Thursday, May 31, 2018

Motion Versus Emotion

Listen to "Motion Versus Emotion" on Spreaker. What are your hot button words? Monday? Bills getting paid on time? We all have triggers. We can try and run from their purpose and place but those words have a way of creating emotion. It becomes our fuel. When out of tune with the present places we stand our emotions get away from us and people want nothing to do with the unveiling of the inner child or beast. Grasping onto a different view of the walk is to replace your emotion with physical motion. We can't get to a Friday without movement. You can talk all week about how much you hate your job but unless you use the strength of motion nothings going to change. Beginning your day is a valuable part of your process of personal growth. 5am I'm out that door everyday taking my rescued dog for a walk. Sure it's to keep her heart healthy and to do other expectations but it's more for me. I do my intentions. Every step I tell myself what my intentions for the day are. I give myself direction. I point out where the mindset is growing toward. I also include the intention of not listening to past voices that no longer have a plan or purpose in my present place of now. Look, your boss isn't a jerk and the workload only seems like too much to handle. If you locate the intention of your process without letting emotion become part of the growth there is motion. Moving forward requires change as well as challenge. Build a strong intentions list and everything in front of you will have purpose.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 109

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 109" on Spreaker. There are so many subjects attached to this particular moment of thought moving in forward motion. We could spend time talking about intuition and how we choose not to listen. We know of an approaching change in our personal seasons but rely on outside objects and gadgets to keep us free of the weight. It's almost like turning up the car radio to the point of no longer hearing the clanking in the engine section of the car. I often wonder if we spent more time listening and not reacting how much more successful we'd be as professionals and just regular people in normal clothes. My brother Teddy was a brilliant listener. He never went into a circle of people without walking out with a fan base of new friends. I think it's because he allowed others to have a voice. No matter how angry they may have come across or depressed, it was through his art of listening that he was able to help heal. Most of us don't have that kind of time. We're always rushing to the next big event. Then when it comes time to deal with the moment the art of our listening left a lot of gaps in the real story, which means now we have to make it up. One of my personal joys in life is sitting in a room with no sound. Listening to air move allows bird songs from distant trees to take shape in my imagination. I like driving without the radio on. I find tremendous peace sitting inside this recording studio overtaken by sound proofing. There is a place for your imagination everyday. When you stop trying to fill it. Your walk in forward motion begins to locate discovery. Know in your heart before there was Google there was the art of listening.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Finding Now

Listen to "Finding Now" on Spreaker. I write about it a lot. Being present in your present. Mindfully every step is in forward motion then outward. It's not an easy task. I've studied every shape of spirituality to figure out where the path was truly growing from. Then one day the song lyrics from the worship band at Elevation punctured a hole in my heart and vision. Being present in the now is having faith and trust in all things unknowing. Making yourself available to pull in the present without having to redesign the past. Reality gut check here... The stories most of us share about our experiences are bent. I'm learning the hard way that resumes are no different. Indeed sent out a huge email that told job hunters to use better verbs. Suddenly the layout of who what and where looked more like strawberry shortcake rather than pumpkin pie. Understanding the present is knowing if it rains on your parade you aren't running inside. You're allowing the availability of now consume your heart. If you're having a bad day at work allow it to process. Putting yourself in a self described place of safety in your past isn't anything more than stepping back thirty feet. Through awareness we know our intentions and have the ability to keep judgement at a well controlled low level. It doesn't necessarily feel like a glorious moment but if and when you recognize it's discomfort you're able to put yourself in newer situations of recovery. Whereas living off a memory means changing the layout of the story. It happened but you did nothing at the time to correct the direction of the driving winds. It's very difficult to live in the now when the rest of the planet loves tearing up your past. I've become extremely careful as to who sits in my circle. Life isn't Facebook and Instagram. God may have created your family but ultimately you have to live with them. Yeah ok. Same is true about the workplace. You didn't create the product nor the requirement of productivity. But you can be brilliant at your job by handling the unknowing. Prepare yourself for sudden changes without over reacting. Build your platform of success on the process of realization rather than research and false numbers that glorify a past more than represents it. Loosen up your hardened heart and be ready for the now. Take your mask off and enjoy the next ten minutes of you being you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Value Of Having Nothing

Listen to "The Value Of Having Nothing" on Spreaker. The value of having nothing. How many people can find true peace in such a gathering? I've been with enough people that have too much that the scent of their greed and lack of respect for others can never be washed out only replaced. Under my breath I wish upon their steps a silent sip of nothingness. Even if it's a day of boredom. I love boredom. It's the only way you have the ability to slow the hands of time. When you break it down boredom it's the act of having nothing. It's an open space of not being connected to anything but the moment. I'm very transparent in my daily writing. Knowing how creative people tend to be introverts is a dangerous place for brilliant thoughts to be planted so I let it all go. I've learned in those writings that kids aren't the only things that say the darnedest things. I believe adult do. We just like to push them under the carpet so others don't catch on to your truer identity. Or there are those that believe so much in the darnedest things that it super serves their purpose to guru their positions of decision. We're all guilty of it. It's the actuality of our ability with too much being lost in the process of growing forward. In April of 2016 I came face to face with the conclusion of what I assumed was a career. In being transparent, there wasn't anger, sadness, loneliness or a feeling of being empty. The writer penned out, "The value of having nothing is the perfect number required to keep reaching forward. In all I do and will do. The gains I make are based on my passion to be a truer more determined Broadcaster." Stop and think for a moment. If you had what you have always dreamed. Would you truly be happy? Would your productivity and desire to build stronger foundations of success still be that wild child that takes chances and creates opportunities? What does it mean to have it all when the next breath you take is being compared to someone who has a dog that showcases their love for them through pictures on Facebook? A former co-creator once said to me, "During my humble days I ___________." I completely tuned out of the conversation. During your humble days? You've got everything except for the physical presence of being humble and or grateful. The value of having nothing. How do you fill your rain barrel that feeds your creative soil?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 108

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 108" on Spreaker. I'm going to point blank ask the question, "Who do you super serve? Yourself? Your God? Your Boss? Sadly I think all three are somewhere in the Top 10 but nowhere near where they should be. Getting a grip on the chapters we are participating with requires the courage to take note of where you presently stand. I'm blessed daily with the opportunity to talk to the biggest names in music, movies, television and books. I've yet to meet the creative person that didn't look into the mirror and lay claim to being where they truly want to be. How do you get there? What's that one thing the majority of us are missing that keeps us from pile driving their current structure of business and harnessing a new age of reaching out? It goes back to whom you are super serving. If everything being accomplished is in your identity expect to crash. You can't do a great idea alone. Selfishness on the workplace front isn't for ego driven mentalities but rather for teams of achievers that have lived in experience by way of knowing the expectation. Knowing who you serve is a brilliant step toward understanding who's receiving what you serve. During my 39 years of Broadcasting I've never believed my job was to work for a particular company. I was there to serve listeners. Not every boss got into that idea. Especially when I moved into the world of commercial production. I prayed about it a lot. Only to hear in my heart that I'm still serving listeners. Clients can't survive without them. Through advertising we better people's lives with products that make it easier and more secure. Serving the client while super serving the listener develops a great relationship with the community. The only thing we've left out is are you super serving your God? When we show up at church we think we are. Many of us feel horribly guilty when the volunteers are kicking tail and we were at home watching the NBA playoffs. Being up front and personal with people you don't know might not be your pair of shoes. Why sweat it? Your personal approach to how you super serve is determined by your decisions not the acts of others. You are being called to be somewhere everyday. Making sure you get there is the curse. The guilt trip sets in when achievement lets down the self and the boss. It's a tough question and subject because the reality our current bite truly has nothing to do with any of these three. Look around you. The super serving we seem to be landing on every chance available is the internet. Without your thoughts, pictures and desire to Google it wouldn't and couldn't be. You are giving the monster all the air it needs to be alive while controlling every step you take. The cold hard fact. By super serving the internet everything from your boss, to yourself to God suffers. Can you win that game? I'm not sure it's possible. People try and have a great time bragging about their efforts. In the they're back on the internet again. Awareness is the key factor. Know where you are at all times. Suddenly you sound like you're Mom and Dad. You know what? I'm OK with that. When you over exert your efforts on the one thing you super serve and it doesn't fit within the physical acts of what you need to survive. Ground yourself. Take away your phone and take down the door leading to your bedroom. If you're going to act like a spoiled kid then you need to see the end results of bad decisions.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Pregnant Pause

Listen to "The Pregnant Pause" on Spreaker. Pop music nor Hip Hop feel they need it. Whereas Rush Limbaugh and nationally recognized comedians do. The pregnant pause is a valuable tool. Powerful in the way that it clearly invites listeners to build a better relationship with the message maker. If the content has been planned out and executed properly it creates an engaging moment of wanting to listen. It sounds old fashioned to speak in tones and volumes that aren't as smooth as an Auto Bell team washing and drying your car. The reason why people utter Um or Aaaa is because they feel a personal need to keep the conversation growing by never giving the listener a place to step onto the stage. We aren't trained to be listeners anymore. Its the One Up Generation. Keeping up with the Jones means nothing when what you've lived or experienced was brought to life weeks before the one holding the conversation. Even in prayer we can't shut up. I'm in the forest every morning listening to the elements of all things. If I'm talking the message is missed. That bright red cardinal or deer that sort of made you smile on the way into a new day was trying to speak to you but the radio was too loud. Your heart was flooded with what you didn't do over the weekend and your dreams of being successful will be shot down again by a boss who's more interested in their endless trips out of town then truly taking care of the people that gift them with the finances to be free. Challenge yourself this moment forward to stop talking. Say nothing in your moments of growth. Hear the calling. Activate the requirement. Henry Bogan on WBT used to tell me, "Stop trying to keep your job. Your focus should always be on the next one. Learn everything here. If all you think about is the stress and expectations of this current job you are failing your future self." Create a pregnant pause in the way you speak. Don't force listeners to pay attention. It begins with an invitation of thoughts slowly delivered in the way we truly listen which should be one word at a time not LMNOP. Those are five individual letters that get locked up into one word while saying the alphabet. Not to be crude but you're missing out on a lot of success when you talk too much. Your army of supporters need leadership not complainers. Patiently delivering the message builds the legs that will be strong when someone else's ship is sinking.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Where Is Your Wisdom

Listen to "Where Is Our Wisdom" on Spreaker. I can still hear my father's voice questioning each teenage decisions,"What were you thinking? Where is your wisdom?" Being the black sheep of the family or middle child didn't gift my path with special permissions, I broke away from family traditions to locate newer areas of what my father was speaking of. I was in search of wisdom! He just didn't recognize it as such. Today, the vast arrival of so many new laws and legalization of plants, gambling and other things. I feel like my father "Where is our wisdom?" No really! What happens to it after we've learned from it and lived off it? We have to de-frag our computers why not the human thought process? During a lecture the other day a guest pointed out the importance of endlessly showing films about WWII on The History Channel. He clearly pointed out how we forget way too easily only to be reminded of hazards when it's too late. I'm so guilty of that! I know the water on the stove is hot and I still put my finger in it. Life in rewind while moving in forward motion seems like a waste of time. But how do you get past the idea that what you're going to be taught today will fall short in the years ahead. You have to practice wisdom everyday. You have to teach as much as take in. You are required to participate with the craftsmanship of wisdom by building upon its amplitude of existence. Too much work right? If you could locate that cavern where all your wisdom is stored would you be able to recognize it? Or would it be like an old radio station studio still featuring CD players, cart machines and bulk erasers with a power cord that stretches over a two track reel to reel recorder? None of that equipment is used today. It's in the way of modern technology. Reaching goals and destinations require less work. Is that how you treat your wisdom as well?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Where Is Your Here?

Listen to "Where Is Your Here" on Spreaker. If you were to take three sheets of blank paper and pour out your thoughts, how long would it take to speak the language of the person you'll be two years from your Here? We'd spend too much time trying to be a teacher and or a perfectionist that believes writing anything down is nothing more than a wasted paper trail. On this post May 17, 2018, I reach back twenty five months. To be alive in the moment. To be mindfully aware of the present, the actuality of accountability has been speaking to your growing path the entire way. In April of 2016 my writing self put a lot of focus on Where Is Your Here? Seriously, where are you right now? Living off the success of a boss that needed you to make their life better? Ouch! That's meant to be a negative but rather an inspiration for you to use the skills of that leader and become your own force of nature. I learned a long time ago in radio to pay close attention to everything a program direction and consultant shares. The messages are meant for long term growth. Are you activating any of the messages and or lessons your present boss is sharing? Not only does it make you a better team player but as the company grows forward your experiences become valuable to the entire process and not what you think is your Here. I knew where I was physically and mentally in April of 2016 and I was prepared for what was about to happen in the next few weeks. The writer spoke of being Here while keeping focus on where Here was going to lead the dreams, ambitions, challenges and changes. By being present Here, it took the pressure off being There. Your job is the best education on the planet. Being Here prepares you for tomorrows uncontrollable outcomes.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Reaching Beyond Lost And Confused

Listen to "Reaching Beyond Lost And Confused" on Spreaker. So much energy is being pulled into you every time there's a click on the clock. Sadly we're holding the energy back like the Hoover Dam. Lost and confused is a collection of sources that have nothing in common and your mind body and soul are doing all they can to understand the vibration of who it is you want to be in the moment. I love sitting back to watch someone that's just downed a Monster or Red Bull. All of that man made energy flowing through those veins and the imagination feels like it's going to implode. Some find focus and return to the jobs with an incredible jolt of I can do this. Lately I've noticed those who consume the beverages are spending more time talking and less of their minutes on physical productivity. Coffee drinkers know of this moment. It serves as an invitation to create a community and take in that light edged buzz feeling. Only to be overburdened by the feeling of being lost and confused in about an hour. We all have those blind moments where the path suddenly sinks into the soil. It's like, "Um what was I supposed to be doing?" Mine happens to be at 430 in the morning. Waking up to write in my daily pages is a chore! I use the pages as a tool to remove lost and confused. As a radio guy who once did mornings. If listeners knew of the horrid voices that run through our skulls while in the shower at 230 AM you'd never listen again. Getting past those moment of lost and confused need only one direction. Find the positive in all things negative. Rather than complain about it being a Wednesday with two more days left in the work week, put your mind at easy knowing that you've had three incredible days of business success that have lifted the lives of those who receive your product. You don't have a job! You have a connection to a community of dreamers, well wishers and strong minded individuals that love to feel incredible. No matter what your position is... The end result is a customer or client that has been touched by your art of self. Lost and confused? Quit hording the energy moving through you and release it for others to become a part of.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 107

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 107" on Spreaker. How often do you sit and watch the growing path of a single raindrop? It's almost an impossibility when there's distance. To take note of such an incredible journey you have to be willing to get wet. To stand in the storm. To become part of the environment of a willingness to want to participate with something beyond your human touch. A single drop of water falls thousands of feet to hopefully be caught by the limbs and leaves of a love filled and giving tree. Once they meet the raindrop has a decision to make. Does it become part of the tree's rooting system? Does it reach outward and participate with a community of other raindrops? Maybe it's on a mission to locate an ocean? Discovery Channel needs to cover that story sometime. One drop falling into the forest in Yellowstone National Park and it travels thousands of miles down the Yellowstone River to the Missouri then into the Mississippi before leaping into the Gulf Of Mexico. The elements around us say so much about our temperament. How we approach things is based off what we've learned want to learn or have participated with even if its momentary. Unlocking yourself from being all corporate or career driven changes the paths we are given. I love talking with first time parents. They had no clue what to expect and yet that little raindrop has an entire future to help bring to life. Look around you more often. The motivational messages that enlighten and empower aren't always at Barnes and Noble. Lift your head up and catch a glimpse of nature in forward motion.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Watching Trees Grow

Listen to "Watching Trees Grow" on Spreaker. Native American spiritual studies have taught me that the greatest storytellers on the planet are trees and rocks. Rarely does the human sit by each and just listen to the wind as it passes beside a moment of study. I'm quick to admit that where there's a place to put down thought is a growing area of opportunity but are you willing to do nothing more than listen? That's why so many aren't inspired by or willing to participate with meditation. The mind has to stop planning out and or trying to dictate the journey moving forward. In 1997 I took on the mission of trying to replenish the forest that surrounds my house in south Charlotte, North Carolina. We put 1,700 six inch seedlings in the soil knowing that maybe one in 40 would make it to a year. Twenty one years later the calling to watch a tree grow has made me extremely aware of what a forest moves through not just daily but into each fast paced season of change. I have a white pine that scrapes the sky at 30 feet into the air. Another chose to grow robust and stretch it's limbs outward. Watching a tree grow mindfully teaches the human spirit to expect storms and how to repair after the limbs have been replaced by broken dreams and promises. A tree never gives up. It does all it can to provide shade, shelter and strength. It gives so much to the spirit of the human and then one day someone comes along and chops it down. Wow... Not in my forest. I've been known to be extremely vocal about preserving their rightful place and space. The roaming deer cause me to chuckle. They hide behind these one time six inch seedlings. They look around the trunks of these trees to see what the human is doing. Hawks fly low and owls hoot all day long. Watching a tree grow does more for the spirit of your soul than anyone can plant by way of a career. Sometimes you've got to become part of the atmosphere.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Distance Versus Relationship

Listen to "Distance Versus Relationship" on Spreaker. The title alone puts shivers down my spine. In an age of social networking and instant access of being accepted, there's still that invisible line that exists in the center of distance and relationship. You can be the smartest person in class and never utilize the importance of building a relationship with the knowledge shared. Workplaces endlessly put into play new ideas and plans to gain in the weight of building a stronger relationship with current and future clients. Do employees gravitate to the knowledge or just see it as being part of the job? I learned so much being a member of the iHeart Media production team. The tools they developed created a lasting imprint on strengthening the development of relationship. How important is it to you to know how to use those tools in an everyday place and world? In asking that question am I creating distance in our relationship? That's how easy it is to begin a newer path of discovery without recovery. I learned that very quickly when I became more public with my relationship with God. The friend list completely fell apart. Distance was put into something I had never thought possible. I'm still the same person! Not to many of those who once stood by,"He uses the God word." This isn't a blog based on the acceptance or disconnection from religion but rather a journey through how we can't keep our hands off the meters of distance. We like to keep people an arm distance away. Unless we need something. That conversation in the South usually begins with a compliment then here it comes, the request or command. Distance versus relationship. Does the heart truly grow fonder? Can someone you love be so close to your heart that you feel smothered? Remove the layers from that thought and truly call it what it is...distance. Knowing is having the awareness but hardly if ever does someone want to activate a more peaceful conclusion. We tend to put our entire investment in starting over. It's less drama. Which makes me wonder about the relationship between Lennon and McCartney. When you hear Paul talking about John in 2018 his love for the songwriter performer is extremely strong. There was a moment of distance and the world paid for it. Instead of stopping in your everyday world with real experiences and challenges why not forgive first then attempt to understand. Remove the distance.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Image

Listen to "The Image" on Spreaker. We are the generation that depends on branding to help convince people to purchase products they may not need but feel left out when they don't receive. Song hooks are no different. Without that certain point in a popular song there's no real reason why we should keep coming back for more. Mindfully I live in the present. It's been a well focused journey to put trust and faith in what we see as the now. They always tell us we can't take anything with us after passing. Living in the now is somewhat the same. The difficult part is learning how to handle the excess weight of others and their things. How can we grow forward if our heads and hearts are brimming with conversations spoken 10 minutes to 10 years ago. I'm seriously guilty of this walk. There are moments when the only thing I see and hear is an event that came into being in 1982. There's absolutely nothing I can do about the outcome. As humans we try, only to find our mindsets turning into dogs after they've gone to the bathroom. We scratch and scratch at the soil hoping to bury what rightfully is no longer part of us. Living in the now is my challenge because this blog and vocal message comes from my daily writing. Talk about trying to bring things forward! If being in the present isn't to include the past then why do I do it? To study growth. To build upon the now by knowing how yesterday's now became part of the brick formation and how it's to serve as a tool on this walk toward the horizons we chase. In April of 2016 I penned out a strong statement: A relationship with God can be felt but not seen. Not a question or a concern only that too many base their actuality on the appearance of God rather than their faith being strong. Therefore without sight the physical presentation can be distance. Without a doubt we now stand in the presence of now. You're now aware of where your next step will be planted.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Do You Know Your Own Story

Listen to "Do You Know Your Own Story" on Spreaker. So many times I've written about how others act and react to your accomplishments and or struggles. We are the generation of "Yo Da Man! And You Rock!" Yeah, well most have no clue what was personally required for you to achieve the glorified description. How often do you stand up for yourself or congratulate the inner being for having to experience the path and journey? Do we know our own story? We know what was required to climb into this moment. The sleepless nights and the horrid shapes of worry and fear while sitting in the front seat of your car during a huge disaster of traffic. Looking out my studio window I see trees that stand nearly twenty feet off the ground. I planted them when they were six inch seedlings. I don't know their story except to say that it feels like only yesterday that the decision to replenish an aging forest was the best thing to happen to me since Taco Bell started selling French Fries. Because I daily write I do know the story. Maybe... I can't instantly recall a particular day unless I revisit the pages filled with a wandering poets attempt at being creative at 530 AM. I do sit in shock, wonder and still get angry over areas that could've easily been controlled. How does the non-writer react to their story? My first wife played by one rule: If I don't see it happening right now then it never did take place. That's an insane way to live. Each moment is a rope not to just hold onto but to turn into a tool for balance or pulling yourself free from the idea that something didn't go right. Knowing your story keeps you in touch with why the story is taking shape. You'll never stop asking why, how, where and when? You need those words tomorrow and the days after. Each presents itself as a platform to build new ideas or reshape the process of progress. Getting to know your story isn't that area of the playing field where you're given permission to be a perfectionist. You've got to let life happen. If you aren't falling off your bike pick it up and throw it at yourself. Your story must feature struggle. Learn from the moment by staying true to what is now. Mindfully grow don't force intention into thinking you recognize the image in the mirror. Tell yourself daily what your intentions are. Whisper or shout out five or ten. My intention today is _______. Your story is an important part of what is your success and that happens all too often without taking note of it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 106

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 106" on Spreaker. As a child I feared the wind more than thunder and lightning. Maybe its because Montana was the receiver of those extremely strong Chinook winds out of Yellowstone Natl Park. I always felt the trees in the neighborhood were going to come down and the end result was a ripped up moment of security and comfort. Today, I view the wind as being a source of information. It carries the seeds of plants and other things forward and outward. It cleans the leaves off the limbs of trees while dusting the pollen off our cars, decks and other things. Spiritually the wind grows with depth. Is it a great mystery? Not if you sit back and watch today's top weather men and women. The human has crafted the perfect devices assuring most wandering minds the direction of the wind and how hard its going to hit. Why then would I bring up spiritual other than wind carries away the fragmented reminders of a yesterday we can't change. I remember standing on the shores of South Beach/Miami listening to the endless wind. For a brief moment I actually believed the wind as we know it reaches South Beach and lifts those who've passed upward or into the water. I sat on the beach that night and counted the amazing amount of bird feathers that bounced beside me into the water. It wasn't like tossing rocks into a roaring river or gentle mountain lake. It reminded me of a huge leaf blower puffing waves of wind at objects that can't be left behind. Memories, anxiety, fear, shame, doubt, judgement are too heavy for the wind to carry. I've yet to meet the trash collector that wants to pick it up. Therefore the stuff sits on the front porch of our newly given today. If you've seen the movie Wally then you know what happens to this place we stay when we don't throw anything away. Everything we're feeling piles up and up and up. Why then would I bring up this wild idea that wind is spiritual? 1 Kings 19:11 And behold the Lord passed by and a great strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks. Maybe we're not letting the wind do its thing. Maybe we're the object standing in the way. Protecting all of that weight because without it we'd be empty. Life is a like a Walmart credit card. Paying it off is a day of victory. Keeping it completely free of future charges isn't going to happen.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Who Is Your Character

Listen to "Who Is Your Character" on Spreaker. As far back as I can remember the character we set free in the moments we lived were not always based on who we truly were. My father always told me to stay away from certain people because he knew my character would change and I'd end up getting in trouble. Same is true in 2018. You can physically see the personality changes on social media. What I find more interesting is how each character changes on what social media we're using. Twitter versus Instagram versus Facebook. Some will tell you that it's the same. All they did was cut and paste. Why then did I feel like it was three different newspaper stories featuring several different artists? Our character at work can be very protective or extremely shy. Who are you at home in the morning compared to when you get home after a long hard day? The shapes of our characters, are they created and or generated the way my dad saw it? Do you become a certain person while circling with certain friends or family members? How can you regain control of your truer self? If people saw me away from radio I'd be instantly branded a boring person. I love simple. I don't want to get in peoples way. I'd rather sit near the window staring at the forest then walk into a conversation and pretend I know what's going on. Where's the leadership in that role? That in itself is a very authentic question. Do we have leaders today or are they characters? Dad would always remind us, "Know your place and never forget where you came from." That was his way of saying that no matter how big you think you are with others there's still dishes to be washed at home and a dryer full of clothes that need to be folded. Be aware of your character changes. Study their habits and what they crave. Get back to being your true self. The rest of us will catch up.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Why Your Dreams Are Coming Through

Listen to "Why Your Dreams Aren't Coming Through" on Spreaker. I never plan for this. If I did it wouldn't be real. I step into this beautiful studio overlooking an incredible forest each morning and pick up a book of my daily writing. I'm locked and lost somewhere at the tail end of April 2016. Why do I do this? Because through each of our daily walks there are hordes of lessons shared and rarely do we locate the time to jot down notes. Even as that daily writer I miss so much. I feel it moving through the tip of my writing instrument but I'm so busy trying to make other people happy that the plan and purpose of where we're supposed to be on the bigger map sits in a RV park located on the corner of Walk and Don't Walk. While studying the pen scratches and stumbles of a wandering thinker the elements presented during those late moments of April 2016 unveiled a very important feature in the story of why our dreams aren't coming through. Not true. I physically said through. It's the junk we're collecting. We purchase so much stuff that it's stuffing our reasons to want to realize the importance of our being. Most of us are working to pay for the stuff that we no longer use. Here's a deeper truth. I've been daily writing since July 1994. I still have poetry written in the 5th grade. It goes even further. I still have my first spelling test book from the first grade. Hording right? To you yes. To me? I'm holding onto the birth of my writing and how I write. The importance of what we hold onto is what keeps us from growing. When I walk into an office operated by a strong GM or decision maker and I see the walls lined up with plaques and trophies I laugh. I honestly want to ask, "But who are you today?" Why aren't your dreams moving through you? How can we activate them into becoming part of your new found victory? Until I learn to open the vaults that hold my daily writing and I begin to throw it away, I honestly have no answer except to say "Eat more ice cream."

Thursday, May 3, 2018

What Is Within

Listen to "What Is Within" on Spreaker. The headline asks a very important question that few would find joy in trying to unwind. Not a judgement but rather an observation. What is within? Especially since we all experience it on an everyday basis at work, while jogging, driving through horrid traffic or while doing something creative by way of art. A runners high is very real. A mothers way of protecting her child several blocks from where she stands is traveling within. There is a source of communication without words when you build that path toward strengthening the ability to always return to your within. Yoga, meditation, studying religion are incredible keys that open the doors of what we assume is locked. Me being me. Going within seems selfish, self serving and without the proper knowledge of knowing what to do with the higher purpose of the energy. Doctors, preachers, caretakers and other community minded individuals experience within in deeper ways. It is the act of traveling within the mind body and soul of the passerby. Not to steal but to help heal. Not to take advantage but to hear the calling out of a path that too many love to hide. My most recent challenges with a very strong minded rescued dog tested the depths of the lessons learned. We don't know the true stories of the objects in front of us. We can only assume by the way their words have described. Jazzie the rescue came from three different families. Her anxiety level was on huge overload and it was very evident I had adopted an out of control destructive dog. Every day there was more and more damage. I swear she was eating my house. I looked at Jazzie one day and asked, "Are you here to free me from a past that I cannot change and the only way to make that move is to take it from my sight?" We get wrapped up in so many things that we forget to look within. We gripe about how fast life is moving and yet the clock has never sped up its pace between the clicks. Learning to look within the shapes that unfold in front of us teaches us that it's time to hear more than your heart. Jazzie is now 22 days without bringing down the house. We meditate together, she takes me for the walks, she invites me to wander through the forest watching spring come back to life in Carolina. Jazzie has proved not to be the distraction but rather the correction. We all go through this. Maybe its time we stop pushing whats wrong away and learn from it. Use your gift of going within others so that you can see the stronger more faithful you that's still alive beneath your skin.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Locating Harmonics

Listen to "Locating Harmonics" on Spreaker. I've never looked at the Beatles as being a band. Those are fighting words aren't they? History shows they were four different guys who happened to come together in a moment that would change the way we buy, market and listen to music. Spin the clock forward to 2018 and you can't help but wonder what happened to these avenues of collaboration. We go to work and do a job. I get it. Collecting paychecks is a very cool habit. What are you doing for your uniqueness? Snow flakes are often accused of being that greater than glory process in nature of no two never being the same. Guess what John Lennon can't be compared to Paul McCartney. You can't be your boss but you can locate the harmonics in the connections made. Julia Cameron's book The Artist Way At Work should be studied by every layer of a working business. It clearly points out the uniqueness of each person involved in the avenues of locating success. Rather than bending and shaping the employee or standing in the corner pinpointing new ways to hate the boss. Tighten up the six strings of your guitar and learn that each of those strings truly has nothing to do with each other and yet music changes the world. Study the path of a single leaf. As much as we hate the allergy season the journey of that single leaf will one day feed the soil of the tree that brought it to life. I've never heard a tree complain about its water collecting shade offering partner. It's a relationship of growth by endlessly reaching for the limbs of tomorrow. Leaves that break down in the soil creates energy. How much energy are you truly bringing to the foundation of business success? Not a guilt trip. I know you're great at what you do. What if the labels and judgement were removed? What if it wasn't a job you were going to but rather a connection to clients that need your product to better the lives of people also wanting to grow forward? Look beyond the four walls. There is purpose in your walk.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 105

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 105" on Spreaker. That moment. Yep the one where everything feels like the planets have aligned. You feel great and in tune with the atmosphere of constant change. Most people don't pick up a writing instrument or whip out their smartphone or tablet to write about that moment. The open space of receiving something greater than normal and the choice becomes to personally celebrate the accepting of such a vibration. More than ever those moments are a series of experiences that happened to glide together. All things are possible and that was it. How far and few are they brought to the surface of reality? Why don't those moments arrive more often? Is it because we truly aren't the students we claim to be? The only way to take great notes isn't after the event but rather while it's happening. Being true to the shape of it's journey through your efforts. I know, who has the time to take the time to write? You get 24 hours a day to make incredible plans and pictures. How much of it goes unnoticed due to another person's expectations? Your voice is always going to be louder. That invisible monster in your head that endlessly speaks while in the car, facing a deadline or just trying to get sleep. Practice writing before you dive into it. You have to train your imagination to recognize those moments. Bring them out by giving your imagination a reason to believe in who you are on the outside of that heart.