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This is gonna fly over your head. The visual of the unusual is accepting the layers of probability versus capability with a twist of absolutely. No moment passes that we don't project into our hearts and souls the full visual of who it is that we think we are or would like to become. Learning to accept that image is challenging and yet we do nothing to exchange it out. Therefore we are living a probable life and style. Only to come face to face with the idea that our capabilities aren't being utilized the way we were designed. Instead of trusting what you are capable of, we find fewer reasons to invest in it as an absolute. Therefore the choices made reach back to those several layers of probability. We're all odd ducks. I openly admit I'm unusual. Accepting it doesn't mean it has to infect the channels that generate the energies connected to capability. That single place of absolute isn't going to be handed to us. It's hard not only to achieve it but to maintain it's arrival. Again, that's where probability falls into place because it requires less gung ho to settle for something that may or may not happen. Whereas the absolute is authentic and worthy of its place. Until we make the choice to stop feeding the beast. Knowing your layers. Where do we grow from rather than reach toward? Two completely different directions. Where do you stand in the way of accepting the image looking back at you in the mirror? Probability or absolutely?
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