Friday, November 15, 2019

Trust The Arrival

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My Dad used to look at his eight children and endlessly ask, "Why can't you be happy with where you are?  Why do you spend so much time and energy on things you have no control of or over?'  As a spoiled kid that wanted everything I had no clue why he kept planting that seed.  It wasn't until I began growing with martial arts and meditation that his determination began to take shape.  Why can't we be happy with where we are?  In October of 2016 I put into the pages of the giving tree two words that best explained to my wandering heart how to begin a path of looking at situations that didn't feel right or weren't going my way.  Trust in the arrival.  You are here.  Where?  Only you can answer that.  It required a lot of elements to make it happen.  Grow into the moment that became the arrival.  A tough way to live because someone's always asking about your five year plan or what are we having for dinner tonight?  At 7:56 am on a Friday my present place in the arrival is to put focus on here not there.  That's why so many people go to work in bad moods or spend the day complaining because the thought of being happy right here is beyond their goals and resolutions.  When I walk with Jazzie the disaster artist dog midway through the day it's a pain to feel how bitterly cold it is already.  Then I grip onto the strings of the arrival.  Being present with everything from the birds, the colors of the leaves on the trees, the shapeless clouds, the hammering in the distance, cars on other roads.  It's Jazz.  None of it belongs together and yet it does.  Where are you at in your arrival?

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