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Those aching moments. You've poured your everything into generating what was supposed to be a very successful career. No payoff has arrived. You've been professionally patient not just this year but throughout every change and challenge presented. Yet the ache won't go away. You are brilliant at your job but there's no connection to the infectious high that was promised when goals were met. No matter how many resumes you send the candy coated smile tightly designed in the bathroom mirror eventually cracks. What's next? How and why are demanding their investment back. Must the miles of probability be overshadowed by doubt and other people's greed. I talked with Billy Brown this morning about his 40 years of performance with Ray Goodman and Brown. Every question led us deeper and deeper into what he shared with me during his opening statement. He paused and spoke of the valley before the victory. After twenty minutes of conversation he was extremely transparent as to whom he truly was creating with and for. Which raises the question of why so many of us wait decades to make the right choice?
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 112
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 112" on Spreaker.
I recently wrote about experiencing a feeling of my head being held under water during a baptism. Inside that moment my feet were attached to the center point of walk and don't walk. What is the next step if what's being lived clearly points in two different directions? Which is nothing new to our everyday life and world. I believe we have more choices then Google has answers. We live and breathe in so much information that our insights are clogged like a neighborhood lake. Being a daily writer I couldn't just let the opening sentences of being held under water sit there and wait for a drought. I'm not sure if you've seen a how most baptisms are brought to life these days but at Elevation it's not just the student and the campus minister. It's three people. Once you are laid back into the openness of a public confession two people are there to help guide your body back to the strength of your feet. So in writing about being under water you have to ask if it was a learning point of not knowing what's around us? That too often we get locked in on what we think all of this is supposed to mean without attempting to rely on those who've dedicated their present steps to lifting you to a better place. I also wondered if the moment truly was about the campus minister and the student, why wasn't the one being baptized helping to lift his own body above the water? These are two very important points that require the ability of activating a choice. If your decision is to stay beneath the water eventually you'll run out of air. Being lifted to a new life isn't a solo sport. It requires the awareness of all things that made the moment and participation in the process is essential to growth. Think about how your every day moves through its motions and emotions. I hear people all the time complaining about being held back or down and they feel as if there's no life left in their dreams. Open your eyes and see if there are dedicated and determined people around you to help lift your spirit back to into place. If it's a situation of you and the boss or coworker, work together in rebuilding. You can't and won't find victory and or success being "I"
Friday, June 15, 2018
Why You Should Study The Runners High
Listen to "Why You Should Study The Runners High" on Spreaker.
We've all heard the term the runners high. Being a creative person I'm blessed with multiple creative rushes everyday. Going to those places that feel like you totally disappeared. When you return art sits next to your worn out shoes. Getting into that zone isn't always so easy. At times we kick,push and stumble our way through the struggles of mentally taking off only to realize it just isn't going to happen. When it doesn't there's a let down. Going through it several times can usually lead to creative or sports minded people to quit doing what once brought them incredible inner peace. Have you tried meditation? Getting into that open space requires practice. Your mind wants to play. It wants you to think about other things. You might disappear for two minutes or three seconds. Practicing everyday allows that field to locate new roots. Yoga is a fantastic way to get yourself on the inside. One problem. If you can't make it to class your mind body and soul won't locate mindfulness on its own. That's where discipline comes in. Meditation rewards your system of choices. Don't look at it as a chore or more weight. See it as a gift that opens the window for you to be closer to the self you are and will grow into. In this method of sharing be grateful for where the energy arrives. Disappearing inside that runners high or creative rush is a beautiful escape. You need to give back. Whatever grows from your time away share it with a passerby. Allow the energy to move through you and into another. It's the art of flow. Let it grow forward and outward.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
The Path
Listen to "The Path" on Spreaker.
It's not a Montana thing. I love studying paths. I've been known to sit on a forest floor and take notes about how and why the path exists. How it got there is the mystery. So much so that it's allowed my thought process to accept the paths that it too has created. We all have paths. More importantly those paths have swift curves and some that seem out of place. Where along the way did you take a turn? Did it pay off or were you forced to twist? Mountainside paths are beautiful places to follow but can the same be said about the paths you've made? I write everyday at sunrise to do nothing more than listen to the lines in the sand. To cross over them not in judgement but peace. Thich Nhat Hahn came to the U.S. to peacefully protest the Vietnam War. He didn't raise his voice nor did he hold banners with outrage. His mission was peace therefore he kept true to his path. We all want peace but how many of us activate it's presence in our now? Bosses are always going to drive you crazy. Walk in peace. The end result of productivity is going to create a more successful campaign. Your kids endlessly playing video games is another battle ground. Locating a peaceful and not forceful conclusion is the task at hand. Peacefully handling the situation lays down the path for them to follow. I honestly believe the temper I displayed in my teens to late 30's was based on how my father always felt reason to raise his voice. I used his path in my life and realized how wrong it was. Through meditation I'm able to see the proper path which leads to better choices. Learning to study the turns you make on the paths you create helps you open your heart to accepting change while everything around you is being challenged. Walk in peace. Activate it.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
That Dark Spot
Listen to "That Dark Spot" on Spreaker.
I'm not saying all of them but most men and women of comedy come from dark places. Yet they've got the incredible ability to generate amazing amounts of gut busting laughter from those who've chosen to sit in those clubs and chairs. How is that possible? Most people we work with or live with suffering from the same dark spots become weight rather than that place others can escape. Not just comedians but the majority of all creative people from major businesses to songwriters to landscapers know of that place that has figured out how to take them down. Sadly as of late I can say and take you out. I'm deeply bothered by the talent we are losing because of unexpected moments of defeat that lead to actions of silenced forever. I sat with a circle of open minded religious leaders a few years back asking to help create a support group for all creative people. I was quickly reminded that God heals all things. Yeah I get that but even the most spiritual fall from those beautiful pages of grace. In May of 2016 I wrote about what isn't written and how those empty pages actually serve as divided paths. Two years after being extremely open inside my daily writing I break down what it's like to face those dark spots in the heart. It's time to listen to them. To understand that its more about taking less medication and physically generating the presence of actuality. To open the mind to freeing the heart. To get there it has to be spoken not thought about. It has to be the conversation not a feeling felt while driving alone. I created the iHeart Radio channel Poetic Elevation for the purpose to serve the creative at heart. To be transparent and extremely real in times when religion doesn't support such circles. I get it. And so does Casey Crimmins at Multiply Church. Being real leads to the first step. Just don't go silent.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 111
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 111" on Spreaker.
For some this might be too heavy. Accepting the moments that feel out of place during the tragic loss of a loved one. It's been two months since word reached me about my brother. Never once have I felt hurt and or alone. All too many times along the path I kept hearing the preachers in the pulpit shout out about Jesus and his guarantee to give each and everyone of us an everlasting life. Great sales pitch right? Wow and all we have to do is accept his presence? The eye opener for me actually took place in 2015 during the unraveling moments of learning about my father's passing on Facebook. Devastated? Yes. Lost? Empty? Confused? No. Before I slipped into a pair of teenager shoes I took the preachers everlasting hook and made it a part of my process of growth. I could be wrong but everlasting means the presence of my family is very much alive inside my mind body and soul. The everlasting is the existence of our continued steps locked on forward and outward motion. I started two huge writing projects after each new chapter was given birth. This very radio show is the result of hearing my father's voice and command beyond that tragic dip into the world of social media. The journey and journal I'm using for my brother's voice to be heard will also one day serve. There's a difference between accepting the agreement about having an everlasting life and physically living with people already enjoying the everlasting life. Being aware of how things move through you invites peace and not question. You are not alone. You will not be in fear. If it shall rise then let it speak through you by way of the tip of a writing instrument. Yep... You're gonna cry. Wow where's the positive in that? When you begin to see how the everlasting is the continuation of everything.
Monday, June 11, 2018
Too Much To Take
Listen to "Too Much To Take" on Spreaker.
The information generation is completely bloated by all that's available. We've lost our purpose and point. It's like walking into a martial arts school to take note of the over achiever that's doing everything possible to please the master but doing nothing to learn from the physical presence of knowledge. It's easy to see why so many college students aren't reaching the levels of success they studied for. With all that information going through your ears and eyes where do you have time to physically activate its potential growth? It doesn't work that way. Since we paid to be in class it should be the automatic next step. There's something to be said about gaining access to success through channels of failure. That's why I endlessly wish all future school teachers should spend half their first semester in a classroom learning actuality rather than spending four to ten years getting the education then turning their back on the system of education because every classroom is an energy breaker. For twenty years I always made sure my students heard these words, "Steal my art." Basically meaning believe in the continuation of how I learned from people who learned from people and so on. Take from my experiences so that you can grow forward and outward. I don't say that anymore. Nobody was replacing what people were taking. That's not selfish. I've just become more wise with who receives the information. How do preachers make it from Sunday to Sunday? How do elementary teachers feel when end of the year test scores revealed seriously low numbers? Business leaders are no different. There's too much information to take. Everybody thinks they're an expert without doing one day of actuality. Accountability must be the resource or be forced to keep changing.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Mind Games
Listen to "Mind Games" on Spreaker.
We're all guilty of playing mind games on people as well as ourselves. The words we plant in our head and heart may come across as inspirational and motivational but what is the end result? They say the greatest search in our lives is the physical act of seeking our purpose. Some get the image and or physicality of it while others keep bending the path of security and safety. We have those go to places or spiritual leaders that are figured into the equations required to help heal, lead, unlock and unwind. But is it the right choice? How long will you last during the times of change? Knowing where you are in the present keeps your visions connected to the arrival of tomorrow. But is your lift in the moment just another mind game?
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Painting Actuality
Listen to "Painting Actuality" on Spreaker.
It's way too easy to use a sentence that asks, "Where are the natural born leaders?" Too easy because those who presently lead feel they own that position and nobody does it better. I agree while disagreeing. Positions of leadership once came with ample amounts of experience. Look beyond the posts sent out by Indeed, Lensa, Monster and Zip Recruiter. The picture painted is an acre of opportunity but only if you can live up to the page in a half of this meeting that. By the way no human eyes will see your resume and cover letter. Computers are looking for keywords and well structured sentences. The best of the best aren't getting the jobs. It's not about that anymore. It's about surviving in a world of less. This isn't negative. This is the stuff natural born leaders need to share with their present staff about future growth. Major Dan Miller and Rick Jackson were two of the greatest people in places of decision making not because they brought in the biggest and best dollars to the company but their voices never left employees stranded. They truly respected the open door policy and kept each in attendance attached to future potentials and not secretive ambitions geared by their person struggles. I openly admit that I set aside my experiences to be what I assumed would be quality leadership. Rather than taking the chisel out to shape the stone, I nurtured the process of progress believing that artists and creative people don't want to be told what to do but rather shown how to do. In most situations that works. Until you realize that natural born leaders have to be statue makers and not always counseling the inexperienced. Thoughts become plans. Plans evolve into action. Productivity takes on the image of connection. Success arrives from focused energy delivered on time or before. Communication isn't yelling or being better than. And none of it is worth its weight on Indeed, Lensa, Monster and Zip Recruiter. The world has become an open field of fruits and veggies with no farmer to weed the garden. Carrots will grow anywhere but can they survive the first blast of summer heat? It's ok if they fail. We'll use Indeed, Lensa, Monster and Zip Recruiter to buy more seeds while ignoring the rules of true farming.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Don't Be Your Daily Injury
Listen to "Don't Be Your Daily Injury" on Spreaker.
The invisible line in the sand doesn't always have to be a growing pain in your side. There are days that bring you so many twists and turns that the next decision into a changing challenge. Learning to survive it is based on your determination. Move beyond the moment and stay faithful to your insight and experience. How? By knowing your steps and growing with your positive attitude.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Maria Elena Salinas
Listen to "Maria Elena Salinas From The Real Story On Investigation Discovery" on Spreaker.
Over the years, Salinas has learned that there’s always more to the story. In The Real Story, Maria Elena digs for the truth behind headline-making crimes in search of new evidence, unheard perspectives, and the latest updates. Archival footage and recreations complement intimate, emotional one-on-one interviews bringing those impacted by the crime to the forefront.
In the season premiere, Jessie Bardwell had big dreams and a big heart, so when she found her perfect man in Jason Lowe, she packed up and moved to a suburb of Dallas to start a new life with him. Soon after, with dwindling communication from his daughter, Jessie’s father, Gary, sensed problems and drove from his home in Mississippi to confront her. In an emotional interview, Gary discusses how a father’s worst nightmare becomes his reality when his daughter’s missing person case turns into a homicide investigation. Additional cases explored this season include: a 3-year-old boy who was kidnapped for ransom and murdered in 1984, and whose killer was finally brought to justice after three decades; a Baruch College freshman who endured a bizarre hazing ritual that left him dead, exposing the dark world of fraternities; and more.
The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 110
Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 110" on Spreaker.
I got into a huge conversation with a Pastor yesterday about developing friendships. I was honest, "Friends in 2018 are an investment. It requires time, space, forgiveness, growth and your mother's kitchen sink. I don't feel the development of such a term is a good way to utilize time. Therefore I build and create relationships based 100% on the value of the moment." His reaction was immediate, "How would you describe our weekly conversations? Are we friends?" Now... Before I tap out my response let me clearly point out how high school teachers never talk about is how fast life moves. Many of those in action never take one step due to a connection that can't be let go. The weight of our past is so enormous that the idea of reaching beyond the localism of self is an invisible path pointed every place but here. Harsh? Not really. First, I love all my childhood friends. If the moment arrives to break bread I'll always locate the time, space, forgiveness and growth to pull our criticisms together. Maybe it's a entertainment world thing. Not just radio but all places of creativity and art. We don't walk into a performance seeking 30 years in the biz. We press forward by accepting that today could be the moment. Look at what happened with Rosanne. I found myself totally concerned about John Goodman and the other cast members. What about the production crew and the marketing department? I just read that Sears is closing more doors. Will the employees that spent long hours busting tail and sweating through the storm continue that line of connection? Once it's over a tremendous amount of mourning takes place because your heart is craving that friendship. Friends are what we do on Facebook. We see the numbers in that little box. Holy cow I have over 3,000 friends. Look I have a billion likes! This is stretching but I no longer try to use the word "at" It's not a word anymore. Its a symbol @. When I hear "at" I think web address. When I hear friend. I instantly go to the fake false world of who just happened to click that button. The investment should be on relationships based 100% on the value of the moment. What can we do together to put energy in growth and the space required to keep you on time without doing something that may lead to forgiveness?
Monday, June 4, 2018
Reid Umstattd
Listen to "Reid Umstattd From NBC's The Voice" on Spreaker.
Reid is no stranger to the music scene. In college, he and his roommate formed an alternative rock band, Nelo which traveled around the Southeast eventually leading to an independent record deal. Nelo's first album debuted at #21 on the Billboard Hot Seekers chart and over the next nine years the band released three albums and two EPs. Despite this success, Reid was becoming burnt out and tired of waiting for his "big break" with the band. Reid made the decision to shift his focus to a solo career, and settling down with his wife, Jena.
What Is Kindness When Its Not Wearing A Mask
Listen to "What Is Kindness When Its Not Wearing A Mask" on Spreaker.
It's not just a Southern thing. In an attempt to keep peace on the streets and not rough up the edges of a newly born or ancient relationship we use kindness as a tool and not the physical presentation of the actuality. It will catch up quicker than you think. I'm extremely guilty of stepping back and viewing the entire picture when someone shares a positive opening sentence to a building conversation. Right away I want to know, "What did I do wrong or what do you want?" Spin that emotion in a different direction. Because I love breaking bread with Christian driven travelers I hear a lot about the way of the word. If what we say in kindness is a mask over the potential of there being a deeper hole dug in the relationship. What is the true identity of the source of energy when speaking openly about Christ? Are we saying, "I'm currently in a storm and as much as I want to speak about it I'll take the trail labeled God Lives Here and hopefully through his blessings you will spot the problem without me having to say it." I'm blessed with the opportunity to sit and share conversation with a lot of preachers and I value their honesty about where they presently stand and why. I just wish the students and or those in the congregation could learn to be the same. I'm not afraid to step into a ministers thunder. I want to hear how they're growing stronger. It's not being covered up with false hopes and promises but rather brilliant approaches at enduring the experience. Watch how you present yourself. Then ask why you said it in the tone and mannerism you chose. There's nothing wrong with approaching the positive path over all things. How are those receiving truly taking it? One of the toughest questions I answer every day is when someone says, "How's your wife?" I honestly look at them and say, "I guess she's ok. I saw her this morning and she was bright and happy. But I honestly don't know how her day is going. I can only hope that she's in a great place." Someone else might have kept it really short and said, "We're brilliant!" I see that as a mask. Are you wearing one right now?
Friday, June 1, 2018
Broadcaster's Ability
Listen to "Broadcasters Ability" on Spreaker.
Please don't judge the book by its cover. Every business features those that unconditionally move through waves to make sure progress is maintained as well as attained. The only thing I know is radio which gives me a closer connection to what it means to have a Broadcaster's ability. Some may think that posting a song or talking all the way up the vocals is top dog material. Yeah I get it. Showmanship is everything even in a newsroom. The Broadcaster's Ability was first introduced to me in February of 1981 when the station program director stood strong with his word, "I will not and cannot respect you as a Broadcaster if you don't prepare yourself for the day your mother passes away at 7am and you're on the air for your shift by noon." That was kind of harsh but extremely true. It prepared my journey for the day President Reagan was shot, the space shuttle explosion and even more for 9-11. The Broadcaster's Ability is having the courage, knowledge and skills to set aside all things personal and serve his or her community. I've been known to say in my lectures,"Who will you be when you're on the television or radio and word comes of a nuclear warhead headed in our direction? Will you be the Broadcaster and keep the community informed or will you leave your post as a communicator?" The everyday world of business is no different. Who will you be when a client or customer feels they have to vent and or find reason to create an uncomfortable situation? You might have the skills to be a great leader and top notch employee but do you have the ability to remain focused on the expectations of your position during times of change? In reaction to the program director's request to be present after death, I continued to do my job after learning about my father and I was doing a radio show when word reached me about the passing of my brother. You didn't know as a listener. How? Why? Get ready for the thump. These 39 years of spinning music and doing talk shows has been 100% in the hands of God. On both occasions I prayed and he gave me the strength to achieve my ability as a Broadcaster.
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