screen. Our most recent loss of Chuck Berry has every publication unveiling the music makers that were inspired by his passion to be original. Yet... I've yet to hear the common man and woman that bought the records, posters and concert tickets talk about it. He's not gone! I just saw his video!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Swoop Of The Bird

Listen to "The Swoop Of The Bird" on Spreaker. I spend hours staring into the soul of birds. It's been my thing since the day my father brought an injured pigeon home from work. Helping him or her regain strength required me to learn the behavior of the wild. Even today I am surrounded by birds. I call them my Jazz. Some might say the bird is my Totem. But you can't say that. There are too many with different types of energy moving in every direction. And it's within that swoop that I find reason to get closer to the bird. How does a bird instantly switch directions and add flight in a completely different direction? They dart in front of cars and fallen rocks. Instantly they move while the human takes it all in one step at a time. I believe its because birds face their fears every moment. They aren't afraid of chance. More importantly birds see life as the moment we're presently standing in. What if your flight was a little more focused like that of a bird. You know you want to do it. Jump off that limb and locate success by way of the wind moving with you rather than against.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 65

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 65" on Spreaker. The first day of Spring has come and gone. I sat in the forest thinking about how dull the colors seemed. They were gray, brown and very little green. But I thought it was Spring! Too often in our everyday journeys we find faith in judging the painting before its truly put on display. To sit in the forest and expect the vibrant bright colors to instantly pop in the moment was truly being unfair to the artist. We can't see the rest of the year by way of what's put out on day one. July might be an extremely cold month. October might blister us with 80 degree temps sending Fall into a tailspin. In our everyday chapters. Bosses have incredible visions but as employees we tend to sit in tight circles critiquing the steps of the decision maker. If it doesn't fit perfectly many people jump ship or begin the process of spreading bad energy by way of verbal exchange. What if we just stopped and accepted the amount of time required for the entire canvas to come to life? Maybe its because so much of who we are is attached to a company's need to make amazing amounts of money and time means nothing to them? Can it or will it ever change. Nope. But you can redirect the way you act and react during times of change. Leadership isn't found on a door. Its in your heart.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Called To Starbucks

Listen to "Called To Starbucks" on Spreaker. I don't think it's something we've developed in recent times. I remember my father being a man who was very set in his way. If ever knocked off his point of direction he wasted no time to let those involved know of his disappointment. Being on a mission is a brilliant place in my heart. I love it when people share their visions. But I'm guilty of tuning out when what they said no longer holds importance in their chapters. Something knocked them off their path. I absolutely ask them about it. Only to hear the typical excuse, "I tried..." Yesterday it was my mission to be at Elevation Church Ballantyne. God challenged me to a simple thought I expressed to people a year ago. I've been on a mission to take Church beyond the four walls of a building. Yesterday God put me in a Starbucks watching the 11:00 service on a huge computer screen. Doesn't seem special right? I guess so. But you weren't there. I walked in and sat down. Moving four different times because of a very cold breeze. I couldn't locate its source. So I finally moved 4 feet away from the counter at Starbucks. Watching Elevation and taking hardcore notes. God wanted me to take church beyond the four walls of a building. Without truly thinking about it. There I was at a Starbucks with that huge computer screen near the counter. If but only one person walked by and found it to be a place of peace during a huge storm in their chapters. Then it was meant to be.

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 64

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 64" on Spreaker. Growing up my parents endlessly asked me, "Who do you think you are?" My reply was, "It's not who I am. It's who I am going to become." The parental figures never seemed to be too happy with that come back. They wanted to know what led up to the making of the present decisions. I never stopped trying to explain that making the right choice now was greater in who I will be tomorrow than the choices I made yesterday. So in 2017 I still ask, "Does being in the present have an echo? Or is it a performance brought on by an echo? Sadly I think many of us are the end result of other people's echoes. So how do you re-grip the lines on the path and make it your own? By recognizing who you are in this moment. Being open with the truth. Not I am... But rather why am I? The change in language will increase your confidence and build stronger trails toward your personal leadership skills. If you're going to be you. Then be yourself the entire way.

Brian Justin Crum

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Brian Justin Crum On Making It" on Spreaker. That moment of performance. How does an artist get beyond the knowledge of thousands watching? For Brian Justin Crum it's never been a difficult process to reach out to them. Something he picked up while learning to keep control of his life. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Show Me Love.

Bebe Rexha

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Bebe Rexha Almost Gave In" on Spreaker. The golden rule has always been, "No matter how thick the clouds are in your creative storm never give up. Keep pushing." That philosophy worked for Bebe Rexha who openly admits she was ready to toss away the journey. Then something happened. Her latest release on rBeatz Radio is II Got You.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Throttle's Journey Toward The Spins" on Spreaker. To participate with today's sound hasn't gotten easier but rather more open for all levels of the human imagination to invite newer shapes and layers. It reaches beyond being a club or festival DJ. Today's beat kings and queens are locating the paths that put them in the studio writing as well as producing. Throttle's got a plan that puts him in the ears of global music fans and it's getting him attention. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Hit The Road Jack.

Erick Morillo

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Erick Morillo Talks Show Prep" on Spreaker. The best seat in the house isn't always the front row. Being in the green room or with the artist in the hours before the performance is some of the most incredible energy you'll ever feel. For Erick Morillo the journey to the stage demands that he locate places of peace. To pull all his energy back to a centralized location. His latest release on rBeatz Radio has him teamed up with Julolark and Ora Solar a tune titled Blinded.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thomas Gold

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Thomas Gold Uncovers His Beginning" on Spreaker. I love when musicians open their paths and tell you what it was really like in the beginning. Thomas Gold hit the piano at an extremely early age. He studied hard for years. Then he heard his first dance mix. Everything changed. Especially the equipment. Now he's one of the biggest master mixers on the planet. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Magic.


Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Kyle Remains Humble" on Spreaker. In an age of getting what you want no matter what the cost. Humble is the new organic. Keeping it real and not having to be under tremendous amounts of pressure to always be on. Rapper Hip Hopper Kyle loves the idea of being spotted in a pair of sweats. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is iSpy.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Him

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update The Him Bucket List" on Spreaker. We all have a bucket list. Even those who've located ways to send their music vibrations beyond the shells they carry. For the DJ duo The Him? It's all about the festivals from Neverland to Coachella. Then it's off to master mixing with the biggest names in music such as Martin Garrix. The latest release from The Him on rBeatz Radio is I Wonder.

Peking Duk

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Peking Duk On Collaborating" on Spreaker. While looking into a night lit sky we never get the opportunity to see two stars collide. But it happens everyday within the shape of sound. Peking Duk and Elliphant have united their creative strings to bring us several streams of connection. Part of their success as a threesome is based on never getting stuck to one particular melody or hook. Their latest release on rBeatz Radio is Stranger.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Listen to "Snow" on Spreaker. Awareness is a valuable tool to hold onto. Openly and faithfully I admit that such a seed popped in my head and heart during my years of growth as a Martial Artist. Becoming aware of all things that move is a brilliant journey to study. From the flight of birds to measuring the distance between steps people are making and taking. Awareness. It teaches you to look beyond the sentences people are sharing with you. What is or isn't actuality and how to listen to the curve of vocals to tell a lie from the truth. Awareness. But what happens when it snows in March? It pushes the senses further into the realm of deeper growth. Watching the trees hang their limbs to studying the constant trickle of snow becoming water. Awareness teaches us to realize there's a much bigger picture being painted then the discomforts of weather. My father used to yell at me, "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" One time I turned to him and said "But you didn't tell me not to do it. So I did." His reaction is still with me, "I should never have to say anything. You should always know I'm with you." Awareness.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Search Engine

Listen to "The Search Engine" on Spreaker. I love jotting down quick thoughts. If I don't they'll become lost. Not every thought is a brilliant idea. But thoughts can be looked upon as being building blocks building paths to something that may grow into a perfect picture. Quick thoughts are fun to revisit. Today I go back to January 7 2016. Over a year has gone by. Do the thoughts still have an impact on the present? I live by one rule. It's not about who you are today. It's who you are in the future. It totally takes your mind off the battle of the memory bulge. The most difficult thing about jotting down quick thoughts isn't the physical act itself. It's locating something or someone that understands your visionary way of speaking. Yesterday on my radio channel The Choice I read from an entry made on March 8 1999. It was total nonsense about how we've become extremely addicted to making then instantly spending money. Investing in real estate, the stock market and collectibles. All those chapters ago I feared that one slip of the pen could easily bring down the financial walls of not just me but around the world. The very thing that happened in 2008. Ok so it was nine years later. I didn't predict the future. I prepared for it. Quick thoughts are incredible tools for your future self. Turn it into a game... But don't instantly run back and try to catch up. Let the months and years pass. Then measure how far in life you've truly grown.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Listen to "Toil" on Spreaker. You can try and run from it but you can't hide from it. We were all born to be creative people. That doesn't mean you have to write music, paint on a canvas or be the master of the greatest kitchens on the planet. A creative mind and heart is like a visionary sent out to explore the Louisianan Purchase like Lewis and Clark. One problem... In 2017 we don't allow ourselves to experience the unexpected before jumping off the path. My question has always been, "Where are the original seeds that send most people in opposite directions?" I think it's in the words we are given. In martial arts they teach us to properly block by barely tapping the approaching fist or kick. Words do the same thing. The tiniest word and or thought has the right amount of energy to take you off your game. Lets twist it. What if that unexpected word in your head and heart was meant to get you back to where your journey was supposed to be. We rarely write anything down anymore. We Facebook and Tweet. But to take a moment to document an unexpected word or thought then let it grow for a moment is that thing we did in the second grade. Yet I believe we can all learn from what's moving through us at the speed of light. When you ignore the moment its easy to become a dried out path of stones that once served as the home of a raging river.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 63

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 63" on Spreaker. I sat in the forest feeding thirteen deer. A Norman Rockwell type image. I don't allow them to eat out of my hand. I throw the kernels of corn toward the ground cover and other places of natural beauty. As I watching them eat I began to think, "I look like an old man feeding pigeons." In our personal lives who are we allowing through our hearts to feed our soul? Are we receiving things naturally or depending on another mans hand to buy comfort and security? What we never truly see is what's lurking behind the limbs stuck to the trees. Where we gather there's always going to be a beast. Someone or something that sits waiting for the perfect opportunity to take what has filled us and make it their own. Who is feeding your hunger? Is it the right hand? I talk with more people that are in the poorest of working conditions but do nothing to run into a deeper forest. They choose instead to eat from the palm of the old man. Let me ask "Where do you go and or grow with the supply of food held by the man runs dry?" Starvation makes many animals make bad decisions. A series of choices can lead you toward the limbs of the trees where lurking beasts await your weakness. How do you feed your hunger? ?

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Calling

Listen to "The Calling" on Spreaker. The moment someone brings up being called to serve their art we instantly connect it with a religious experience. Is it because the world of spirituality is more open with where great moments come from? I don't think so. I believe a lot of wanderers expect good things to happen. If they hit a wall three times the fourth attempt will be getting through it. Being called to lead at work, home or around the neighborhood is like identifying the reason why singer/songwriters get into music. Inspiration, influence and or the desire to prove to yourself that what you feel on the inside has the strength to relate with others. But what happens if that calling you've answered comes with the identity of Christ? We hear preachers and other circles speak of that moment when decisions were made. But why them? Rush Limbaugh once talked about how many people are called to play baseball but very very very few of them get to play in the major leagues. In all walks of life its the same story. Religion is no different. Radio the same, banking, marketing or serving your community at the nearest grocery store. What is your calling and how did you accept it as such? Or are you still ignoring the voice in your head and heart?

Brandyn Burnette

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Brandyn Burnette On John Mayer" on Spreaker. Inside this MP3, EP download generation the idea of creating full albums almost seems passe. Until you take note of the movement of today's singer/songwriters who are using techniques and tricks from the masters before them. For Brandyn Burnette The Fray, Cold Play and John Mayer knew how to use lyrics to keep an entire album fresh and connected. The latest release from Brandyn on rBeatz Radio is Escape.

Alan Walker

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Alan Walker On Inspiration" on Spreaker. Asking someone who inspired them to be creative reaches beyond the depth of better understanding them as a creative mind. Inspiration and influence carry a lot of weight. We've heard of the typical responses connected to music's explorers and top performers. Alan Walker strolls a different path. His fans and followers get the credit. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Alone.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Sam Maggs

Listen to "Sam Maggs author of Wonder Women" on Spreaker. Sam Maggs chronicles the lives of smart, pioneering women from the past in Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History (Quirk Books; October 4, 2016; $16.99). Maggs, who has an MA in Victorian literature, presents readers with a collection of international bad-as-heck babes who broke barriers as scientists, engineers, mathematicians, adventurers, and inventors (before their male counterparts stole the spotlight and took credit for their work). With Wonder Women, Maggs proves that smart women have always been able to achieve amazing things, even when the odds are stacked against them, including: Women of Science: Otto Hahn won a Nobel Prize for discovering nuclear fission but in fact it was Austrian nuclear physicist Lise Meitner who made the discovery and consequently explained it to Otto! Women of Medicine: As a Hindu woman, Anandibai Joshi overcame religious persecution in order to travel to America to become one of the first female doctors to practice in India. Women of Espionage: Inspired by a novel about a female pirate, Sarah Emma Edmonds cut off her hair and began dressing as a man in order to emancipate herself from the realities of being a nineteenth-century woman. Using her newfound freedom she joined the Union army and became a spy and the only woman admitted to the Grand Army of the Republic. Women of Innovation: Chinese textile pioneer Huang Daopo mustered the bravery to escape an abusive home life and arranged marriage, which gave her the freedom to pursue a career that allowed her to innovate in the textile industry—she invented the cotton gin five centuries before Eli Whitney! Women of Adventure: American aviatrix Bessie Coleman overcame racism to pursue her dream to become the first Black pilot. In addition to spotlighting women from history, Wonder Women contains Q&As with several of today's visionary females, such as STEM Women founder Dr. Buddhini Samarasinghe and disaster researcher Mika McKinnon. These women, both past and present, will inspire and empower readers to overcome barriers and follow their passions.

Laurence Juber

Listen to "Laurence Juber Can't Stop Playing The Beatles" on Spreaker. GRAMMY-winning fingerstyle guitarist Laurence Juber will release LJ Can't Stop Playing The Beatles! (Hologram Recordings), a third collection of his celebrated solo acoustic arrangements of Beatles tunes. Tthe recording showcases Juber’s unique acoustic guitar touch and tone on this collection of Fab favorites.   This new album follows the “fantastic” (Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine) LJ Plays the Beatles (2000), which was voted one of Acoustic Guitar Magazine's all-time Top Ten albums, and LJ Plays the Beatles Vol. 2 (2010), “a keenly pleasurable journey through some of the best music ever created” (Acoustic Guitar).   LJ will be in New York and New Jersey March 3-5 for BeatlesFest: New York Metro (March 3-5, 2017) | The Fest for Beatles Fans Klaus Voormann Musician, Artist: Performed/Recorded with John, Paul, George, & Ringo, Member of Manfred Mann Band. Klaus returns to the New York Metro FEST for the ...   Watch the promo video here:  

And So...

Listen to "And So" on Spreaker. In radio we call them crutches. That go to place in a talking break that sounds more like a time killer then a physical connection with listeners. Radio isn't the only game playing the same. As creative minds and builders there's something you do in your everyday that puts movement through your journey forward. Look at the way we treat people when we believe the conversation is over. We use vocal tones as a crutch. It signals the passerby that we're pretty much done. Grocery store checkout clerks say the same thing over and over again to their customers. It's a crutch! Instead of engaging in brand new conversation they rely on whatever it takes to make the line shorter. I usually choose to break the ice first by asking them questions about the outside world. Then I rely on my own crutches to pull a smile from their company cover. Which is the reason why I love sharing conversations with the nations top comedians. They've mastered the art of connection by way of listening then growing into a small collection of thoughts which leads to the passerby to be eased into something new. Doctors and Dentists are totally addicted to crutches. Mechanics and car salespeople are horrible with crutches. Are you aware of what's making you stale? Me asking questions all the time. A total crutch!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 62

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 62" on Spreaker. What is your requirement? To wake up in the morning. Brush your teeth. Head to work then return home to spend what little money you made? We all carry forward a personal requirement. Not necessarily a purpose but a requirement. You challenge yourself daily to reach a place of security and or acceptability. You see struggles headed your direction and instantly you require yourself to prepare for the passing season. I ask a lot of questions. Not to be a know it all. I only want to better understand the requirement. And in asking those questions I wonder how I might be serving better. But you have to watch out for moments like this. To make yourself available means you have to meet the requirement. This opens a huge can of worms. Do business leaders truly mean their door is always open? Are you available to help heal beyond just being in the mood for it? It's an incredible feeling to say you are going to help usher in change. But a darker storm grows forward when those you shared it with fell witness to a lack of fruit being produced. What is your requirement?