Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Creating Tomorrow

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Through the incredible empowerment that Martial Arts invites onto your path, I'm able to face a lot of boulders and mountain tops with a pretty positive attitude.  You make yourself available to awareness.  When something out of the ordinary appears on the radar you're not so easily entertained by the glass being half empty.  A couple of years ago a good friend asked me,"Now that you aren't a part of terrestrial radio what are your expectations?"  Without blinking my eyes or planning out a positive thought I replied, "I'm creating tomorrow."  That's become my mantra since the day it spilled off the upper lip of my radio face.  Today's podcast puts focus on how to create tomorrow by recognizing what's taking place today.  Get your mind out of the past.  Stop thinking about the victories that led you to brilliant moments in You History.  The mantra is extremely honest: Creating tomorrow.  It means a lot of alone time.  Staying clear of people with opinions.  No matter what you're doing at work today treat it like you're in class.  You're going to need the experience when the heart finally convinces you to break free and prove to the world your greater gift.  Create tomorrow.   

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