Thursday, October 3, 2019

Building Your Now

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The title alone sounds like a lot of change is required.  Quick run!  Step free of the moment.  Building your NOW means what?  Facing your monsters?  Not really.  Those things are in a past you can't change.  Fearing the continued reconstruction of the corporate world?  Totally out of your hands so why waste the energy?  Awareness is a tough cookie to bite into.  Most of us openly admit that where we presently stand is ok but it's not the best.  We settle.  Only to somehow someway always get caught up in circles of other job haters and or family members endlessly pointing fingers.  My sister and I struggle with that.  She likes to compare.  She said he said.  I disconnect.  Whether it's on the phone of text.  I disconnect.  No goodbyes or see you laters.  Being someone who lives in the presence of NOW requires focus on what you're currently in control of.  Other people's opinions are not in your shape shifting abilities.  When negativity starts to unwrap it's mighty arms around your participation in the conversation.  Walk away.  You're going to lose a lot of friends!  Most personal relationships are based solely on your commitment to listen.  It's what neighbors do.  We listen and offer the ever so soft, "Well bless your heart."  Within two hours your heart has sunk to a new low and your communication buddy is off at the movie, shopping or having dinner with happy people.  Once a week I take a long walk with a very good friend.  Jazzie the wonder dog at my side and my friend hit the green way to talk about nothing but the present.  The NOW.  No past.  No future you can't predict or try to shape.  The NOW.  Making yourself available for what is right now clears your system of choice.  It brings a fresh field of rebirth to a creative mind.  I can't believe I just wrote that.  80% of anyone reading right now just said to themselves, "I'm out of here.  I'm not creative."  Your NOW.  Embrace it by being truthful to where you stand.  Let it grow into your moment.

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