Monday, September 30, 2019

The Seeds Located In Your Now

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19292350" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Seeds Located In Your Now" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

During my early chapters of martial arts I trained hard on a simple thought, "Leave your job at the door.  Be present in your place of now.  Find peace here by way of choice."  We've all had those days and storms where it seems like everything on the planet is just another page connected to a story you can't change.  We're also extremely guilty of writing a story about an event that hasn't happened and won't come into play for several days or months. We weigh ourselves down with an atmosphere of either rewriting our past or trying to predict what can't be.  On this podcast we leap onto the thought of evolving ourselves into a life of living in the present.  Being mindful of your Now.  It's not an easy task because they deeper you walk into its incredible empowerment the more friends and family members you're going to lose from your circle of relationships.  Being present means staying clear of conversations of accusations and judgement calls connected to a past or future situation.  Those around you find energy in being negative and or tearing another person apart.  Your place in the Now doesn't require that kind of focus.   For the love of God I hope this doesn't sound like a commercial but my consumption of Red Bull and Monster energy drinks totally dropped off the radar while walking this journey.  The path and future weaken your awareness and willingness to want to grow toward success.  Being present in your Now gives you the right amount of energy.  If it's not there when you need it to be that's where a short experience with mediation gifts your system with a jolt of wow. Trusting your Now is a long term challenge because everything around you wants to be in your past or so far up front that you don't have time to deal with being happy right here.  Find focus.  In doing so you'll begin to believe as well as see that you are in control and have been the entire time.  It was you who chose to give everybody else what they needed because all you wanted out of life was to be accepted.  Your body reacted and will until you start listening to what it deserves.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Let The Words Move Through You

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19256126" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Let The Words Move Through You" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

There's nothing I can say that will convince you to daily write.  People's lives don't change until its almost too late.  Then we sit around in huge circles wondering why it took so long to see the invisible path.  I became a daily writer in July of 1994 because I no longer trusted anybody.  As much as I loved God I no longer believed anything those chosen to share the story put out there.  I felt like they were stealing more than giving.  I had all of these thoughts in my fat head and although I was on the radio it didn't serve as a stage.  It was a nightmare.  I was fake.  Julia Cameron from the Artist Way caught my attention,  Santa Barbara California.  All of those thoughts in each of our heads and heart are actually a voice.  Your outside self chooses what it wants to broadcast.  Then one day after peeing you catch a glimpse of your eyes in the bathroom mirror and the inner self calls you a liar.  Grab a writing instrument and put your junk into that trunk.  A sheet of paper.  It's fricken harder than anything you'll ever do.  Your fears of someone reading your message to the physical presence of what you've labeled a failure is right there in front of you.  Let the words move through you.  They don't belong to you.  You're missing the boat.  You are here to change others.  It can't happen if you're holding onto the words.  I get it!  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  Imagine how much more fun you'll have when you let the words move through you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Your Daily Job

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19228267" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Your Daily Job" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Got to spend some time with Tilman Fertitta yesterday.  The owner of the Houston Rockets, Golden Nugget Casinos and 600 other properties.  Great conversation.  The type two hard working deeply dedicated and loyal guys have when the mission we're called to is putting people first.  Showing up everyday.  No matter how bad the mood or the weather.  It's being there because on the opposite end of the expectation is a client that needs your product.  The funny thing about that conversation was how we were so open to talk about how those on the outside only see the victory and not the journey.  Only to find myself face first in my daily writing on September 29, 2016.  Today I was the reader.  Three years ago I was the writer.  He was questioning this podcast mess.  A day of doubt that was swiftly evolving into shiploads of reasons why it had to stop.  You see in 2016 podcasting wasn't the hot button it's become today.  Those that were doing it had great episodes and we had seriously out of control energy dips that screamed at the creative process to stop.  Today I'm over one million strong and growing.  Grateful.  Learning how to make it through the storm is what today's episode is about.  It's our daily job to reach people.  The moment you stop a life will go untouched.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 171

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19213330" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 171" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

A wealthy businessman once said to me "You cannot be successful without conflict."  This taught me to walk into every meeting expecting to make disconnections. The true winners are those that make their way back to a solid foundation of building tomorrow before it gets here.  Behind closed doors we all admit to having good and bad days, struggles and far too many loses then victories.  In front of the world the cast image is that of bright smiles, solid handshakes and a conversation that truly has nothing to do with reality.  I'm a people watcher.  I study body language.  The best form of entertainment is sitting back at the airport, Starbucks or some place very public and watch how people fake their way through the conversation.  Or!  Sitting at a red light.  Look around you at those using a Blue Tooth to talk on the phone.  Body language is everything and it almost never matches the words slipping from your lips.  There are many conversations I'd love to go back to patch up.  I live my life by being present in the "Now" that's not fair to the purpose of growth.  Rebuild your bad conversations this moment forward.  Retie the broken strings with someone you've lost or need to reconnect with.  This moment forward.  The weight of an hour ago still has somewhat of a voice but what was said three years or twenty ago really means nothing.  Living life in forward motion is a choice.  There's always an open door.  If you see it closed then you decided it to be.

Monday, September 23, 2019

This Isn't Prayer Versus A Dream

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19199130" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "This Isn&#39;t Prayer Versus A Dream" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I've always been a dreamer. From sitting in Optimist Park in Billings, Montana to walking the well chartered trails of Carolina. In all things I do it began with dreaming. With those dreams have come a lot of prayer. Putting the two side by side yesterday I began to compare the types of energy required to make them work as a team or as solo performers. Without activation neither will survive beyond a simple thought. How often though have we tried to fuel the dream with prayer and when it doesn't come with a return on your investment both are dropped from your life? This isn't a guilt trip! It's being aware of where we presently stand and see things. Being mindful of the present puts you in the center of the elements making up your moment. What some may not know is that your presence is also part of someone else's moment of now. How you act and react has a serious impact on how things move forward. Which basically means dreams and prayer are powerful tools not guarantees. Which makes me wonder how many other tools are part of the daily elements and we've allowed ourselves to be blinded by what doesn't fit into the physical act of being accepted. Awareness of who and what's in your elements. Tell yourself, "I am in theirs as well. How shall I participate?" Dreams and prayers are met and answered everyday. When victories aren't showing up at your front door... what's the next step and or choice to kick start your heart? Awareness.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Day Of Doubt

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19167753" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "A Day Of Doubt" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

We all have triggers. Those little moments when a great day suddenly spins around. Sometimes we know of what triggers us. Other moments are overtaken by extremely powerful invisible warriors from a Marvel comic book. Triggers. In those moments we don't feel fear, shame or guilt. It's doubt. A giant feeling of something that almost never comes with answers and the reason why is because we haven't figured out what the questions are. Doubt. An entire day of it. It poisons your decisions and dreams. It floods your system of thinking and performing. You can't call in sick because your boss is having their own day of doubt and someone needs to be cut off the list. Doubt. You can't swallow it and push ahead because every step feels like a new trigger. My weakness is a clock. Hate them. Three hours early is six hours too late. That creates doubt. I arrive in this studio at 5:30 everyday because it buys me time. It allows everybody else's expectations to be met on time and or before. If doubt seeps into the picture it infects every other mood waiting to be placed on the public billboard. There are no meds for a day of doubt. You have to somehow create a relationship with its presence and do all you can to listen. I write. I meditate. I sit alone in a room with no song, no television, no picture hanging on the wall. I patiently and lovingly allow the doubt to move through me. All things pass even while you are weighed down by doubt. If your choice is to fight it. It will always win because it's best friends with hate, emptiness, anger and lack of faith. Write, meditate or stare at an empty wall. It will bring peace to your day of doubt.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jade Cline

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19150343" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false">Listen to "Jade Cline From Teen Moms 2 On MTV" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

The young mother- who has documented her story on Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant –  is joining Chelsea, Kail, Leah and Briana for the second half of the season on the hit series Teen Mom 2. These  five moms continue to share stories in their rawest form, giving audiences a peek into what it takes to overcome the obstacles of life as a teen mom.

*Chelsea confronts her anxiety head-on while figuring out what is next for her career.
*Briana must cut Nova’s dad Devoin out of her life after a messy incident.
*Kail decides to make an offer on a “forever home” for her and her three boys and takes them on her first ever solo vacation.
*Leah and Jeremy’s newly rekindled romance leads to a lot of questions.
*Jade struggles to salvage her relationship with Sean after a period of constant fighting.

Jade Cline is a former regular on Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant. She is set to appear in the second half  of the ninth season of Teen Mom 2.

Go Be A Rock

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19151443" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Go Be A Rock" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I've always been an ideas guy.  All the way back to my childhood.  I'd spend endless hours in my bedroom coming up with ideas on how to improve something or completely pull it out from nowhere and begin to play.  I failed a lot.  So much so that I can still hear my classmates, "Stop trying to reinvent the wheel."  It's just who I am.  An Ideas guy.  The very second I got into radio it was a totally out of control completely wild field of trying to make my own mark. I loved hosting  countdowns and everything else that featured the stories of Rock stars.   One program director told me that I was too much into my own ideas.  He needed someone that played his game without any chances being made.  I get that.  I used it as fuel to continue feeding the fire.  To build new ideas on stages that were quickly evolving without decision makers thinking they've already got that market covered.  Hitting my first one million listens on the podcast.  Holy crap!  With no on air promoting.  All out grassroots!  An ideas guy.  Stemming from a sentence handed to me I'm sure a million times.  I just happen to document it on that particular day in September of 2016.  I need you to be a rock.  Buried in the dirt.  Go teach people how to reach outward.  Yeah just like that.  It requires ideas to move a mountain.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Where Did It Go Man

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19137931" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Where Did It Go Man" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

My father would always thump me upside the head and clearly ask, "What were you thinking?"  He hated it when I'd reply, "I don't know.  I didn't have time to take notes."  I didn't start doing that until 32 years into this journey.  Daily writing.  Asking the questions.  Locating paths of a better truth and not an assumed answer based on what a person remembers.  On this podcast we hit it hard.  What were you thinking?  I go back to my writing of September 26, 2016.  Nearly three years ago.  The dude was sharply questioning why he let some dreams easily loosen from the vine and drop to the farmers floor.  I think that's the one thing people don't grip.  Vines.  They endlessly produce.  They latch onto trees, fences, buildings and more and they won't let go until they're ripped from the core of their present foundation.  Your dreams, ambitions, wishful thoughts and curiosity deserve to have tenth and fifteenth chances.  Just because the payoff isn't providing in this moment of now doesn't need to serve a purpose to bring down the vine.  I don't know where vines start.  I've studied my forest nearly 30 years and giggle like a child when the vine has pushed itself from nowhere to be stretched hundreds of feet to one particular limb of a tree.  There were so many before it.  But no.  It had to be this one.  Your vine.  It's still there.  All of those dreams.  What's stopping you?  The excuse I can't stand, "I don't have the time."  But we always find the time to complain about life.  What are you thinking?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 170

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19126688" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 170" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I write in a forest.  There's an energy there I can't seem to explain.  I go there to listen.  I finally started paying attention in 2015.  The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte.  The journey didn't end there.  After a year of scribbling junk into the trunk of a tree now paper...  I realized something was moving through me.  I heard a calling.  Because I write in a forest you see plenty of things on the cluttered floor.  Pine needles and leaves.  Fallen branches and other people's writing instruments.  That's how careless or uncaring we are.  I endlessly locate pens on the surface of this planets skin.  With no question I pick them up and use them.  Somebody must have left it there for a poet right?  On this podcast we grow within the body of my most recent pen discovery.  It was cracked and yet so useful.  Put ink it and let it do it's job.  Then from out of nowhere I scratched into the page, "Put ink it and let it do it's job like the way of the world of business."  Ouch.  When you look in the mirror whose eyes do you see?  You give so much of yourself to the people that write your paycheck, have you taken on their image?  Married people do!  Eventually you begin to look like each other.  You can't help but think of the writing instrument found on the forest floor.  We're cracked and still able to write.  Just put ink in it and let it do it's job."  No matter how many times you're bothered the moment you walk into your place of business, you perform.  Then one day you'll become 50 plus and have no paper trail as to how you got that far so fast.  You always had ink inside your system of delivery.  You performed.  Is that really how you want to give your life away? When was the last time you found a birds feather floating freely on a street corner or front yard?  Were you grateful for the connection?  Feathers always seem so peaceful as they float within the wind.  Your life is a rock compared to it.  Awareness clears the path.  Mindfully being present becomes what you can control.  Your next decision make it about your ink well.  Let your mind body and soul be filled with your vision.  If every song on the radio is about the musicians life.  Why did they get to live and you chose to walk ahead.  Locate the lyrics of a new song.  It starts with a broken writing instrument found on a forest floor.

Monday, September 16, 2019


<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19115740" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Ghosted" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Is it what you did or didn't do that led to you being ghosted?  When it happens it's completely natural to point the blame finger at yourself.  To take the hit of silence and try to locate new friends.  One is silver and the other is gold.  Interestingly enough one of the top reasons why ghosting takes places isn't what you did wrong.  It's what you didn't do.  It's one of the evil sicknesses of being part of a team.  Hard workers do the work for everyone.   The day you don't show up you become lesser than.  How often have you bumped into this conversation, "You did it the last time without complaints.  You've always been there for me.  Oh suddenly you've become better than everyone else."  Ghosting comes so easily because there's always someone new to replace you.  How you treat others transfers to other areas of your life.  On this podcast I leap onto a train of faith and talk about how God has been ghosted.  The power wasn't there when you needed it so whatever.  Ghosted.  Simple acts of random kindness aren't job applications.  Helping each other out is brilliant companionship.  Expecting the partner to do their side of the agreement and yours too is why so many relationships are the image of one person walking across a busy freeway with no purpose to block the shot.  Just get it over with.  You can't show up to a wood fence expecting it to survive another storm if you aren't ready to put paint or stain on it.  In all things we do we are breaking down. Through awareness you can help preserve.  Ghosting people isn't the way to reaching happily ever after.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Locate The Find Break Your Ghosting Habit

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19089148" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Locate The Find Break Your Ghosting Habit" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I first heard about it while watching the latest Spiderman movie.  Ghosting.  It was brought up several times but flew completely over my head.  Now MTV's got an 8 part series that deals with how damaging ghosting is to this generation.  Nobody knows why we do it.  We can assume its connected to our addictions to the internet but ghosting the people that once meant something has reached an epidemic state.  On the series the hosts bring the ghosts forward.  To learn more about why the decision to shut things down was played out.  The answers are usually shrugged shoulders or they didn't realize they were doing something wrong.  Instantly turning off a relationship without there being a reason to divorce.  On this podcast we take the term ghosting further.  In our own personal lives what other things are we unknowingly dropping?  We ghost our dreams.  We ghost our hobbies, emotions, eating habits and fun.  Suddenly we're in the final few months of 2019 and most of us have no real answer as to why we walked away from something that means so much more to those once involved.  But what happens to our lives when we learn how to ghost ourselves?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Meditation By Way Of Word

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19077761" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Meditation By Way Of Word" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

The title says so much yet offers so little.  We can read it once again maybe twice.  Nothing gives in the way of explaining what it is. Meditation by way of word.  Since July 1994 every morning has started with a strong discipline.  Write.  I don't care what you write.  Just write.  As you move through the journey you begin to see the multiple layers we all carry.  You learn how to add subtract and multiply at the same time and somehow and way the answer still never arrives.  But you showed up.  To write.  Meditation by way of word are those moments when an idea slips in between the chaos and empowers your moment of now.  Not yesterday or tomorrow.  Now.  Being in control of what's flowing through your systems of choice.  For instance what you don't see or hear are the activities and or actions that unfold while jotting down these thoughts.  While my disaster artist dog Jazzie peacefully sleeps inside this recording studio I'm listening to incredibly spiritual music created for those who find meditation as being a brilliant tool.  On this podcast we walk through a moment of daily writing that pretty much sets free the identity of what meditation by way of word is.  So many think its sitting with your legs crossed, fingertips touching, head looking forward.  I grasp that concept only because that's what television commercials and movies seem to always paint.  Looking beyond the western portrait the physical act of meditation is being present in your moment of now.  I feel words moving through me.  If I don't take notes then I've wasted the universe's time.  In one way or another you meditate and don't even know it.  Learning how to recognize it helps you get back to it.  It feels like less of a chore and more of an open field to explore.  Meditation by way of word.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 169

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19056709" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 169" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

One of the most abused words set free to roam the planet is Trust.  Too many times it's shoved out there to help calm those in question or just seeking truer shapes of leadership without having to dive into a vat of worry or fear.  Politicians and preachers thrust trust onto our daily plates and because they said it we are required to participate with the presentation.  The moment a business leader uses the word Trust I begin to tune out.  Here comes the sales pitch!  On this podcast we get a little preachy but not in the way of catapulting the word Trust over walls or through mountains.  Within my journals these words appeared, "When I feel a spiritual connection the last thing I reach for is trust."  God is unconditional.  Trust in 2019 is a 50/50 shot at winning or losing.  We are trained to trust only to be injured in the end.  You don't get the energy or time back.  You made the effort to trust with no return on your investment.  When you remind yourself that God is unconditional there's never a question of trust.  It's unconditional.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Posted Emotions

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=19047046" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Posted Emotions" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

They've always said a picture is worth a thousand words.  How valuable are your notes and or messages tucked away inside a computer?  On this podcast we take a look at two sides of the things we paste to social media.  The open thoughts loosely tossed onto Facebook during good and bad days and the in depth perceptions we all go through by sharing an experience.  I'd rather read someone's passing thoughts then stare at a picture.  Anyone can smile pretty or make it look like you're on the greatest vacation ever.  The downside of that is how you just advertised to thieves that you aren't home and will probably be gone til Sunday night.  Posting thoughts is no different.  Does everybody dig your current circumstances at a really cool place to work or are your words actually generating just enough energy to unfriend.  Happy people are cool but too much happy gets old.  We've elected to put our lives out there.  Even at times when the workplace is tearing your soul in half.  We quickly jot down what's bugging us and then forget to take it down.  Your luck!  A potential new boss just got onto your social media and the picture you've painted doesn't agree when how they want their company to be talked about.  I truly wonder how open we really are.  With pictures and words we expose a lot or not enough.  Causing assumption.  How about that conversation where someone says, "I didn't know this side of you existed."  Or, "Sorry to offend you.  I just thought since I saw the pictures or read the words that you were _______."  Learning how to emote safely.  Connecting is a great vibe because social media makes it so easy to feel like we belong.  When it's over though.  It can sting quicker and harder than a real relationship because our addiction to social media consumes more than what we think.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Memories Of A Forgetful People

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Do we forget or do we shove things aside so we don't have to deal with it?  We know of the good bad and ugly moments!  Ask anyone about September 11th.  The words they speak in the present won't be how they were used during what became a page in global history.  That's what's scary about being a daily journal writer.  Although it's always a learning experience to go back 1 to 10 to 25 years, the emotion captured in the physical moment is not only read but the depth of the writing instrument is still felt when you lightly rub your fingers across the page.  In an everyday world of now we don't truly remember the prayers that were shared or how each word was used to empower and or help heal.  Everybody talks about how fast life is moving yet we rarely spend time preserving what instantly becomes a missing puzzle piece.  We are in this moment of now because it's more than a continuation.  Emotions brought us here.  Changes have been made to give us this day.  I'll never forget when Apple first introduced their phones and how users went through the first updates.  So much changed.  People demanded to go back to the original way.  Look at the smart phone today.  I sure don't want to go back.  That old way which created emotion because of change is completely out of date.  I'm endlessly told that people document their journey by way of social media.  Facebook Twitter and Instagram are the fields of this is how life's been.  Facebook likes to remind you of an event from 5 to 15 years ago.  Interestingly enough it's rarely if ever the bad days, the struggles and stumbles.  Those places in our life when we needed to make a change and life happened.  Do we forget or do we shove things aside?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Present In The Mirror

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You can't control how others receive what you bring.  Yesterday while speaking to a group of future broadcasters a simple thought entered my process of helping others grow forward.  You are your own story.  Today I chuckle.  How much of that story has been influenced by what others have brought or forced into play?  Are you the lead actor in this one act play?  Being present in the mirror.  Having that personal conversation with the two eyes that look back at you each time you look up from the road to check the traffic behind.  Those eyes that have befriended not one but several different voices. Sounds that aren't always so encouraging.  How do you get them to stop?  Being present in the mirror.  On this podcast we dive into some pretty heavy writing. Thoughts are never scratched out or edited.  It's being mindful of the present.  Documenting what is presently in this place called now.  The writer in me calls it free form thinking.  Trusting the stronger voices of your mind body and soul.  Allowing them to be heard before the image in the mirror begins to turn.  You are your own story.  Reclaim it.  Live it.  Activate the lyrics of your own love song.  Be present with your self in a world so timid that it has to impersonate in order to be accepted.  Not you.  You are your own story.  Grow forward and outward.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Asking Why

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No day passes that I'm in the center of a conversation with people of fame and or great business and I endlessly bring with me questions.  Not that I'm trying to be a know it all but rather a well rounded person of experience.  On this podcast we dive into that very subject.  How to deal with a self that won't stop asking questions.  I've had people of religion tell me to stop questioning God.  I'm not questioning the higher source.  I'm a student and only want to better understand the presence of this place called now.  I love it when those who've chosen to attend my lectures ask questions.  It broadens their ambition and willingness to take chances on new things.  That's why I've always wished business leaders would stop every ten or fifteen minutes with their build me up Monday meetings and simply ask, "Anyone have any questions?"  We can all grow stronger by leaving out the horrid amounts of assumption packed in our thinking process.  Ask questions.  Even if there's not an answer you'll still be aware of all things possible.