Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Learning To Love All Living Things

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Growing up in the state of Montana where there are billions of trees and other shapes of nature it was completely normal as a kid to not fully grasp the importance of protecting all things we come in contact with.  From my daily writing I came across an entry that totally took me back to a moment in Montana that even today at almost 57 I'm still not so forgiving of.  The day I took out my pocket knife and began taking down a collection of willows dancing in the wind.  I wasn't even a teenager yet!  In that moment I knew I wanted to build a fort.  A place to escape and my eyes were set on creating that fort with these very thin trees with little leaves.  I took from nature.  I stole from the planet.  On this podcast I dive into that very subject not as a way of creating a guilt trip in your life but to make ourselves more aware of how we are achieving what we do without taking from other living things.  I'm often accused of being a tree hugger.  The truth is I'm a life hugger.  Which I believe is the reason why my path drew me up close and personal to martial arts.  Part of the mantra were these words "Learn to respect all living things."  That was so me!  But what did it mean?  It means I respect spiders.  I don't don't kill copperhead snakes.  I walk through a forest daily and take notes of how the seedlings are preparing to brave a man driven world. Sadly we are brought up in a corporate business world where your dreams and ambitions are no different then that child I once was that took down those willows.  All that you are has been cleared from the playing field you set out to conquer.  Your personal victory has been leveled to one thought, "Is the boss off my back?"  Respect all living things.  Including decision makers.  Take daily walks to listen to nature.  Pull off the road and catch a glimpse of how the leaves that fell from trees last Fall are feeding the soils that are quickly becoming tomorrows next forest.  If you've ever wanted to be motivated and or inspired to be different.  Sit next to a large rock.  The energy it generates is mind blowing.  Be open to the idea that just because you're human doesn't make you any bigger than a mustard seed.  In the eyes of the universe we are takers with no reason to ever want to give back until it's too late.

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