Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Genius Isn't An Art

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=16100489" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Genius Isn&#39;t An Art" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

We all bring something to the path.  Interestingly enough the majority of us walk away from why you're being called a genius.  We're born to be creative.  Where we aren't one in the same are the experiences that invited you to turn off that side of your creative process.  If you've spent any time watching television or listening to the radio the top key words to motivate a sagging society are "You have a voice.  Vote."  Hopefully by the millions America will exercise that right.  Sadly, that voice will go silent on November 7th.  That's who we are.  We accept what's been elected and impatiently wait for the next group of Vote For Me signs to appear in the neighborhood.  Having a voice isn't a one day event.  We get 365 a year.  On this podcast I invite you to tear off the corner of the page and look deeper into the story.  No matter how much homework you pour into having that voice on election day, there are so many swaying negative ads being aired that when you think you've got it under control something has created doubt.  How many people walk into those polling booths to do nothing more than to show up?  It doesn't matter what lever we pull we honestly don't have a voice.  You do in the days that follow but it's going to require elbow grease.  You have to get on the street and start making noise.  Attending community meetings and reach for things other than the remote control and last nights sports stats.  We live in an age of free form digital platforms.  Exercise your voice.  Be heard beyond that moment where just showing up at the polls earned you a free sticker. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What Language Are we Speaking

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=16090056" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "What Language Are We Speaking" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

The other day a few words jumped out of my writing instrument that caught me off guard.  We aren't speaking the same language.  You, me, your neighbors and family.  We're using our words but the listener and or receiver is relying on their interpretation to paint the photograph.  On this podcast I openly admit that I've spent a lifetime doing all I could not to be looked upon as being a Bible Thumper.  It's because I'm not qualified!  I'm not good enough to wear the team jersey.  I can't even be the water boy on the field with the real players.  I do take a lot of notes while sitting in a circle of believers.  A very good friend always wants me to send those notes to him.  He says, "You hear things in the weekly messages then make it simple for me to understand."  Interpretation.  I feel horrible that he wrote that.  I jot down what affects the moment.  To grow from it.  To heal in ways that books of motivation and empowerment can't touch.  What's the language you're speaking?  What's keeping you from being your truer leader self?  There's something seriously wrong with who we are as a community.  It all points back to a lack of communication.  What if your voice is one of the lyrics missing from the song that helps heal?  What language will you use to share it? 

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 130

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=16081323" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 130" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

We measure a lot of who we are by the changing of seasons.  When it's summer that gives us permission to run like children and play out things like never before.  Fall and Winter are reminders to drop our old souls off and begin new paths of change and recovery.  It all sounds nice but we keep forgetting about your image.  On this podcast we talk about how current bosses and decision makers very rarely look at the enormous amount of resumes being sent in.  They have computers that make the judgement call.  Outside that image there still remains how you are seen or have been seen.  Like leaves, does it fall from the core of your endlessly growing tree?  Not really.  As regular people the decisions made in chapters that have changed don't bring new rays of light to the process of growing.  It's hard to take that in because no matter how much we've won or lost there's still that persona who what made it through the rain.  Being a Christian, I know the enormous amount of importance it is to be a great student.  Not everybody in my circle walks that same vision.  Therefore the image of me going all out Christ in the earlier days of being public with my beliefs still haunts the hearts of those that don't want to hang out with a Bible thumper or they feel they can't talk about subjects around me because... well the Christian is present.  Winter and Fall are not to be looked upon as a celebration of death and rebirth but rather rest.  Being aware of who and what you are and growing together with those that see you as something else.  Living in the present allows you to be here in the now.  To talk openly about the wedges placed between friendship because the image didn't truly fit.  Knowing the person always wins. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Frozen Morning Air

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=16022541" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Frozen Morning Air" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

The coldest part of everyday is usually before sunrise.  The earth is constantly taking from the atmosphere and at this moment of change all that was once heated is no more.  It takes several minutes for the rising sun to send out rays of radiation to replace what no longer exists.  I'll never forget the chill that stuck to my bones when they lowered a good friends casket into the earth.  As the man made box began to take up space, the air within the hole shot upward.  Simple science!  I get it.  But being in that moment opened my heart by teaching me to be aware of where we place things or what we replace things with.  What was in that moment before we arrived?  On this podcast I draw attention to those areas of our life where we take note of inside invisible battles versus what the outside world sees us as.  That core is no different than the earth.  It's endlessly drawing the atmosphere toward its purpose.  Before the sun arrives there are bitter moments of cold.  Who gets up in the morning ready to rock their job?  Getting regenerated requires the awareness of accountability.  What's your daily atmosphere made of?  How does it feed the inner core of your dreams and ambitions?  Being in the moment is one thing.  How you got there is another.  Cold taking on the act of needing warmth and or support.  Facing your truth. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Possibility Is Opportunity

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15992269" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "Possibility Is Opportunity" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I never travel back into my daily writing to glorify victory but rather study the steps of the wanderer seeking truth, trust and a pinch of faith.  In June of 2016 a pleasant thought tumbled from the tip of the writing instrument, "What am I supposed to do with all the lessons I've learned?"  We as a nation and a world believe happiness reins upon the paths of business success.  Lnkedin is a beautiful platform for companies to brag about how incredible they are to work for.  Happy people in bright colorful places.  When you look away from  posted pictures we're never introduced to the employees that gagged while drinking the juice.  The path part.  It's everyday.  The student or employee carries with them lessons taught to them during the challenges of locating great.  What are we supposed to do with them?  On this podcast I dive deep into the presence of a bad boss and co-workers that pretty much stink.  If every seed of success that lays on the edge of your skin were to bring you the brightest of days how do the oldest trees in the forest survive another windy day?  Something or someone had to push that seed deeper into your soil.  Those evil leaders that brought you sleepless nights should be thanked.  They pushed your limits to clear the way for your truer self to arrive.  It's not just going to happen.  You have to farm the soil.  Bring those seeds to a place of escape.  To watch as the first leaf unfolds.  Sounds like a Disney love story.  Here's what makes it a reality.  No matter how hard you work would you recognize success if it tapped you on the shoulder?  Too often we base our visions of victory on the numbers other people tell us are happening.  What are you doing with the lessons you've learned? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Denny Wells

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15985664" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Denny Wells Rediscovery Artist Part One" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I've always wanted to start a mulit-layered podcast series on the stories being lived due the physical act of rediscovering your art.  When school teachers warned their tiny little creative people to take the term starving artist seriously... whoa most caught on quickly once free from the apron strings of their mother.  Art filled or empty.  It didn't matter.  It was time for a real job.  It's not until a few chapters down the road where the artist self begins to pop its head out to see if the coast is clear to get back to bringing the canvas or music forward again.  Denny Wells is no different.  Not a mid-life crisis but an open door to explore.  It usually starts off with a doodle for most and then the next thing you know that edgy attitude of wanting to paint the world becomes the idea of chalk sketches in city parks.  Now what?

Creating Tomorrow

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15983869" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Creating Tomorrow" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Through the incredible empowerment that Martial Arts invites onto your path, I'm able to face a lot of boulders and mountain tops with a pretty positive attitude.  You make yourself available to awareness.  When something out of the ordinary appears on the radar you're not so easily entertained by the glass being half empty.  A couple of years ago a good friend asked me,"Now that you aren't a part of terrestrial radio what are your expectations?"  Without blinking my eyes or planning out a positive thought I replied, "I'm creating tomorrow."  That's become my mantra since the day it spilled off the upper lip of my radio face.  Today's podcast puts focus on how to create tomorrow by recognizing what's taking place today.  Get your mind out of the past.  Stop thinking about the victories that led you to brilliant moments in You History.  The mantra is extremely honest: Creating tomorrow.  It means a lot of alone time.  Staying clear of people with opinions.  No matter what you're doing at work today treat it like you're in class.  You're going to need the experience when the heart finally convinces you to break free and prove to the world your greater gift.  Create tomorrow.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 129

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15975066" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 129" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Not once but twice the Carolina's were hit by either a hurricane or tropical storm.  We barely caught up with the required cleaning before we were interrupted from a different direction.  During both  cases I paid close attention to the stream located in the center of my forest.  For twenty six years I've not trusted the banks of this natural carrier of flow.  Every storm makes me feel like a fool because the stream has a way of keeping all things protected.  Even during the driest of summer days it finds ways to keep the trees, weeds and birds of prey well protected.  We hear a lot about human storms or seasons.  People are extremely open with their emotions, "I'm not myself right now.  I'm in a storm."  What does the shape of your emotional carrier look like?  Is it too a stream?  Learning how to allow things to move through us is a daily task that requires homework.  It's learning how to trust the moment of "Now."  Tough cookie when it feels like you've just been hit by a second hurricane.  The banks of my forested river are extremely strong because it's been able to dig deep into the soil and prepare itself for future twists and turns.  As people we tend to lightly touch the areas we walk because being filled with experience makes a lot of us feel old.  Wise in 2018 is how quick you can get an answer on Google.  Trusting your flow and where it takes your storms is an added bonus to  leading a peace filled walk. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Trusting Faith

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15964598" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "Trusting Faith" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Laying it all out on the line is a trusting shape of having faith. I feel this way _____. In being so open does it cause closure or the inability to find faith in a newer reason to grow forward? Spending a few moments on Facebook and Twitter serves as an invitation to carry a dark cloud to what we assume is a healthy forest only to learn its a desert floor. On this podcast I look into three pages of writing that are clearly what I call Hidden Speak. They don't come out and say what they mean. They poetically attempt to charm the moment. We're all guilty of this! We choose our words and not always wisely. Southerner's and New Yorker's aren't the only people with accents. Your thoughts wiggle their way into your morning sunrises and play a huge role in how you're going to step outward and beyond. Do you trust yourself enough to drop the mood swing and exchange it for a positive approach to being in a better place? Once there, is it Hidden Speak? Through choice, a better mindset mended the broken spokes but the moment you pop on the computer or sit in the car with no radio playing those feelings brought to the surface of the morning rising return except now they're stronger. Trusting faith means you've got to let it go for good. I daily write to get it out. If it's still clinging to the bottom of my shoe I continue writing. The reason why I use Hidden Speak isn't to keep truth from the air. I utilize the energy. Negative is heavy and strong. Being creative with that negative energy vibrates the reins of the monster dragging us and turns the chosen words into an expression of better understanding. With a clearer mind the attitude begins a path of being aware of where we once stood and is able to understand every side of the situation. It offers the heart a break so it can properly and mindfully deal with the moments that hit us at 100 mph.  

Friday, October 12, 2018

Could And Can Be

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15944638" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "Could And Can Be" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

A light enough question to weigh down your present moment.  What do you keep setting aside that's disguised to look like anything but the tool required for you to reach the reality of your moment?  It's not easy trying to lead a simple life.  There are too many options.  Which is why it's not a difficult choice to keep putting things on the list of things you'll get back to.  Suddenly 2010 becomes 2018 and that burning question in your heart is "Why do I see myself as a failure?"  We've all ridden that train!  Through awareness we are blind.  We know where we should be or could be but we can't locate the tools to mold it into place.  Why?  On this podcast I talk about how as a kid I always dreamed of being that radio jock in Los Angeles.  I thought I was doing great at 23.  Then I stopped in Carolina.  To this day I don't know why it ground to a halt.  It's as if I dropped something and 33 years later I'm still searching for an object on the forested floor.  Most people aren't realizing their dreams because the process to keep the journey alive is a challenge that can't be changed.  I still do radio!  It's just not in LA.  You still do ______!  It's just not _____.  Being a daily writer helps me find space to seek but in the end I've only collected more wonder.  Reaching outward for that tool that opens the door to your long sought after ambition.  The truth of the reality?  Your calling might not have been what you dreamed.   

Thursday, October 11, 2018


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The little things always open our eyes.  My friend Todd recently celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary.  Without too much thought I jotted down a note and sent it to him, "I truly enjoyed watching the two of you grow in love."  Such an Arroe-ism.  Watching you grow in love?  It got me to think about the many things that each of us grow into.  Radio people might showcase a few broadcasting skills when they first jump into the industry but it's a huge growing process.  Learning to locate the right voice, timing and pace is a journey all its own.  Growing into what we do is the subject on this podcast.  We are students of the everyday.  How many of us take physical notes?  I don't write to right.  I write so that others may one day do the same.  Another Arroe-ism.  I daily journal.  I didn't know that one day keeping such tossed out thoughts would physically serve as lessons to build upon.  No matter where your storm arrives, it carries with it a voice that will be required on a day you least expect sometimes 20 years into your chapters.  Your shape was created by a need to be accepted and or a boss that commands you to make progress a money making entity.  But who are you really?  How much of your life is a physical act of Hidden Speak?  You say things because its what others want and need from your present place. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I'm Listening He's Guiding

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15925951" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "I&#39;m Listening He&#39;s Guiding" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

As a Broadcaster, I challenge myself daily to reach beyond the edge of acceptance so I can step over disconnection.  The digital age is a crazy place for people addicted to watching numbers.  There comes a time in the choices we make as Broadcasters where your heart has to be bigger then the ego.  On this Podcast I openly bring forward the challenges of the everyday world and how each of us are trained in our own way to bring assurance to each person we come in contact with.  Because I'm a professional people watcher, I study the habits of all walks in life.  How we hang our head in public says a lot about who you are.  Fake smiles are no different.  Through it all there's always going to be a connection.  Do you know where you stand?  How long did it take to get there and how often do you leave this area of comfort?  We're the Twitter generation.  Our attention span is barely an inch.  A job placement site reminded me the other day that we should update our resumes every eight weeks.  Who you are on that page is a life once lived.  Your future is determined by something you've already done.  No wonder so many are challenged by the idea of learning how to live in the present.  The only thing you have control of is "Now."  But how?   

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 128

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15915501" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 128" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

When Fall arrives in Carolina each year I pay close attention to how the trees never mourn the loss of their leaves.  It's physical proof of how each of us need to move in forward motion and emotion.  The tree doesn't bend to wave goodbye nor does a tree keep the flying leaves near its trunk for future use.  It says "I'm done.  Thank you very much."  Can you imagine where you'd be in life if you spent less time collecting thoughts and experiences and flat out kept focused on growing outward?  On this podcast I put focus on how difficult it is to live in the present and yet the glory of being there is knowing I have fewer boxes of memories in the garage and attic. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Open Your Heart

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15906723" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Open Your Heart" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

The entire way.  From your parents to teachers, coaches and preachers.  You're endlessly being told to open your heart.  The way of the world today.  How long did it take for you to close the heart?  To keep from the judgement, the fear, doubt and shame.  I'm a Christian and I still have problems hearing people say, "God spoke directly into my heart."  Shrugging my shoulders is my way of accepting their journey.  Opening your heart helps build a stronger workplace environment.  Your skills aren't called upon by bosses and coworkers to be sit in a jar by the door.  I get how easy it is to find a reason to close up shop and just do the job.  That isn't you.  Over the past few years I've heard a lot of great employees openly admit, "I can't do it anymore.  I love what I do.  I just can't do it with the people I work with."  Having that open heart with yourself is a cool conversation.  How do you know it's the true voice of reason?  Last week during a conversation with actress Paget Brewster we spoke about being able to multi task our way through a heavily layered entertainment industry.  I asked about the voices of each place she plants her feet, "Is it one or are you like me, made of many?"  Having an open heart to hone your skills in sports, work, the home life or a hobby is great place to walk.  Knowing the voice behind it is often trusted too much and the way becomes lost.  On today's podcast we talk about how removing the expectation actually helps identify the open heart.  Being truthful with it's newly grown field of awareness will help you locate the awareness of accountability.  That open heart is always going to be someone's target.  Learn to protect it by never closing it.  Know who that true voice is and keep it in truth. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Can We Be One?

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15886225" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" >Listen to "Can We Be One" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

It's not a hidden fact that I find great joy in being a daily writer.  It teaches many truthful lessons to my future self.  Over the past couple of years I know my love for Christ as become more public.  I just didn't know how far I had traveled.  It explains though why so many have walked away from what I assume was a great relationship.  Religion is like politics and talking about favorite teams in sports.  Not everybody is into the Clemson Tigers.  Without bringing up the news and or events of the everyday place and world we can all agree that we are a divided people.  Every Friday and Saturday for 26 years my neighborhood gets together for dinner.  No week has been missed.  We are not the same.  We have huge disagreements about everything.  Yet each week we unite as one.  We accept the walk and way of each others paths.  I bring this up on the podcast not to brag about how this is a cool hangout.  It's to open our thoughts and processes to inviting newer opportunities to be one.  Make up the rules.  Agree to disagree.  Break bread in a moment of togetherness by letting people unite in welcoming everything that makes us different.  No judgement.  Openness.  They know I'm a huge fan of God but they don't make it a reason to take off.  It adds to the conversation.  The depth of our travels together isn't a product purchased at Home Depot.  It's a physical act of being ourselves.  Now if we can only do this at work.  Special circles and cliques have got to become more united.  The bosses pet employee needs to be less of a spy and more of a motivator.  Lets grow as one.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Niche And Uniqueness

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=15878864" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-cover="">Listen to "Niche and Uniqueness" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

A couple of years ago a very good friend made it a point to say "I wish I had your courage."  Instantly my heart opened because I stood in that moment questioning why this guy was a friend.  Those closest to me know I don't like to receive compliments.  It's very uncomfortable.  I feel like I have to return something just as favorable.  I do remember laughing off his observation while offering the opportunity to go to the very place where I've been able to keep this so called courage perfectly in line with faith and trust.  He quickly turned down that offer.  He said he doesn't need religion and if he needs to feel great that's why they created the remote control and comedy shows.  That didn't sit well in my heart.  I walked away from the conversation by stepping outside and looking to the sky.  He followed me.  I turned to him and very bluntly said, "Niche and uniqueness.  Master them.  It will turn your wishes and dreams into moments of courage and confidence."  On this podcast I talk about this friend and how over the past two years he's turned his life completely around and has a very successful career.  He's totally nailed niche and uniqueness. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Staring Through An Empty Glass

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It's not often that I jot down a thought and run with it so quickly to the air.  I like to ferment my daily writing.  To allow the process of progress be the better storyteller.  Have you ever carried a heavy thought and finally had to put it down?  I could share it in writing but your first glance will invite you to tune out.  On this podcast we bust open the thought and bring light to an area of the everyday world that 98% of us don't want to openly talk about.  Picture a clear drinking glass sitting in front of you.  Its open top turned upside down.  Because it's clear you can see the other side.  In essence, you are staring through what emptiness looks like.  The upside down glass has nothing in it yet you can see the other side.  You're looking through empty.  Once identified the glass is turned over.  Most of us do everything in our power to fill up what's been labeled empty.  What are you filling your life with?  Is it the game changer in the way that you've now given yourself permission to begin questioning who, what, where and why?  My heart was listening while recording this podcast.  I said, "I'm putting God inside that empty clear glass."  Then it happened. Reality.  I put God in a clear empty glass.  I can still see the other side of that empty clear glass.  Where's God?           

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 127

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These are great times to spend moments sitting in a chair watching spiders mastermind their plans to build the biggest and best web caught between tree limbs.  The average person can't stand the sight or thought of a spider being anywhere near their next step.  It's a spiritual moment to sit with spiders.  Native American spirituality teaches us that spiders showcase an opportunity to access our deepest wisdom.  We are to open our minds to the infinite number of possibilities that sit in front of us.  On this podcast, I talk openly about how being creative is essential to your present place.  Spiders speak to your soul by way of saying "Don't limit yourself to a mundane world."  In some cultures, the spider's web has been used as a message maker.  Not only has it inspired humans to communicate with what spiders weave but to be reminded that the maker of the planet is always upward.  A spider's web is always reaching toward that source of energy.  One of the coolest things about a spider is their inability to not hold onto things.  They are endlessly creating new webs,  Whereas the human will stack boxes of their past in the garage, attic or basement.  No matter how hard you work on your web go into every project knowing it's for the moment and not available for tomorrow.  You'll walk a different path when you learn the way of "Now."   

Monday, October 1, 2018

Greater In His Name

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How we digest what we interpret can be a struggle in our everyday process.  Hope and faith.  I've never been a fan of both words.  Hope seems to be an empty moment.  I hope to ____.  I have hope that ____.  My faith is _____.  Faith opens ______.  There are a lot of questions roaming the streets of our personalized progress.  To invest in the stock market doesn't guarantee a payoff.  We need a more solid rock to stand on.  When Jesus said, "I am."  He didn't hope that he was.  He didn't grasp onto this thing called faith and question it's strength and whereabouts in his heart.  He knew it to be true.  It was beyond a feeling.  This podcast dives into a vat of mental fat.  While daily writing yesterday the tip of the pen scratched out, "To be greater in his name isn't a feeling in our soul."  We all have an interpretation.  Some might say, "Greater in whose name?"  I can live with that.  Others may challenge the final section of the unstructured sentence "Without feeling there is no soul."  I was talking with a friend this other day.  We agreed that each spiritual lesson delivered on Sunday should come with a question and answer period.  Not Egroups or Thursday night prayer gatherings.  An on the spot lets talk.  Almost like a press conference with the man or woman at the pulpit.  "You said this.  My interpretation is _____.  For me to grip the reins of this ship moving in every direction.  Please dive into the real waters of life and rip the poetic expression off its stage."  To be greater in his name isn't a feeling in our soul."  I wrote several pages about those collected words.  To embrace my own interpretation.  It doesn't mean it's right or wrong.  Sports figures, brilliant planners to hard working employees don't feel in their soul to bring quality to the surface.  To be greater they know it.  I am therefore it is.  The moment feelings reach your soul, its almost like you've given yourself permission to start judging.