Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Commonality Of The Mind Body And Soul

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I do believe in teamwork but believe more in the individuals required in order to generate the energy that brings a team forward with success.  On this podcast we break it down.  We're all searching and seeking a commonality but we do all we can to remain as individuals.  Your mind body and soul are three completely different sections of your daily expectations and yet we walk into everyday believing there's equal harmony.  Not true.  Nothing kills me more than sitting with someone that has great talking abilities but no actions to bring it to the surface of the team.  They get away with being called an Ideas person.  Same is true about that mind body and soul.  Which one of the three is the rule breaker versus the guaranteed return to your investment?  How can you be a human teamwork player if you barely know the system that's moved you forward?  Mindfully we grow without truly knowing.  The constant demand of the everyday world shapes your system of choices while the inner you wonders how much more can you take.  The world of business can terminate your process.  As can the core of the self you've spent a lifetime building.  I daily write to create conversation with the mind body and soul.  You don't have to sink a lot of energy into it.  Each individual part of what makes you has a ton of stuff to say.  We usually make the choice not to listen due 100% to not knowing what to do with the information.  I totally get the teamwork anthem of business but you can't be the greatest player on that team until you've developed a team with yourself.  Not a guilt trip!  Awareness of your present place in the "Now."   

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