Thursday, March 29, 2018
Oh No I Can't Write
Listen to "Oh No I Can't Write" on Spreaker.
I speak so openly about being a daily writer. Only because I believe I've been trained. Being a student of Julia Cameron since July 1994 our crazy habits as creative minds open paths that can't stay hidden, we want to push the discoveries forward. I just wish more creative people were transparent not with their victories but their valleys. I'm not looking to jump in the hole with you but learning how you're going to take your emotional battles out of that season of unlit chance and turn it into a chapter or two about reevaluating the presence of why you are creative. We've gotten away with calling creative people introverts. Lets end that. You can be inside all you want but you need to know there are a lot of people on the outside that need to learn from your experiences. I had a brilliant conversation with Oscar winner Tatum O'Neil yesterday on what it's like to be an open spirit of art. It was if we were two friends sitting at Starbucks. As creative minds we should never put a trophy above our reasons to share. Nothing should stand in the way of your art growing in the heart of another imagination. Maybe the reason why you stepped into the darkness is because your creative energy can't survive on its own and it needs to be taught. Maybe your bad days are fed by a lack of wanting to share what gave you personal fame. I get it! You're great at what you do. Let us study your struggles. Creative people are always in a state of mind of building paths. So willing to learn. Open your door and stop hiding. Or sit in a puddle of a dream that could've been. But you chose to go at it alone.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Be Ready?
Listen to "Be Ready" on Spreaker.
A lot of people live by the motto, "I have to be ready so I don't have to get ready." That's pretty powerful. It's empowering to those that put their noses to the ground and grind. Recently a family member used the motto on me in the opposite direction. She came to me with the weight of it being a negative. Which opened my eyes to better under the purpose and plan of her path. Let's break it down. I have to be ready. Sounds simple. We all have to be ready for something. Look around you. Many are ready to fail, lose money, not heal from a winter's cold. We choose to be ready for the next dark cloud with huge amounts of thunder. Therefore if we are ready we don't have to get ready when the bad luck or boss arrives at the front door. Know your moment. Control the present by being present. I daily write not to live in yesterdays memory. I write because it's what I feel in the now. When and if I return in the days down the lane the reader won't be living in my past for the thought will hit him or her in their present place. If you have to be ready for something so you don't have to get ready, lift your visions and decisions to the multiple layers of victory.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 102
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 102" on Spreaker.
This is a subject that can easily be taken and or read wrong. Open your heart and face the base of the mountain and realize that no day goes by that we aren't handed some sort of rejection. I'm still not convinced that the human frame was designed to receive such an emotional change on a roller coaster of events. We all act differently. I study the art of a sales person who faces rejection hundreds of times a week. I watch and try to become stronger only because I don't understand how a sales rep makes their way through a day after being rejected. Has it made me stronger? No. Being a creative person is an extremely difficult place to stand because I've yet to meet the imagination that doesn't bring forth their art to be accepted not rejected. While writing in the forest I did bring up a question anyone would invite to the surface of paper. When the church sends you a rejection letter for employment do we have the open space to wonder where God is? If all that we are and grow toward is in his name why does the business of church feel your gift doesn't fit into their purpose and plan. That's the answer right there. Their purpose and plan. God doesn't take his eye off his needs and requires you to be exactly where you stand. God isn't a business but a loving and forgiving provider. Being outside the church serving Christ is far greater more impacting then sitting in a chair listening to someone preach. God needs teachers. Listen closer to the calling and realize that there is no reason to believe your season needs more added weight. Serving a church is a beautiful gift but working at a church is a job. Understand the difference. Our dogs greet us at the door with tremendous joy. It's a feeling of acceptance. It's unconditional love. When you walk into your church it should be the same. Don't let rejection serve you a plate of silence.
Monday, March 26, 2018
The Availability Of Accountability
Listen to "The Availability Of Accountability" on Spreaker.
Growing through the ranks of martial arts toward that second degree black belt I endlessly heard my Sabunim speak of accountability. I always held myself accountable for what it was I'd accomplish during each moment shared. One problem... Such a word fails to take shape inside the ranks of a modern day growing period. Accountability is what you delegate. It's now on the shoulders of a different person and if it should fail, it's not your problem. How do you begin to respect accountability? I believe it starts with actuality. Knowing where you presently stand in a moment designed by the elements of all things that got you here. Heavy stuff right? Openly I admit that I'm deeply bothered by the accountability or lack of from others. The line I'm endlessly delivered is, "Well I didn't know you'd be interested." That's the actuality of assumption. Have we stopped investing in possibility or are we just satisfied with whatever happens? It's too easy to hit and get the product. Look at how Walmart is trying to catch up. Talk about a company that's watching everything I write. I could type something on social media about bird poop and Walmart will send me an email telling me about it being on sale and it can be delivered in two days. Isn't it funny how the nation is worried about how the Russians affected our elections but don't care that Walmart and Amazon have a bigger consumer connection and correction? The availability of accountability. In this particular story I use the air that we breathe as a test of how we think. If what is going into our lungs truly is a gift from that guy in a far away place, what are we doing with it that would best serve him?
Friday, March 23, 2018
Plan And Purpose
Listen to "Plan And Purpose" on Spreaker.
I often wonder what the world would be like if we were all disciplined to daily write. Not in the middle or the end of the day but rather the opening moments after the alarm has shouted at you to wake up. You can't deny it. There are voices in your head and heart. All of that energy swirling around and somehow it has to become a day of victory. Becoming a daily writer is a beautiful first step in generating a relationship with the self you're forced to carry. I've met many who started but left the connection because of the time required to jot down what they instantly labeled nothing. That's because it's completely normal to think every morning the spirit of Christ is going to bring to light and life incredible moments of oh wow! Not true. With time you'll learn to use the energy around you to seize such great feelings but the only thing required is just showing up. Trusting that what you write is nothing more than collecting the sources of energy that endlessly move through you. What do you write about? I never know. I have more fun just word doodling which somehow turns into three to five pages. As for time spent trying to spit up thoughts? I give myself no more than 25 minutes. That's it! Put the books away. Think of writing as meditation or prayer. Have that place where you know you're safe. I've talked with writers who quit because they begin to fear someone will read what's been laid out on paper. It took me three years to get over the idea that I had to hide it. My heart finally opened when I realized if you truly want to know me read the writing. Every journal is readily available for open discussion. It's called communication.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
What is Wisdom
Listen to "What Is Wisdom" on Spreaker.
Because I'm a daily writer it's a blessed morning to page through where the footprints once led. It's not to sift through the multiple layers of a creative mind but rather to be present with the student I proclaim to be each new sunrise. I came across a short paragraph that was written on April 29, 2016. That was almost two years ago! Yet what we write truly doesn't come with a use this by such and such date. The writer questioned his moment. He wanted to know what wisdom is. What does it look like? Is it a vision and or experience? How do you move a mountain without spoiling the soil? I still don't believe God has put me in the right pair of shoes to touch any of those questions. But it won't stop me from asking even more. We are a generation of assuming text messengers that find knowledge to be worthless until we ask Google to lend a helping hand. Before every lecture I'm blessed to share I calmly explain to every student present, "We must begin each day with three questions." We don't ask questions any more unless the answer benefits our situation. We have become a nation of tellers. We tell people what to do but not how to do it. When you ask questions it slows down the process of success. More bosses and coworkers have rolled their eyes in front of me because I just want to know. Recently I was told by a co-creator that he was questioned about what I do as a creative mind, "Anyone can do what Arroe does right?" I love moments like this! It opens the door for there to be a moment of wisdom growing forward.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 101
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 101" on Spreaker.
I sat in the forest with my newly adopted Pointer. She was on a leash. I mean those are the rules right? As a writer I took note of her path and where it wouldn't grow only to learn that each of us are on leashes as well. What are your dreams and what's keeping you from achieving your greater success? It's funny how we all have incredible excuses as to why we are in the moments we live while others find mind blowing journeys beyond our nearest reach. Why is that? When we don't locate the instant answer we are easily turned off by the presence of someone that could teach us how to make the path more of a paved highway toward bigger moments. It's too easy to quit. It's too easy to let others be in their glory. I'm shocked they don't charge a fee to watch how they are locating more money, more happiness and more whatever. Then again we don't know of the leashes they're on or will soon face. What we see is never the true story. We observe through eyes of assumption. Just because isn't the answer. I'm not going to say we are lazy in our reasons for not asking questions. You get to a point where the leashes that we wear keep us from stepping closer to the idea we can become everything we feel. That leash looks horrible around our necks. But what if it could stretch? It will when you begin to understand where you are in this moment. The leash that keeps you from growing is actually teaching you to learn from the moment. Heal in the moment. Be accepting of it's rightful place. But that's not who we are in 2018. We're either living in a past we can't change or a future that we can't design. The leash has you here. Be present. Be here. Trust me it's a moment you have the power to control.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Procrastinating Perfectionist
Listen to "Procrastinating Perfectionist" on Spreaker.
I must admit I do find joy in watching how people treat others. Not joy as in celebration but rather awareness of how they treat themselves when not surrounded by others. Rarely aren't we invited to the bathroom or rear view mirror conversations. Those sharp jabs of get your act together talk or simply asking, "Why aren't I getting my way?" How you act and react on the outside is completely how you treat your inner being. I could write all day about that but won't. It will hit you one day and everything on the map will start wearing a different face. One of the reasons why we have so many trips and stumbles on this everyday path is due to procrastination. We all suffer from it. But while talking to Andrew Santella the author of Soon. He said something that opened a new door of exploration. Procrastination isn't as bad as you think. Andrews book clearly defines that. Where I began to walk toward was the area of the procrastinating perfectionist. The one that won't start or finish a project because inside their mind body and soul they're convinced they can't live up to their personal expectations. Learning how to free yourself of perfectionism isn't a simple journey. But healing from it starts with awareness. Sure we all want to be legendary with what it is we were called to do. Shrug your shoulders and start respecting the foul balls you put down the first base line. You got a piece of the ball. Be happy. The demands on each and everyone of us are huge. Keeping yourself from doing what's expected only puts more pressure on making it to first base. A procrastinating perfectionist stands in your way of noticing there's a pitcher on the mound.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Listen to "Barriers" on Spreaker.
Years ago I heard something in my heart, "With so much energy in this room before the message is ever delivered. Learn to feel with your open heart. Let the presence of this moment become your guided steps forward." So every Sunday before the lights go out at church and the worship band begins to pour their beats and vibrations into your wandering thoughts and disconnections, I write three full pages of what's moving through me in that moment. From yesterdays choice to write two things took place. I wrote while the campus minister was welcoming. To a writer it was a huge distraction. I'm sure I was to him as well. I mean I should've been looking up and listening but I chose to write only because I needed to be shown how there are no barriers when you put God first. I honestly had no clue as to what I had put down on those three pages. I just knew it's what I do. This morning I opened the book and was shocked to read about how we don't respect the tiny prayers answered. We want the mile marker moments where the payoff is a Hollywood celebration. But if God answers a prayer in a near invisible way we walk right by it never once opening our hearts to gratefulness. Two messages today based on living in the present. No barrier stood in my way of writing in that very loud room and because I found focus on the presence of a loving God a message about tiny prayers still made it to the air.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Strings Connected To Teens
Listen to "Strings Connected To Teens" on Spreaker.
Nobody truly understands how fast life moves until you get to another mountain, valley floor or the opening elements that invite yet another storm. That's when you rely on experience to help open new ideas and plans designed to elevate the spirit within. Openly I admit, I loved hitting the age of thirty. I could finally forget my teens. Yeah OK... The spunk and fire of that kid's dreams are still very much alive. The guts and courage became and still become the fire. Except now I'm more protective of the experience. Not because of age or something has stolen a piece of it. The seeds we put into the soil as young adults grew leaves. In between there were flowers that invited fruit. It's was fun to pick them off and devour the essence of sight and sound. Then we grew up. Or so we thought. Being a daily writer I still hear the beat of a soul connected like strings to that teen. Those early years aren't angry with 2018. If anything he's grateful for how the stories of an everyday life in an everyday world have endured the presence of a moment. Which is pretty deep. Until you begin to realize that all that you are today is because that teen put his or her fingers deep into the dirt and put thoughts and things in a place called forward motion.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Listen to "Undivided" on Spreaker.
Waking up in a bad mood. I remember how my sister would arrive in her new day doing all she could to pass those bad feelings onto anybody nearby. A lot of people do that. It's as if we're trying to shed a dogs winter coat and once it's free from our moment it doesn't truly matter who's holding it. I truly believe a bad mood is a choice. You weren't give the system of decision making to let it sit in a box. Sure we get a pain in the gut and instantly label it. Ultimately the best way to shake it is to physically tell yourself that you want nothing to do with it. Don't get angry at yourself. Get positive with yourself. Yeah I know it feels good to blurt out your emotions on social media but why be known for poisoning the air? Understanding the path of how we share emotions helps you develop an alpha dog approach to maintaining a winning spirit. Be the stronger personality and don't take on the bad mood. Just accept it by not giving it attention. When a dog has done something wrong you aren't suppose to punish it. It has no clue why the red faced human is out of whack. Dogs are loving and unconditionally they try to serve their human partner. When you walk forward and give no attention to to the four legged creature that hurts their heart more than showcasing anger. Lift your spirit by knowing winning is a choice.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Listen to "Masks" on Spreaker.
Do we truly know our identity in the mirror? I can explain this. No day or moment passes that we aren't giving ourselves permission to put on a mask. I even heard Pamela Anderson speak of it. Howard Stern asked how she dressed while meeting global leaders about saving seals. Did she dress in the clothing that so many of us know her as. She told him its only a way through the door. Once inside they see who she truly is. Masks. Do you know the identity of who you are going to become in the next ten minutes compared to the person you were this time last year? How often do you let your mask control the mindset and next decision? I talk with so many people that believe so much in their mask that every move made is to support it's presence without having to settle on what's more important. Removing the mask is horribly difficult. Letting people see your truer identity swipes from what you're posting on the social networks. There are times a friend will post something and a year later I'll locate it. While questioning the friend they'll laugh off the moment as being something felt months ago and all things have changed. Which is kind of weird because when the streams of an everyday world become dry social media determines the time it reaches those that could've helped? Who are you in this moment? Are you wearing a mask? I am! This is my writing mask turned broadcaster. It's my loving caring mask. It's not who I'll be in ten minutes. I can openly admit it. Can you?
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 100
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 100" on Spreaker.
Each of us are introverts. The digital age has turned us into travelers to very far places without taking a step in any direction. The moment someone puts a little pressure on our system of choice the idea of correcting the corners of the jagged circle is put aside. That's when the imagination is fed some pretty incredible plastic food on the digital device so willing to share its treasure chest of booty. If we truly are connected to so much information then why aren't we activating what's being shared? As that introvert we are. Maybe not outside the human shell but deep within the caverns of thought it's become this assumed safe place and or always filled with adventure. We have chosen to listen to the voices in our head and heart rather than the actual word formation of spoken inflection. How do we break free of a habit that's easy to identify but horribly difficult to correct? The idea of sharing an out loud vocal conversation with a person feels a lot like eating spinach. Within seconds our fingers begin to tap out messages by way of emails or texting and then assume the emotion of the person when a thought is returned. I'm not good at digital message exchanges. Just by reading this paragraph you can easily see I don't speak like a normal person. I haven't a clue what's shooting through your thinking right now. You may not see the positive and because I don't hear from you then it must be negative. How do we get back to talking in an age where people want to take sides? A man asked me yesterday, "Wow where does your energy come from?" It took me five seconds to decide if he could handle what I was about to set free. Five seconds! I simply said "God." He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Ok...."
Monday, March 12, 2018
Listen to "Passion" on Spreaker.
I love talking to preachers. Mainly because they aren't afraid of being mentally challenged by the questions and thoughts of a wandering daily writer. I asked Casey Crimmons last week how he knew in his heart that it was time to plant a new church in Charlotte. It was a one word answer,"Passion." Hold it! Stop right there. Thirty nine years of radio and every program director I've been blessed to learn from and be led by has accused me of being too passionate about what I bring to the broadcasting table. I had an OM that ordered me to stop being so caring. Why would a preacher tell me the exact opposite? He took on my furthering questions with a greater purpose. I told him of my dates with being passion driven. He asked, "Do you believe you were changing peoples lives?" Absolutely! In the days that followed my heart wouldn't let any of this go. I didn't stand back and measure other people's passion or lack of. I chose to put focus on what I needed to do with the fuel in my soul. Was I delivering what God wants me to bring forward or was it ego keeping things alive in a very plastic world? That's a very tough question to answer because how do you know where God stands in the way you bring what you have passion for to the plan and purpose? It goes back to what Casey asked "Do you believe you're changing people's lives?" That's how I think while producing commercials for clients! The way it's written to the vocals then in production, have I created a product that will in fact change a persons life? Buying a car to a sofa is life changing. Not many believe that but it does make things better if you're planting your seat on a beat up cushion. I challenge you to look deeper into what you have named your passion. Does it change other people's lives or serve you?
Thursday, March 8, 2018
When Is The Arrival Part Two
Listen to "When Is The Arrival Part Two" on Spreaker.
Arriving in the moment. We lead what I call a grocery store magazine lifestyle. The daily path puts us in places of endlessly comparing our walk with others. Rather than putting focus on the path leading you toward incredible amounts of success, it's a way of life to sit back and say to yourself "Whoa I'm glad I'm not them." The damage isn't done there. That's only a beginning step. It's when we arrive in a place where we comparison shop our moods and mindsets. You're literally wearing a sticker on your chest that says: Hello I am _______ I'm here in this moment because ________. Arriving in places where you have to fill in the blank totally sets up the moment. This is why it's difficult to be around people that come across as being less motivated. My problem has always been I'm too motivated, too passionate and too caring. That seems like a safe zone right? Not when we allow others to be in charge of our blank spaces. Hello I am ______ brilliant but not overbearing. I'm here in this moment because ________ I get to help someone reach success. I truly live that mantra. But it's not a place of arrival. Arriving is knowing the steps required and living with the curves and valley floors of process becoming progress. Study the way you breathe. Listen to your heart as it's happening. There's harmony in that moment. You can't suddenly become the victory. If you were to break it down, the path with your name on it had to be shaped by a series of arrivals. This reminds me of how we learn in martial arts. Earning the right to wear a black belt is nothing more than understanding the letters required to create a sentence. Master the art of living life one sentence at a time.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
The Arrival
Listen to "When Is The Arrival" on Spreaker.
Endlessly we put a lot of aim and spirit in doing all we can to get somewhere. I often wonder if we arrive. Is it a feeling? I don't know about you but each time I assumed I arrived there was always another place to grow or go. Therefore do we truly ever arrive? That's what I love about bosses and department heads. They're always planning then doing. But to get there you have to expect the shape of the circle to change. Knowing this, do we put too much into the process of arriving? I've met a lot of people on this path of wishes and dropped dreams. The extended arms that ache from so much weight belonging to the past that arriving truly isn't the destination but just somewhere to prove we had the right spirit in the moment. Whoa... My favorite word is moment. Being here in the present. Living in the now. I can honestly tell you that I have arrived in this moment. It's here! But what was required for our moments to become a single line of expression? I've spent so much time living in the past that the future was lost somewhere between the moments I could've enjoyed or learned from. If we'd spend less time trying to arrive and put focus on the process of progress the physical steps of gaining access to what's been planned will take it's rightful journey. If it goes wrong? Who cares! Being in the moment prepared you for the misplaced bricks in the foundation. Do we need victories in order to be happy? To know victory means you have faced defeat.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 99
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 99" on Spreaker.
The slightest things change my direction of choice. It's not that I'm always studying the GPS of life but rather I want to make sure that everything I am creating forward has a purpose and plan. Maybe it's a generational thing. In my twenties I didn't care about the ticks on a clock and what happens when you allow most of them to fall off the wall into memories that fade with the rising of a new sun. The older I got the more I realized none of this is about me. The art of the performance isn't having the best radio show and it sure wasn't going to include the greatest laid out vacation. If you stop for a moment and listen to the elements that make up the present. Everything that is seen, heard, felt and delivered is headed straight for the mind body and soul of a passerby. All that you are isn't for the greater being of wow look at what I am doing or did but rather look at how someone took the strings you once held and allowed them to reach a person of need and not greed. Words mean a lot to me. So much so that taking your word for what it is can easily become poison. How it was presented and or assumed is a crazy place to stand. A man of incredible inspiration yesterday spoke the truth about how I find tremendous joy in saying very little. More often then ever it's seen as being standoffish and not trying to save someone from wasting their time listening to whats being offered. Saying very little isn't teaching. It comes across as you're not listening. In this age of Twitter and extremely short Facebook entries it has curved the development of my heart. To hear that doesn't match how I daily write. You can't get me to shut up enough. Again I take words seriously. Statements such as the presence of Christ is now knocked me off my feet while at Elevation Church. I didn't think of the presence of Christ as being the presence is now. In this moment. Not yesterday. Not ten days from now. Why at this age did it hit me in the way we are moved by movies and books. Just the other day I reminded myself of how I've given my life to Christ. Everyday! I never miss a holiday. Then why do I question this present place I stand? Think about it. In giving my life to Christ that means he's controlling the decisions, reasons and purpose. Little things such as very short sentences change my way of walking. To the very bright man that said I don't speak enough I respect your wisdom during these days in a very noisy world. But I believe in the willing way of making a point. If it has caused assumption and or any other emotions I can't apologize for how you've chosen to listen and or receive. There's always a much larger answer to be shared by way of communicating face to face not Tweeting or texting. We are the cause of the effects of disconnection.
Monday, March 5, 2018
Teach Me
Listen to "Teach Me" on Spreaker.
Knowing who you want to become sounds like a fantastic idea. Getting there is the endless challenge. To gather the proper sticks that will become the platform isn't always determined by your passion and loyalty but it's laid out by the process of other people's progress. You can be the absolute most brilliantly dedicated creative person on the planet and still walk into the office today feeling like you have failed at every attempt. How does this happen? Now think about that connection you have with being part of the community labeled church. Ask God into your heart and poof you are living the good life right? Not so. It's the biggest change and challenge you'll ever face. Being present in his name and glory is a series of walls meeting mountains and how did any of this begin and does it ever play out in favor of the selves we'd like to see us become. Truth is... When you give it all to Christ it's about his plans and his purpose on where you're growing and how it's going to unwrap in his name. There is glory. There are mind blowing victories. But the experience isn't like winning a bowling tournament or finally landing a pay raise. Serving God opens your heart to newer ways to walk, to talk, to build upon and deliver. It's knowing that no matter how cruddy you feel waking up on a Monday you aren't alone in the ability of turning it into a motivational moment of serving a greater being other than self. It's very hard work because it's too easy to go back to being a bystander. I love it when people write to me and talk so openly about how incredible God is and then post a message on social media that simply states "Stop talking about God. No religion." In the beginning I'd shoot back with "But what about?" That's comedy! So many walk up to that Godly line but never participate with the chalk on the soil. No judgement. I stand in question everyday and face God not always getting answers. I am a student. Willing with his way. I expect challenge and change knowing I will not face getting the answers alone.
Friday, March 2, 2018
The Idea Was Meant To Grow
Listen to "The Idea Was Meant To Grow" on Spreaker.
Nothing injures the creative spirit more than an idea being shot down by a boss, coworker or family member. We were all born with a think maker but rarely get to properly use it. Ideas aren't supposed to be treated like weeds. Ideas come and go. Brain storming meetings are an everyday thing on the workplace front. But too often the best ideas go un-noticed because somethings always standing in the way of the experience. One of the most dangerous times to be an idea maker is when someone pulls off a comedians worst nightmare,"Hey what's your idea on this?" Being a daily writer my best ideas are usually located weeks and years after I have penned them out. I'll go back and study the walk only to find the seed planted is ready for the matured soil. Quick ideas don't always lead to a beautiful rainbow. But because we've become this society that feeds off ideas, the addiction is to surround yourself with idea starters and doers. Is that a good idea? Let me write it down and I'll get back to you in two years. We celebrate brilliant ideas and treat bad ideas like a disease. In all reality the worsts idea is the idea starter. Grow forward and outward by trusting what's moving through your present. If your hearts in the past that's nothing more than a turtle trying to poke his head the hole where the tail is supposed to be.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Three Questions
Listen to "Three Questions" on Spreaker.
I don't keep it hidden. I love asking questions. The best part of the process is getting answers in return. Not because the answer was mind blowing and filled with enough empowerment to become stronger. The answer gave me more room to ask more questions. Lets break it down. Questions are a way to seek. Answers allow us to seek even more. One problem the average person has stopped asking questions. They spend most of their day complaining or commanding. My father hated the idea that I'd take the answers I received and use it for conversation. He said "Stop trying to be a know it all!" I'm not sure that was the goal or intention. I just get really bored talking about the same stuff. It's like going to your Grandparents house, no matter how great the day looks one of them is going to bring up how someone we've never met passed away. Then we break out the food and spend the next 45 minutes discussing nothing because nobody wants to ask questions like, "Who the hell was the person you're talking about? Did they have a dog? What gave them so much room in your heart?" Nope... We'd sit there and almost feel sorry. Everyday you should ask yourself three questions. You may not like the answer but who cares. Ask the questions. Get back in the practice of building up the courage to be a seeker. Knowledge is the one thing you can't buy at Walmart but damn if you can't get answers from YouTube videos. I've rebuilt my washing machine two times. Umm a little human interaction would have served a better path.
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