Tuesday, October 17, 2017
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 84
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 84" on Spreaker.
I recently sat in the forest paying close attention to the changing of the leaves. Slowly one by one they'd drift to the earth below. I love to people watch. There's a dance that we do during times of challenge and or reasons to want to grow forward. Body language says a lot and most of the time those carrying the message have no clue what they're sending out. During those bouts with doubt and or shame where does the energy come to remain faithfully strong and unbent? Where do you locate peace during times of thunder? And if the storms are too strong is it because unknowingly we've halted the energy of the universe from physically entering us? A lot of questions but that's how you begin to grow forward. Ask them out loud so you can find focus on days when leaves are changing only to fall so gracefully to the planet below. During your times of change is it always a hard fall or is it a dance you've gotten used to? Where do you grow next?
Monday, October 16, 2017
Prayer While Dreaming
Listen to "Prayer While Dreaming" on Spreaker.
This subject has been heavy on my heart. We bump into people everyday that endlessly talk about their good or bad dreams from the night before. Why is it we can't pray while these mental movies are taking place? You can dream about praying. That's a different story. So are the words from the masters of the Pulpit when they say "God speaks to us through our dreams." That's not the point I'm bringing up. In a dream you can fly or win millions of dollars do you kneel and pray by way of being grateful? If it's a bad dream do you look at it in the face and bring God into the moment your REM is delivering? Do we have the ability and or power to bring prayer into our sleeping patterns? Not before we go to sleep. During the actual moment you are mentally seeing the visions unwrapping within your imagination. It doesn't mean you have a weak heart. Meditation is a skill. It takes many years to master the ability to mindfully place yourself in areas of peace. Learning how to pray in dreams while the dream is taking place. Are we too far from the moment to take control or is it like meditation and the art of breathing will need to come into play? Try it sometime. Take note that you're in a dream then try to pray while inside the events of that dream.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Teaching Tomorrow
Listen to "Teaching Tomorrow" on Spreaker.
Since July 1994 I've always called myself a daily writer. In looking back I'm not sure that's true. Journals and diaries are usually filled and tossed in a box. I've met people that have taken years to fill up a book of empty pages. Which makes me want to rethink this idea that I'm a daily writer. Honestly my calling is to take notes. A lot of them. Not to be digested today but to serve as a seed pasted to a deserted desert floor. I didn't know in 1997 that unedited sentences and paragraphs from the personal chapters would take the shape of my first published book. Once it was spotted on book shelves I thought it was over. There I did it. Not so! Today I host a daily podcast called Your Daily Ray Of Light. The lessons shared are 100% from those moments in the latter days of the 1990's. Taking notes is a very difficult discipline to keep fine tuned and oiled. Nobody wants to leave a breadcrumb trail. And yet if you did it's amazing how many of your experiences invite peace to other travelers experiencing thunder in 2017. During my moments of daily writing in February 2016 I sharply questioned my reasons for being open. The answers fit perfectly into the challenges and changes of a creative way that's been tortured by bosses, coworkers and others that think they know you. Only you know your truer self. Protect that person. There's no way you can dump them.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Sound In Silence
Listen to "Sound In Silence" on Spreaker.
Is there sound in silence? If it were proven to be true wouldn't silence have to adopt a new identity? In every walk of life there's always someone seeking permission to step through the walls of this everyday world and do nothing but experience the presence of silence. It doesn't exist. There's sound in silence. Have you ever meditated? How long do you step away before those thousand voices begin a process of tearing you down and apart? We are the generation that's had to participate with too much noise. No matter where you walk or play there's always something taking place. Probably more in your mind and heart than anywhere else. Because we try so hard to locate a silent walk or thought we are forced into what I call Accepted Behavior Of Randomly Tight Invitations Of Numbness. Think about it. We accept the behavior of ourselves and others who are consumed by that ancient feeling labeled numb. Numb is how millions of people are accepting 2017. But look deeper into my description. Accepted Behavior Of Randomly Tight Invitations Of Numbness. The first letters of each word says it all. What are you getting rid of to locate silence. When in fact it doesn't exist. Not until we get those invisible voices a place to play other than your mind body and soul.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 83
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 83" on Spreaker.
These are some trying times. So many unexpected headlines and business decisions causing horrible shades of stress leading to fear. How can we survive the attacks inside an age of where it's OK to tell employees to work free of charge during overtime hours? Society bounces back in ways that make very dark headlines. That in itself causes fear to pop its shell and begin a process of growing roots. World leaders with potty mouths and no desire to back off. It's all there! Every reason to begin trusting fear. Which isn't a good field to plant new dreams, ambitions and reasons for being. What if it wasn't up to you? When the "J" guy was in the garden shortly before his arrest he fell to his knees and said, "Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” I'm no scholar but many have argued about this story and lesson. I don't see "J" fearing but rather giving. Use it as a lesson on your own personal journey. The first sign of thunder clouds rather than running for cover give your season to the maker of rain.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Tammy Tuckey Part 2
Listen to "Tammy Tuckey Part Two Recording Music" on Spreaker.
Normally when I produce an artist showcase it puts on display the latest beats and lyrics from those who've been buried in studio work. For Tammy... Her love and connection with Disney has opened a new door of possibility. Fans can GoFund her. The happiest place is totally behind her expression of putting focus on what's been lost for many years. Disney songs brought forward through incredible collaborations with many of the original artists.
- www.gofundme.com
- www.tammytuckey.com
- www.Facebook.com/SingerTammyTuckey
Listen to "Friendships" on Spreaker.
I'm "not" a loner. And yet I love walking into a recording studio alone and getting lost in a project that brings success to not just one person but many. But here's the problem. In this age of so many platforms and reasons for having collaborations how true is the foundation of friendship? I keep hearing stories about how this friend did this and that friend did that. There's Facebook Friends and Instagram Friends. Church friends and workplace friends. But does it truly fit into what's supposed to be a sacred connection of growing forward and outward?
Here's how the dictionary defines friendship: a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations.
Now lets look up relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
It says nothing about trust and support.
Most businesses influence, inspire and motivate their teams of worker bees to bring their talents together. That's called a relationship. Not a friendship. And most are left along side the road until further teamwork is expected if ever. That doesn't qualify as a friendship. You can be friendly to each other. You can build journeys and success stories.
Instantly I'm reminded of the way people poke at their spouses and say, "That's your workplace wife or husband." We spend so much time at work that it kinda points to that. But it doesn't shape shift into a friendship. It can. But we're talking reality.
I always try to rely on the children's song make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold. It can be used as a tool but... It totally invites us to dump and run. Not to challenge you. Look deeper into the cause and effect. In what areas of your life do you have friends? And are they true or a chest pain away from leaving the scene?
Friday, October 6, 2017
I Am What I'm About To Become
Listen to "I Am What I'm About To Become" on Spreaker.
We aren't a lazy generation. We honestly have too much on our minds. It's become the norm to live in a past we can't change or spend too much time trying to design the future. Only to learn bosses, coworkers, family and friends are getting in the way. That invites judgement, self doubt, fear and shame. Living in the present is where peace survives. But being the present is a very difficult place to remain. Putting both hands on the moment requires focus and determination. I carry with me favorite lyrics and verses. So that when I feel myself slipping its extremely helpful to put myself on a written inspiration and or affirmation. I am ______ is nothing more than a open door for you to live in the past. You are a chef? You are a hard worker? I am _____. How can you keep the past out of your present. I am what I am about to become. That puts you in control of decisions being made. Its a choice. Its leadership. If you are about to be angry. Hmmmm change it. I am what I am about to become. That leaves the door wide open for you to leap out of situations that feel negative or untrue. Put yourself back in charge of who you are by making the right decisions on what you'd like to become. Remove the walls and mountains and locate the peaceful path toward victory.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 82
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 82" on Spreaker.
I was moved by a thought that filled my heart while talking to a legend in music. It flooded my process to the point of taking the words into the forest. I wanted to better understand why in the center of such an incredible conversation something so moving leaped into my heart and then onto a page. The weird thing about being a writer. What once moved you has a way of steering you toward deeper waters and valley floors. As much as I was inspired by the short little paragraph that touched my soul. I somehow made my way into another paragraph about standing in front of God. I was asked about what I was thinking while on the path. With so much thought he felt I wasn't serving him but myself. That's an eye opener. Because how many of us say we're in it all the way for the Great Creator but everything we do points us to serving ourselves first? This isn't a Bible thumping message but rather an openness about being aware of your presence in the present. Do your actions and reactions meet the command?
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Fading from Your Past
Listen to "Fading From Your Past" on Spreaker.
I've always had a difficult time keeping focused on the present and moving forward into a brand new tomorrow. I'm guilty of always wanting to return to a past I can't change. I want to study it. To learn from each step. To turn it into a tool that helps me design the far far away future. So much energy is wasted trying to get there that when it finally arrives... It was nothing like I had planned. Can any of us truly say that who we are today is what the child painted in the first grade? Memories aren't my best friend. Sure I love it when the radio spins a Meatloaf song and I'm instantly shot back to Billings Montana 1978/79. But once there everything wants to connect to it like a Bill trying to make its way through Congress. Outside of your heart and brain your memory is one of very few things that endlessly works. It was designed to keep you entertained. It creates fuel for fires while gifting you with purpose and a plan. Learning how to live in the present is a lifelong mission of trust and faith. You can't get there alone. But when you do discover the paths and riverbeds that help free you from the past and a future you're trying to design... The existence of peace grows outward from your mind body and soul.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Listen to "Prepare..." on Spreaker.
I know... Our minds are endlessly creating words and pictures and it's extremely difficult to trust the formations. But what happens if you take note of the moment and try to understand the rooting system of why a single word has awakened you at 1:20 am. Too often we spend our restless moments tangled up in other peoples excuses which forces us off the path of what could be a lesson of importance. We hear about Rock Stars and Movie moguls making their way to their creative ports to pour into the veins of a living tree what just moved through them. But do you have to be at their level of play to realize there's always something available to be processed long after that single awake moment? I know why I was shot into play. The headlines! But how do we reach beyond this position of other peoples decisions and prepare?
Monday, October 2, 2017
Listen to "Sheltered By What" on Spreaker.
As of late. I've heard a lot of people talking about how they're sheltered. Sheltered by what? They never say. Confidently they just smile. When silence is the only answer delivered isn't that a break down of communication. Actually I see it as a lack of trust. We protect what we think we're strong in. Very rarely do you meet someone willing to open their hand and say, "Grab it while you can." I think Christianity is the same. Each of us grab onto our individual interpretations of the message but outside the squared circle of religion do we speak openly about what shelters us? Highly unlikely. We're that group of people that finds religion and politics to be places for potential disagreement. If only we could be more open with the other fire starters like unnecessary comments made on social media or people who can't arrive on time or end up canceling everything after your life's been rearranged. There's never any concern. They're sheltered. I get it! By what? Darth Vader once had an entire army and arsenal to protect his interests. You know the story.
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