Monday, April 30, 2018

Judgement From Your Side Of The Fence

Listen to "Judgement From Your Side Of The Fence" on Spreaker. We all do it. We sit and wonder why some people have more but aren't grateful and or show no respect for having such. When we take note of such behavior we tend to forget there are those doing the same to us. Just because you aren't on a pro sports team and or have buckets of bucks flooding the bankers floor doesn't mean your personal gifts in other peoples eyes don't also draw the same I want that picture. A good example is serving at the homeless shelter. While you spent the afternoon watching others play in their moments of glory the men or women you're serving at the shelter look at you behind the counter realizing you're going home to a comfortable bed and will have breakfast lunch and dinner tomorrow. Same story is true when you sit with a child not grasping the wisdom required to read properly. The new walk should be to think of yourself wearing a pair of contact lenses. When you have a pair in you can move your eyes around and see things. Now shift to a pair of glasses. In order to see you need to move your entire body to look around or you get dizzy. Yes the grass is green on the other side of the fence. It's also very green where you stand. Turn around and inspire someone to grow with you in forward motion.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Am Water

Listen to "I Am Water" on Spreaker. Say it five times, "I am water." Water has flow. From that purpose faith, trust, love and peace are allowed to grow in areas of a bigger plan. It always doesn't work that way. We find reason to become beavers. Beavers build dams which tend to back things up, sometimes flooding some very valuable chunks of land. In the end and upon the bigger picture the water didn't stop. It still found reason to flow forward. "I am water." Believe in the moment. Take in the elements of your present place and step. If something is blocking you from reaching a chapter of victory you are still water. I read this morning that trust is a question. It's not something that we aimlessly give away like love. Trust physically requires an answer in order to proceed. You can love all day but do you trust what you love? That's where faith shines it's oddly shaped smile. For the past six weeks my world has been turned upside down by a co-dependent rescued dog that has severe anxiety during moments of departure. Before we were blessed with her path four different families returned her to the animal rescue. Never once have I felt the energy to create a path leading in that direction. "I am water." Sure my house needs repair. But my home is blessed with tremendous amounts of forgiveness and love. She absolutely has been a beaver in my stream but in learning to love and trust she's grown away from the destructive behavior which has allowed my mind body and soul to feel the presence of love and peace. "I am water." If life sucks at your job prepare yourself for learning to understand what your boss or co-workers are going through in their moments of a private life. What if what you bring in your flow of water is their only way to locate love and peace? The Beatles were four individuals that happened to create harmony. That's exactly how you have to hold love and peace and trust and faith. Grow forward and outward.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Eddie Money

Listen to "Eddie Money From Real Money On AXS" on Spreaker. Multi-platinum rock superstar Eddie Money takes viewers home every Sunday night in AXS TV’s all-new original reality series “Real Money.” The program captures the daily lives of the Money family—which includes Eddie; Laurie, his wife of over 30 years; their five kids, Zach, Joe, Jesse, Dez, and Julian; and eight pets—as they live, laugh, bicker, and rock. Hilarity and hijinks ensue this season as Eddie and Laurie struggle to keep everyone in line and on time; Jesse gets in some trouble while mom and dad are in Cabo; Eddie’s forced to take his health seriously; Dez gets career advice from a GRAMMY®-winning engineer; Eddie gets a therapy session on the golf course; and the family continues to rock the stage.

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 53

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 104" on Spreaker. Returning to your places of inspiration. It's not an act of conceit but rather rejuvenation and or a reminder of where you once stood before your mind body and soul were challenged to change. In 2015 I began a journey of writing at the Billy Graham Library never knowing that it would one day become an iHeart Radio Channel. I felt in my heart that I was being called to speak a language that was foreign to those present day steps. Faithfully I walked into that forest to hear the word of God. Which sounds like a silly idea in a modern day state of living where so many have walked away from religion. Which is the very reason why I clearly state that these are not my words but rather the lyrics from Billy's forest. Being a writer doesn't mean I come up with the ideas. The only thing I can credit is my passion to sit listening to all things moving around me then documenting it as it flows through the situation present in the presence of now. Pretty far out there right? In 2016 the journey opened the door for me to write in other forests. Could another collection of trees still provide the messages I was feeling at the library? Yes! The spirit of the universe is very much alive and extremely willing to share in all areas of the walk. In chapter 104 I return to the library but something new and different is there. Staying focused as a writer was extremely important and yet I knew that everyday forward the words were probably going to change but not the reason for being part of this writing season.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Move Your Dirt

Listen to "Move Your Dirt" on Spreaker. I've always been fascinated by dirt. As a child I'd fill up a wagon full of dirt. Mold it to look like mountains then slowly turn on the garden hose by way of creating a moving river. Watching the particles of dirt move inspired me to pay close attention to how all things and elements make their way through us and beyond. Dirt is very important to a lot of living things. Growing up in Montana meant learning how to garden huge lays of land while irrigating the fields that would soon become hay for the cattle and others wanting to be fed. If the dirt wasn't right multiple layers of living creatures were going to be affected as well as infected. What are you doing with the soil in your personal life? Is it being listened to or fortified by the existence of spiritual nourishment? Your mind body and soul serves as a stream. What you learn today isn't for today but rather to be taught down the river. How you learn today isn't added weight to your everyday because the way it's given to you isn't always the most pleasant feeling and or experience. A great friend and I were blessed to be invited to perform radio shows on a very dinky radio station in a town no bigger than a tooth. Neither one of us stood in shame and or judgement. We looked at the invitation as being part of the bigger plan for broadcasting. It's the digital age and most of the performers on the air today have no clue how to survive when their number is up. Oh it's coming but ego keeps them from learning the new tricks of the trade. It's no different then newspaper and even banking. The river constantly flows with particles of dirt marching right along with it. If you don't study the method of madness you'll be stealing someone's soil tomorrow. You don't have to believe in God to know we are in the center of evolution. Gripping it's truth is a reason to grow a mountain. But if you study the shape of a rolling hill it too moves.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sally Kohn

Listen to "Sally Kohn The Opposite Of Hate" on Spreaker. Sally Kohn is one of the leading progressive voices in America today. She is a writer, activist, CNN political commentator and the host of the “State of Resistance” podcast. Before that, she was a Fox News contributor — and before that worked for over 15 years as a community organizer. Sally’s writing has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, New York Magazine, More Magazine,,, USA Today, Time, Afar Magazine and many other outlets. Her first two TED talks, which addressed the topics of practicing kindness online and finding compassion even for your fiercest political enemies, have garnered over 3 million views. Her next TED talk, based on her new book The Opposite of Hate, will debut March 16, 2018. Sally is also a popular keynote speaker and frequently leads media and speaking skills workshops for grassroots activists and corporate leaders. Previously, Sally was Senior Campaign Strategist with the Center for Community Change, a 45-year-old hub of grassroots organizations across the country. Sally served as co-director of ideas and innovation for the Center, helping lead the pioneering Campaign for Community Values, producing a nationally televised Presidential candidate forum in 2008, developing a new media organizing project on health care reform in rural communities and spearheading several other initiatives. Before that, Sally held a program fellowship at the Ford Foundation, helping to manage more than $15 million in annual grants to social justice organizations nationwide. She was also strategic advisor to the Social Justice Infrastructure Funders, a private network of 25 top program staff from some of the nation’s most prominent foundations, working to identify a shared strategy and coordinate grantmaking. Prior to that, Sally served as Executive Director of the Third Wave Foundation, the leading young women’s organization in the country. She was also a distinguished Vaid Fellow at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, where she published a groundbreaking guidebook for organizing campaigns to win domestic partnership benefits. Sally also worked as a consultant with the Urban Justice Center, publishing a report on the experiences of gay youth in the New York juvenile justice system. Sally received a joint degree in law and public administration from New York University and was a Root Tilden public service scholar at the New York University School of Law. She received her undergraduate degree from George Washington University in D.C. Originally from Allentown, Pennsylvania, Sally now resides in Brooklyn, New York, with her partner, Sarah Hansen, and their daughter, Willa.

Be The First In Sharing Peace

Listen to "Be The First In Sharing Peace" on Spreaker. The title pretty much sets up the day. A global issue is our quick action and reaction to bringing judgement against others. The moment something or someone doesn't fit into our moment the doors of poking at fly open. It's OK to say,"Not me. I don't do that." But we do. Especially against ourselves. So how do we begin a process of being less pushy and or demanding of others? It's in the title. Be the first to share peace. Stop generating the energy that creates pieces and know what peace truly does in the mind body and soul of others. If we openly admit that locating peace on a daily basis is a huge chore and or something that feels like punishment. Imagine what it must feel like when someone offers us peace first. You have to know its image before you can grow its fruit. Offer peace first. What if you aren't in the mood to offer peace? Peace is like a yawn. Wishing someone peace ignites your deepest darkness into believing there can be peace. Sharing it first prepares your soil to receive it. Think of it this way. When reasons to judge and or harm others with our words appears on the tips of our lips, the person that its aimed at easily tunes you out. They get to walk away while you hold onto the weight. Offer peace first. Grow forward and outward.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 103

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 103" on Spreaker. I think we'd be fibbing if we shouted out, "I never say things like I truly don't know where I am right now." The problem with modern day technology is the lack of GPS systems that put the right direction in our daily decisions and choices. One minute cannot be compared to another. Hitting walls is our natural walk. Instead of walking through it the decision is to go around or back off all together. What if that's not where you should've grown? My Master in Martial Arts used to tell me to stop trying to remove the mountain. I was to figure out how to get through it. That always shot me back to my childhood. My Grandfather was part of the work crew that helped cut a path through the mountains surrounding Bozeman Montana. Each time we flew by that hole in the mountain my heart ignited because I knew a piece of my Grandfather was still alive in me. Rather than tell yourself how lost you might be feeling in the moment, put focus on where your present place is growing. In 1997 I heard in my heart to plant 15 hundred trees in my forest here in South Charlotte, NC. Twenty one years later only 18 stand about fifteen or a little more feet tall. Wow the numbers don't seem right. The energy required to plant 15 hundred trees versus nearly twenty catching a Carolina spring breeze. You can't look at the moment of confusion or self doubt. You have to see the entire painting provided. The forest only needed 18 trees to keep its soil fresh and not over populated. There's enough energy to share rather than steal. Your personal life is no different. You're going in every direction designed by a need to succeed or just be noticed. How many seedlings have you planted that have lifted your game above the business world floor? Study the strength of the survivor while finding inspiration in the moments where you feel lost. That should be a signal to your heart telling the rest of you "I am aware." Grow through that strength by taking notes. Then activate them. Don't expect fruit to suddenly appear. Believe in the process of creating rings in the center of a tree.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Utilizing What We Believe

Listen to "Utilizing What We Believe" on Spreaker. Being a daily writer invites me to also be a daily listener. I love sitting in open spaces paying close attention to how people share their methods of conversation. Sure its the radio guy in me looking for newer ways to communicate without having to rely on too many words or overused methods of inflection. In these moments of listening as well as writing the one thing heard the most is how people tend to say, "Well I believe." Which is nothing more than what we in radio call a crutch. "Well I believe." You believe what? How to make it easier for people to wake up early in the morning and arrive at work on time? Learning how to utilize the energy of what you believe opens the path for you to grow in newer directions? I'm not saying to go out and take on your boss's method of discovery or to mishandle a family relationship. The invitation is to study what it is that you believe and allow it to be an action more than a verbal reaction. We all have beliefs but very few of us physically put fuel in them then take it for a test ride. Preachers do all they can to share what they believe only to see their circles drop Jesus off at the front door. That's not supposed to be how it works but unless we are challenged to activate the notes jotted down, the weekly lesson becomes part of the noise. Well what I believe. Oh boy here we go. See we're all guilty! What I believe is that we spend way too much time measuring. We do a lot of comparing only to be hit in the heart with self judgement because most of us can't live up to our own expectations. Your boss isn't the jerk. The actuality of your accountability is a measurement and with each passing day the further you are from attaining your goal, decisions are constructed by what you say you believe without truly activating the physical belief. I write every day. Been doing it since July 1994. I believe writing is a physical as well as mental discipline that utilizes the energy of what we believe. It doesn't give me permission to preach it but I'm willing in the way of teaching it. What do you truly believe? Stop just saying it. Share it through methods of planting seeds in the center of a field and watching it produce fruit.