Wednesday, September 30, 2015


We build relationships like cities create skylines. And just like the villages where people collect. We have grown prone to taking a relationship and replace it with something new and improved. Today isn't a documentation of a single writing moment. It's an unwritten commitment based on experience. What we walk and wade through during our living moments aren't always predicted. We choose to set things behind us. Then move another step forward. Once face to face with challenge. The one thing we need most. Relationship. Is gone. Because its the friends that we have in life that always stand behind us. But as you kept setting things behind you. Your friend kept being pushed back.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

You Already Know The Message

I daily write. I experience a lot of things that can easily be written off deja vu or reincarnation. And yet as a Christian those are things that we aren't supposed to invest in. But I do believe in both. I also believe the person we are in this moment. Will leave a message for your future self. Sometime in your next tomorrow you will experience something that makes you feel like you've been here before. It's because spiritually you have. You left a message for yourself.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Big Ole Hairy Bumble Bee

Give me ten minutes and I will ask questions. Give me 53 years and I will locate one answer. But I never stop asking questions. There are invisible paths around every step we take. We are tripping over solutions. How does the seed become the bean that which creates the continuation. Who and what is the bumble bee that brings the pollen forward?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Why You Should Meditate

We hear a lot of talk about the importance of meditation. But hardly if ever do we meet the real regular people that make the choice to put meditation on their path. Preachers and Yoga instructors enforce their beliefs while the average Joe walks through life thinking they're doing what should be. Or they've decided like prayer to say what needs to be said then move forward.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Distance and Circumstance

Someone recently asked me if everything I write about in my daily pen to paper missions is always positive. There are a thousand personalities leaping out of me each time I breathe. No... It's not an easy task to keep positive. Therefore I learned to let those voices in my head and heart have a place where they can speak. They do so in the beginning of the day. Not in the afternoon. Not at night. They know their place. And through distance and circumstance. There is peace.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Relationship With Self

We are born to write. I didn't just make that up. My mentor Julia Cameron teaches that inside the pages of The Artist Way. No judgment. Nothing to fear. Everything that has invited doubt and shame is creative turned into energy that can be used in other places of your journey moving forward and outward.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Learning To Be Located

Some like to squiggle lines on paper. Others choose to urge themselves into creating a wandering sentence. But how often have you gone back to study what fell out? Even a weird wacky doodle tells a story.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Stop Talking About Your Job

If you want to be labeled a Buzz Kill... start every conversation with, "How's your job?" We spend so much time complaining about our jobs that there's not enough time to locate something positive to share. By the time we get to comparing notes. The life of the party is gone. Stop asking people about their jobs. Enjoy your relationship. Not the presence of a lack of respect.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Being Less Makes You More

The title says it all. But can you be less and not want more? The challenges we face each day are based on the amount of junk you collect. A thought not set free is seen the same way. We are shadow makers. But what are you willing to toss out to stop the outrage?

Thursday, September 17, 2015


I believe there are more hiders in this world then there are books written. I believe we hide because there's already too much drama in the world. When a creative mind goes into hiding there are seasonal changes. Someone has to go in and locate the writer. I call it The Interviewer.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Forward Flow

I keep hearing people talk about their goals. Then complain about how they can't get there. Instantly I begin listening to their vocal patterns. Their stories are about their past. The present place in moving forward is based on something they keep doing over and over again. Which signals to me they can't get out of the past. Conquering a goal means moving forward. That includes the conversations you share.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Broken Spokes Of A Spoken Language

To speak freely is a beautiful thing. But how often do you think freely? Thoughts hit us one thousand at a time. The best are left a long the road. You have an accent in your way of thinking and writing. How true are you to its presence? Its when you tap into that level of communication that everything around you suddenly has a reason to participate.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Seasonal Changes

It's not just nature that goes through seasonal changes. As Fall approaches we prepare for winter. In fact I've seen my neighbors already preparing for spring. They're ripping weeds out of their yards by the roots. New trees are being planted. We spend a lot of time putting focus on seasonal changes. Yet we are forgetting the most important ones. Personal seasonal changes.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Creating Movement

We aren't lazy. The digital design of a modern society has created movement. And yet through these levels of language are we abusing the trail that has mastered the building and rebuilding of walls that should have disappeared decades ago? From vocal energy to the passing of a storm with lightning and thunder. We are moved in any direction by the elements that surround. Its not just one person or place. It takes elements to make moments move.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New View From The Valley Floor

My father used to tell me, "Watch what you say." In 2015 he should be here telling people, "Watch before you think." Reality is a difficult thing to digest because no matter what you do today... someone is always standing by with an opinion. Suddenly there's silence. But how can you get beyond words that came out harmless but ended up delivering a hardcore arrow in the soul?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Beating The Infamous Creative Block

I'm not a fan of this thing called Writer's Block. You are giving yourself permission to be a quitter. You were and still are a seed. Seeds are to sprout out and grow forward. When you kill the fields that bring fruit. You are allowing the darkness of art take over. When in reality the reason why there is challenge and change is because your mind body and soul are sprouting new leaves. Allow yourself to trust the journey. You will be greater for doing it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Silence Isn't Silent

How often has an incredible bolt of energy hit you and nothing comes from it? We set out to accomplish a great day only to hear silence when we arrive. Is it silent inside silence? How can we break through the walls of no longer being in the mood? Where did the original idea run off to? Can you save a day after you've punched your way out of silence?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Doorbell In Your Heart

I had a conversation with a longtime friend last evening. The friend found it to be weird that I am so open with my love for Jesus Christ. They wanted to know what it was like to be so strong and committed. And yet I have the same challenges and changes as they who walk beside me. I am not perfect. I don't have kids named after books in the Bible. I decided it was time to stop being the hider.