Friday, May 31, 2019

Facing The Questions

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18132633" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Facing The Questions" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

In July of 2016 my daily writing shifted.  I went from hating my job and challenging my dedication and loyalty to allowing the universe to win the war.  Confidence, courage, faith and trust.  Thirty seven years of letting the corporate world control everything I said and suddenly there was this hole in my system of choices that strongly suggested I come clean with my beliefs.  What I didn't recognize was the identity of how many friends I'd lose and how being so clear with my choices of strength would wipe what I assumed was a strong relationship completely off the layers of the map.  On this podcast I step back nearly three years and react to the answers I shared with those that were questioning my decision to be incredibly public with this God walk I had somehow put myself on.  You can't help but wonder if there truly was a reason to hate my job or maybe it was the people I was forced to create with.  In today's business upkeep  you truly don't know who you're creating with.  Everyday lived is a lie.  I was faking my identity.  You know what?  You've been there and know exactly what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Let Go Of The Judger

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18100505" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Letting Go Of The Judger" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

We're all guilty of it or have dealt with others moving through it.  Someone is always searching for their purpose.  Interestingly enough that part of the journey isn't physically seen on your birth day.  It's an invisible source of energy placed then lost in your heart.  As life's journey begins its walk down a meandering path, that part of the story seems to be erased.  Then one day, as a teen, in your mid-20's or somewhere on top of 50 plus, an urge to uncover your purpose pops up in a field of empty stems that resemble roses.  How do you locate purpose in a world driven by success and not failure?  For you to see failure makes you a Judger.  One dark cloud can lead to several different storms.  The Judger will wake you up in the middle of the night, will generate verbal battles when least expected and will cake your thoughts and actions with reactions that appear to be movement but in your head and heart it's always in the wrong direction.  On this podcast we take on the subject of learning how to become more aware of where you're truly walking and how your purpose can become a more focused pleasure rather than defeat.  Giving the Judger less time to speak allows your calling to become empowered and more willing to want to grow.  What silences your dreams isn't the physical presence of having nothing to show but rather the endless unseen but well heard vocal exchanges you have with yourself.  I've quit saying, "My heart is open.  My soul is open."  You can only fit so many potatoes into a bag.  The more you add the more potatoes on the bottom of the bag will begin softening as well as sprouting their potato eyes.  If you can't get to the bottom to replant those curly white things, the original purpose begins to fold inward when you should be growing outward.  Over the past year the new walk has been to say, "I'm clearing my heart.  I'm clearing my soul."  In doing so I'm able to reach goals while maintaining a clearer path toward the truer purpose of the calling.  Julia Cameron in the Artist Way invites her students to clean out their closets.  Why are you holding onto those items?  In most homes a closet is no longer about what we wear but what we're stuffing into boxes.  Your mind body and soul are that closet.  Are you open or ready to clear?

Friday, May 24, 2019

Its Not Easy Being Green

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18063275" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "It&#39;s Not Easy Being Green" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Wow! That's kind of a whacked out title. What does being green mean? Am I a wanna be frog waiting for a television show to pick me up? In a truth filled way and walk we're all green. Some more than others. I happen to enjoy staying green. It makes me available to be the forever student. To be willing with my way of wanting to learn during an age where change is everyday. On this podcast we put a lot of focus on living in the present. Being available for your Now. Openly I admit that it's extremely difficult to make such a choice. To mindfully be in the present. It doesn't happen overnight and due to a smartphone overflowing with photographs its extremely easy to fall off the Now wagon. I ask the question, "How many more summers do you have left?" That's impossible to answer! I don't want to touch that equation because it could feed a new seed planted in the soil that hold up your foundation of Now. Living in such a place and space begins with getting to know yourself. Your best interview or conversation shouldn't be just anyone. Your best should always be you. That's not conceit! For 26 years I've put a lot of faith in the answers I get back from the self that's been extremely committed to growing forward. You can't lie to yourself. The interviewer in you will call them out. When you begin to listen to the inner core of your heart meeting a beat, the moment of Now has incredible energy. Each day you arrive be green. Be open to the idea that people are going to be late but you're going to fill that space with peace. No matter how late someone is that gives you 15 or 30 more minutes to get something else done. Being present in your Now allows you to learn more about what doesn't trigger you. Winning is a choice. So is anger. Get to know your Now.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Point Your Finger

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18053595" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Point Your Finger" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

When great things happened on the baseball field Sammy Sosa of the Chicago Cubs would always hit his heart then point to the sky.  Not all but most thank God when receiving a Grammy, Golden Globe or Oscar.  I chuckle.  Only because I'm stuck wondering what they do for the rest of the day.  Being grateful for a victory is an awesome feeling.  Is anyone just as grateful when they receive a 200th employment rejection letter?  Do we thank the higher energy when the electric bill this months exceeds what you planned in your budget?  Not by choice but I turn a lot of heads when I walk through a McDonalds or Starbucks and in my space I speak openly to living and loving Christ that nobody not even I can see.  I'm grateful for what's being laid out and will take the path to where it's been commanded to grow.  Which sounds kind of weird until you begin to think about the number of times a Star Wars character found themselves in the center of an extremely hot desert and somehow someway they found their way to where it was they were going as well as growing. I've rewound the VHS tapes and or digital TV and in every scene I never once saw a path.  How then did they know the way?  That's what this podcast is all about.  Just point the finger.  Make in your moment of now that tip of your finger being the eyes guider as to where the Great Creator has been placed on your path.  It's like, "Oh wow God.   Today you're a tree outside my window."  Learning to express how grateful you are shouldn't be in the name of victory only.  To get to where you want to plant your next step you've got to endure a few jabs to the gut.  Rather than gloat about what's floating your boat, invite the makings of that moment into your heart by way of being grateful.  No matter how bad the day or situation, through you others will learn.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pod-Crashing Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18043842" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Pod-Crashing Does Anybody Know What Time It Is" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Does anybody really know what time it is?

No matter how focused you feel as a writer, voice over talent, radio personality or every day average Joe, is there such a thing as Time within the scattered limits of a podcast? 
Time is a huge subject.  In more ways than one!  The time it takes to prep a show, to the time the PR department demands as to when the show will hit the air. 
What about the time required for post-production?  Social networking time and the amazing amount of time you spend telling yourself how much this all sucks because the payoff isn’t coming quick enough. I mean you always have to make time for that! 
I really don’t want to get into how long an episode should run?  I’ve shattered some pretty good friendships over this very subject.  Nobody’s ever right.  It just feels good to win a peeing contest. 
During my early podcast years, the personal battles I even picked with myself were based solely on not my time but how much time was a wandering listener willing to give up just to hear something that fell off my truck?   
I became addicted to shorter shows because I wanted bigger analytic numbers.  Like songs played on the radio, if you liked what you just heard you’d stick around for another one.  Then another and another.  I figured if you did an hour long show you get one bonk.  Four fifteen minute shows four bonks. 
I’ve spent way too much time studying those numbers and does anyone outside of our ego care about downloads and plays? 
It would be awesome if the makers of documented listening came up with a way that shows how many times we put a podcast on hold then came back to it.  For instance, it takes me pretty much all day to get through Conan O’Brians podcast. 
I don’t have the time to sit and listen to the entire process.  I feel guilty about the pausing because no matter how many times I return to the episode he’s still only getting one bonk. 
Probably one of the most misunderstood sides of time is when the PR departments controlling the flow of your guests want to know what time will the conversation air?  To add fuel to the fire in what city will it air? 
I literally burst out in laughter when they ask both questions.  Podcasting isn’t about a daypart.  And the mere mention of what city will it be airing means they’ve not bathed in the luxury of on demand listening.  It’s a lifestyle. 
I program the episodes of my shows.  It’s my sick old fashioned radio self-trying to super serve the listener.  If you liked that interview maybe you’ll like this one and this one.  Programming takes time.  You’ve got to have flow.  A book author can’t go into another book author.  Don’t put a major medical breakthrough at the Mayo clinic next to ZZ Top.  Buzz kill podcasting. 
I’m blessed with the opportunity to talk with a lot of people about a lot of things.  The secret to a winning conversation? Don’t ever think you’re the expert.  Always be the consumer.  You’ve got questions and the podcast listeners are vicariously living through your moment of now. 
I had a PR person tell me, “I don’t care if you don’t drink wine.  I’d rather listen to the questions of a novice then someone trying to dominate my author over whether it’s proper to put ice in with the juice.”   
Hey I’ve talked with CIA agents to Dr. Drew.  Kidz Bop to family members trying to keep their famous parents name alive and growing forward.  To do all of this takes time.  Time I shouldn’t have but somehow the hands on the clock have opened and allowed me to grow on a platform that’s been around since the 80’s but it’s just coming into the forefront of what listeners need.  It’s called consuming content.   
So what’s the moral of the story?  It’s pretty simple.  No matter how many days or years you’ve been doing interviews always take really good care of the PR people.  The more PR connections you have the greater the experience.  It just takes time to build up those relationships.
If you aren’t putting time into every episode of your podcast you’re not going to be called out.  Listeners just won’t tune in.  Time management is essential.  Be a disciplined entertainer.  Again that takes time.  It’s not going to happen overnight.
iHeart Media is bragging about having over 250,000 podcasts on their platform.  Take the time to know what you’re reaching for then create the greater show.  There are way too many people in this universe of conversation.  Taking the time to fine tune your instrument will help shape a more visible path. 
Time to get to work!

When Do You Take Control

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18042725" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "When Do You Take Control" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I love taking the time to sit down with people that appear to have lived life.  It's how I prepare for what will become my silver years.  I want to hear how they managed their way through the everyday.  Sadly, what I keep bumping into are the journeys that expose a truth about business that has silenced a lot of legacies that should've been stronger than what they ended up becoming.  At birth you are given a gift.  You aren't guaranteed a successful life with that chosen gift but what you hold has a lifetime of opportunities.  Through other people's decisions your life is shaped.  Then when you turn 65 you turn around and realize all that you thought you'd become never truly came into being because all of your investments were dumped into this thing called just doing my job.  Which I commend you for!  While thinking about the boss and coworkers that chose to leave work early on Fridays to play a round of golf or hang out in expensive restaurants because they knew you had the workplace under control.  Your legacy is based on making the path right for others but not yourself.  This isn't a guilt trip!  This is awareness.  Somewhere along the line you've got to find value in your story.  Which might be two table spoons of happiness with no money in the bank.  If all you do is serve others by way of receiving a pat on the back, call it what it is.  An addiction to getting attention.  A craving to always being accepted.  A need to be seen.  Does the dentist truly know your name?  In their world you're just another x-ray.  My father to this moment is a huge inspiration not only to me but to others because he was never afraid to do things his way.  There was value in his word, he decisions and reasons why he was able to be a leader in the business world.  Not a decision maker.  A hard working passion driven vision of this is how we get the product out to the consumer kind of guy.  When he passed in 2015 I guarantee that he was proud of the legacy he put into the soil.  You still have time to do it your way.  Don't be afraid of the cost.  Success isn't free.  Stop making other people with less loyalty rich.  Sucking up to the boss is enabling their bad people skills.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 154

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18032349" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" data-cover="">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 154" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

My mother spent a lot of time warning me about the way I walked as a child. She'd say "I need you to calm down with the words you speak. Not everybody loves Jesus the way you do. You're going to get hurt deeply in life if you continue to be this way. You're going to be sharply judged and it's going to force you to change in ways that future decisions won't be able to heal." Mom knew of the seven needs a human requires in order to survive is the physical act of being accepted. Openly speaking of my spiritual beliefs meant having friends probably wasn't going to be one of my lifetime achievements. Living a life of faith has its rewards but man there are a lot of lonely days. I'm not committed to joining groups and or organizations that praise the higher purpose and plan. I'm not afraid to point out the enormous amount of fakes. It's difficult for my heart to digest. I study the big names on those microphones never knowing who they are after the job is done. I don't want to know. The message was sent. I took down a book full of notes. Lets move forward. Who do you become after the word has touched? You know what? I don't need to know. Mom was very true to her reasons on why she shared with me to hush up. This isn't a negative. It's about knowing how connected believers are in spirit. Being accepted is a true need but so often we change our way when those feelings of awesome vibrations create cracks on the paths that shape friends and family. 57 years deep into this life and I'm still hearing my mothers words, "I don't think your heart is strong enough to withstand the judgement others will have because of you're vocal studies with Christ." It's that thought from a mother so loving that challenged me to walk a beyond the four walls of church and speak the street of openness. I may not have a strong heart in her eyes but when you walk into my home you'll know that when the microphones not on I'm still shining in the glory of a loving Christ. Not too many have accepted that side of me. How do you grow beyond losing friends and assumed loved ones knowing that who you are without a stage is everything in his name? These aren't the words of a Bible thumper but the process of accountability by way of actuality.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Don't Write The Story

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=18022055" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Don&#39;t Write The Story" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I think it's because I'm a daily writer that's been lucky enough to have five books published.  I'm very guilty of writing the story before any event takes place.  I can be two weeks to three months from a moment that's been on the calendar and without a doubt I'll start laying out the story before anything arrives.  Talk about setting ourselves up for failure!  We write the story to prepare.  To get ready for a moment of what could be a victory.  It's  almost like predicting what someone will say next.  Sometimes we get it.  On this podcast we dive into how much shame, guilt and fear we put ourselves through by writing the story before the accountability of actuality.  Being aware of how we beat ourselves up over a non event actually has the staying power of deflating your willingness to want to grow.  Why should you be happy about anything in life when the writer in your head and heart has already put the story in forward motion?  I use several tools to keep myself focused on being present in this moment of Now.  Meditation and Yoga Nidra are brilliant connections of getting the required energy for what you can handle Now.  Nidra is what most Yoga Masters shove into the final moments of class.  Truly studying it's greater strength should read about.  Study it's history.  Get caught up on why Nidra is a powerful step in connection and not to be used only at the end of class.  The combination of meditation and Nidra create an openness of acceptance without having to sit in traffic and stress over an event several hours or months from your present place of Now.  I daily write twice.  Everyday.  I'm not saying it's your thing but hand writing is an incredible way to keep yourself communicating with who you are.  I'm pushing ink into the paper at 4:30 am.  Then again around 3:30 to 4pm every afternoon.  25 years of this nonsense.  Becoming aware of how you write the story light years ahead of its time prepares you to handle what's truly going on right now. I'm convinced that time isn't moving too fast.  We're making the future happen long before it gets here.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Learning To Love All Living Things

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17934961" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Learning To Love All Living Things" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Growing up in the state of Montana where there are billions of trees and other shapes of nature it was completely normal as a kid to not fully grasp the importance of protecting all things we come in contact with.  From my daily writing I came across an entry that totally took me back to a moment in Montana that even today at almost 57 I'm still not so forgiving of.  The day I took out my pocket knife and began taking down a collection of willows dancing in the wind.  I wasn't even a teenager yet!  In that moment I knew I wanted to build a fort.  A place to escape and my eyes were set on creating that fort with these very thin trees with little leaves.  I took from nature.  I stole from the planet.  On this podcast I dive into that very subject not as a way of creating a guilt trip in your life but to make ourselves more aware of how we are achieving what we do without taking from other living things.  I'm often accused of being a tree hugger.  The truth is I'm a life hugger.  Which I believe is the reason why my path drew me up close and personal to martial arts.  Part of the mantra were these words "Learn to respect all living things."  That was so me!  But what did it mean?  It means I respect spiders.  I don't don't kill copperhead snakes.  I walk through a forest daily and take notes of how the seedlings are preparing to brave a man driven world. Sadly we are brought up in a corporate business world where your dreams and ambitions are no different then that child I once was that took down those willows.  All that you are has been cleared from the playing field you set out to conquer.  Your personal victory has been leveled to one thought, "Is the boss off my back?"  Respect all living things.  Including decision makers.  Take daily walks to listen to nature.  Pull off the road and catch a glimpse of how the leaves that fell from trees last Fall are feeding the soils that are quickly becoming tomorrows next forest.  If you've ever wanted to be motivated and or inspired to be different.  Sit next to a large rock.  The energy it generates is mind blowing.  Be open to the idea that just because you're human doesn't make you any bigger than a mustard seed.  In the eyes of the universe we are takers with no reason to ever want to give back until it's too late.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 153

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17924520" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" data-cover="">Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 153" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

We face two paths everyday.  One wants to keep you connected to the money and comfort while the other endlessly tries to clear the way for you to serve.  Oh boy.  Sounds like a Jesus set up.  If you call him that.  The reality of your everyday walk is that we were all born to live then die.  Two dots on a map.  Getting to the other side isn't a choice.  Everything we do in between the dots is.  I'm not asking you to create a legacy.  It's to become more aware of what you're bringing to the county fair.  Basically meaning that we do the daily deed of trying to make life fun and fair but end up bouncing around on yet another dot maker.  Will we ever create a solid line?  Bombarded by endless amounts of questions we keep doing all we can to make sure the bills are paid and we see every movie once or twice.  What happens during those days when we're stuck staring at a bug on the wall and we begin to realize that maybe there's a higher calling and it's not connected to your boss?  Do you begin to lean in that direction only to learn the most greedy and judgmental people on the planet are usually growing inside a church?  Your personal walk belongs to you.  I grasp onto the expectations of why a community of believers comes with empowerment but sometimes you don't need the added wait.  There are enough spiritual guiders and leaders with books and smart phone apps to help you clear the path toward a greater you.  Staying true to that discipline can be a heck of a challenge but through each moment of question there's always a new seed to plant in that field that a higher energy source gave to you at birth.  Putting those seeds to work for you is a journey.  I suggest you latch onto a writing journal and document the personalized experience.  What you do cannot be compared to any other person.  That's what makes it enjoyable.  Documenting it in a book isn't a reason to brag but rather to help you embrace the changes and challenges that were once set aside and labeled a horrid day.  Learn from them.  Study the presence of your label.  Then grow beyond what tripped you.  Allow yourself to belong to the moment.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Gaining Control Of Your Oh Wow

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17889058" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Gaining Control Of Your Oh Wow" on Spreaker.</a>

Because I'm a daily writer 25 years strong, I'm blessed with the opportunity to step within the chapters of the journey that most might have long forgotten.  The truth is, I'm no different.  Until I'm reintroduced to those moments while producing radio shows like this.  I learned to trust my Oh Wow moments and turn them into lessons we can all learn from.  I'm not talking about Oh Wow as a celebration but rather Oh Wow as in hanging your head in guilt, shame, fear, defeat, feeling lesser than.  Each of us make daily choices on how to better heal from such walls and mountains.  I'm not saying that daily writing is a healthy way to survive those struggles and challenges.  I know does amazing things in the presence of Now to get it off the chest.  To reach back to it has led to some awkward moments of having to quickly readjust the formation of my present foundation.  Dealing with Oh Wow moments shouldn't be looked upon as being the negative that it feels like.  Use it as a tool.  Like it or not we were all born to be teachers.  So many times we get trapped into the idea of just sharing the lessons of life with the kids.  I wish it was that easy.  As you begin a journey of clearing your heart, the first thing you'll notice is how valuable those trips and stumbles are to someone you work with, just met along the way or have known for days and decades.  When they say the universe constantly moves through us.  Yep, it takes your Oh Wow moments and turns them into layers of leadership.  Start a process of trust with those Oh Wows.  It started with you because the placer put it on your path because you are trusted to carry it forward.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Following A Raindrop

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17878720" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Following A Raindrop" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

My imagination lately has been captivated by the actuality of China landing a probe on the surface of the moon.  Those in charge of space here in the United States aren't shrugging their shoulders.  They're motivating decision makers to wake up and get back on the path of discovering newer things about that object that hangs in each of our skies.  On this podcast we talk about a single raindrop making its way to the ocean.  China being on the moon is that drop from the sky that hit a wall twenty years ago when man decided the object above us was no longer worth exploring.  How does a raindrop that's fallen on a mountainside make its way to the Pacific or Atlantic?  Someone may tell you that it's physically impossible.  Have you ever seen the ocean dry?  Then why do you allow your dreams to become a deserted desert floor?  You too are filled with millions of raindrops trying to find the path that shall lead it to the ocean.  Only to be lifted back into the sky to start a new journey down a different mountainside.  For the journey to be complete the raindrop can't be challenged by thoughts of defeat.  It embraces the choice.  Peace or pieces?  Walking and living in peace means in all things you do you must be peaceful.  No matter how tall the wall or wide the layers of the dam, that single raindrop inside of you must utilize the strength of peace to make it to the ocean.  The space program has realized that our ocean, which seems to be Mars cannot be reached unless we reach beyond the river and or dam.  By placing yourself beyond what stops you, the capability to achieve success reignites the purpose of probability.  A dot on a map doesn't mean you've stopped.  Through peace your imagination is ready to grow.   

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Moving Beyond Your Hell

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The one simple thing I carry with me everyday is a lesson learned while evolving into a second degree black belt in martial arts.  Winning is a choice.  Not just a positive thought.  It's a lifestyle changer.  Winning is a choice.  It's also your choice to have a bad day.  It's also your choice to see dark clouds over every decision made.  On this podcast we leap into the moments of learning how to become more positive on your journey without irritating those that want nothing to do with upbeat happy people.  Living a winning is a choice lifestyle requires only one thing.  Awareness of where you presently stand.  You have the power and ability to control all things that are happening right now.  When bad luck hits.  Winning is a choice.  Accept the unexpected.  Learn from it.  Teach someone how to avoid what you labeled hell.  There was once a time when earning a black belt wasn't a quarterly test at a school but rather a known participation with dedication, loyalty and determination.  A black belt meant you put a lot of sweat into your studies.  You worked so hard learning how to master more than the kicks but the walk through the everyday.  That one time white belt became dark due to how much of your life was poured into the cloth.  The more I grew as a martial artist the more my journey became spiritual.  In all things there is energy.  Good, bad and unexplained.  I keep a defrag journal.  It has nothing to do with my daily writing journal.  Like a computer the human mind spirit and system of decisions needs to be defragged.  The person you get to view in the bathroom mirror is rarely the same image deep within the skin.  Learning to communicate with the core of your drive or lack of enables you to move beyond your hell.  Winning is a choice.  Ignoring who you are inside your head and heart is to.  In all things there is energy.  We are only an element and it's our choice to participate or style away from what could lead to a brighter sunrise.     

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ian Doescher

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17858696" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Ian Doescher Releases Pop Skakespeare" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Each book in the POP SHAKESPEARE SERIES is officially licensed and adapts the script of a beloved movie or television show into Shakespearean verse, giving a witty Elizabethan makeover to iconic scenes and dialogue as if the Bard had written your favorite pop culture touchstones himself!


                "William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Mean Girls" gives fans the opportunity to treat themselves to the epic drama—and heroic hilarity—of the classic teen comedy rendered as a stage play. Heroine Cady disguises herself to infiltrate the conniving Plastics, falls for off-limits Aaron, struggles with her allegiance to newfound friends Damian and Janis, and stirs up age-old vendettas among the factions of her high school.

                Through "William Shakespeare’s Get Thee Back to the Future," Doescher portrays Marty McFly’s quest to unite his parents and save his family with humorous asides, engaging soliloquys, Easter eggs, and Shakespearean renditions of hit songs from the movie’s soundtrack, including “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News and Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode.”

                Doescher, who is excited to share these new renditions of his favorite films, adds that “with every Shakespearean take on a movie, I have the opportunity as an author to delve into the emotional lives of beloved characters like Cady Heron and Marty McFly. In doing so, I'm trying to give readers something unique and fun that adds to their experience of the films. With any luck, I am also attracting people to Shakespeare at the same time.”

                Brett Cohen, Quirk Books’ publisher, praises Doescher, saying that “he’s clearly a master of iambic pentameter.  But, he’s also a student of Shakespeare and each individual movie he tackles.  He makes each of these books special by infusing the modern movies with sly references to Shakespearean tropes, characters or plot lines.  In the process, readers get a new perspective on the familiar movie that they know and love.”

Kirby Bradley

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17858203" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Kirby Bradley From ESPN&#39;s 30 For 30 Junior Seau" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

Long before Junior Seau hung up his NFL spikes, he was a legend. Seau had everything an athlete could ever want: the adoration of millions, the admiration of his peers, the love of a beautiful family, and a sense of purpose beyond the playing field. And yet, on May 2nd, 2012, at age 43, Seau, alone in his bedroom, shot himself in the heart. He left no suicide note, offering no clear answers to why he'd take his own life. Now, ESPN’s 30 for 30 film Seau seeks those answers, exploring his remarkable path out of an immigrant Samoan family to NFL stardom, and the many complications that ensued through two decades of playing a brutal and unforgiving game.

Documentary filmmaker Kirby Bradley – who co-created HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel series – had done a lot of reporting on concussions and CTE syndrome as the showrunner of Real Sports. After learning that Junior Seau’s brain revealed CTE, he felt compelled to tell his story. Kirby can discuss the new film, the incredible life and career of Junior Seau, what we’ve learned from his story, and ultimately where the responsibilities lie.

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 152

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I openly admit that I find myself arguing with the great mystery several times a week.  All I want is to see the path.  I'm that person that has to plan things out.  I need to create a map before getting on the path.  In order to bring all that's been shared forward my only request is to know where my next step is going to land.  On this podcast I talk about my way of challenging the Creator in the way of needing to know so we can better prepare.  We have full sight of a past we can't change.  Why can't we see where we are growing toward?  It's an honest request.  The problem with the situation is totally based on who we are as people.  We are perfectionists.  If we saw our future we'd spend endless hours writing and rewriting the story.  We'd drive ourselves insane because in all things we do it has to be something we accept.  Even that isn't good enough.  Living up to our personal expectations is a chore.  Preacher people and those connected to the pulpit have no problem telling their community of believers that we need to have more trust and faith.  That lasts for how long? Then I heard something in my heart while recording this broadcast, "If you truly know me.  You already know the way." 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Command To Be Lifted

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17824289" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Command To Be Lifted" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I'm gonna get in trouble for this podcast.  Each of us deal daily with coworkers and family members that have an amazing way of ripping your plans from the path and tossing them into areas of unprepared expectation.  It formulates a day of doubt, fear, shame, guilt and whatever other emotion that volunteers to burn every bridge connecting your mind to the body and soul.  Have you ever looked up the definition of the word Lift?  It gives off a pretty cool ray of light.  The empowerment of identifying the strength of the original seed.  To move to a higher place.  Doesn't that give you the power of strength?  Look... I don't know how people pray or meditate I just know for um-teen billion years I knew in the depths of all things present that I had to be doing it wrong.  Nothing was going right.  You feel empty and unworthy.  The cause and effect of such storms invades your system of choice.  On this show I felt it to be.  I share a thought that's never fallen from me before.  Yet after it arrived it was if the willingness of a giving universe whispered, "Now you're getting the idea."  Command to be lifted. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Stop Searching For Your Purpose Teach The Experience

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17813605" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="dark" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Stop Searching For Your Purpose Teach The Experience" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I don't really care how old you are.  Everyday is another classroom.  It's our choice to walk from the educators.  Lets turn that around.  What if you're the teacher and those who need to hear your experiences can't find reason in your purpose?  On this podcast we step onto that path.  To see what you have lived as being the lesson learned.  By choice we accept it.  Sometimes we forgive the journey with it's misguided downfalls.  We shove it into a box and hide it from the rest of the planet then sit around wondering why we are who we are so late in the game of life.  Once again I don't care how old you are.  I've met 21 year old's that think they've got one foot in the grave.  Each of us are on separate paths.  They aren't to be compared.  They're to be shared.  Teach it.  I'm a firm believer that a person of homeless is a genius.  They know how to survive.  Whereas the rest of us accept life for what it is.  Well?  What is it?  That's like asking someone what their favorite song of all time is.  You think your job sucks?  Go clean a movie theater after there's been 279 people sitting in those chairs.  We are a third world generation that's been convinced that we have first world problems.  Teach.  Take what you know and what you've experienced and build upon the presence of a new tomorrow.  Through teaching you physically become the better student.  Don't dominate.  Don't mandate.  Don't manipulate.  Don't think your life is better than any other.  Teach your truth.  Luck has nothing to do with your experience.  We all have toilets that overflow and the damn dishwasher never properly cleans.  But that's not what we think the real world wants to see.  The way businesses hire is proof of that.  They're allowing computers to sift through the resumes and cover letters without meeting the better talent.  Those with greater experience.  Teach... 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Accepting Silence

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=17803363" data-width="100%" data-height="350px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="show" data-playlist-continuous="true" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="true" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="false" >Listen to "Accepting Silence" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

I find incredible joy sitting in a room blessed with no sound.  I hear music.  What?  In the center of a silenced room I find music.  I can't explain it.  I just know it's there and I tap into it by way of picking up a writing instrument and writing.  On this podcast we talk about how a doves cooing from several blocks away locates a path to your moment of mindfulness.  I meditate and pray in the presence of silence.  What I don't do is use words in prayer.  I arrive as a listener.  My home sits in a forest so the natural elements that move through trees also moves through me.  Taking note of their presence in the middle of my Now creates a stream of creative energy.  On this particular day I read from the daily writing marked August 5, 2016.  That's almost three years ago.  It's totally impossible for me to understand where I truly was in thought.  I only have handwritten words that look to be incredibly positive.  Because I know who I am and how I write, that's not always what the passerby assumes.  I call it Hidden Speak.  No matter how negative you might be feeling as a creative person you always have the ability to use your emotions as a positive expression.  We talk about how to grow on that path of choice without having to down twelve cups of coffee followed by a Kit Kat bar.  There's incredible energy around us at all times.  Blend in with it.  Grow with it without carrying the weight of why your mental state feels a little bent and out of place.  Nobody wants to get caught meditating or praying.  Locate a private place of energy at work, home, in a park or in a mall.  With your eyes wide open feel the atmosphere as it moves through you.  Clearing the mind doesn't mean opening the heart.  Protect the heart.  There's enough bad mojo out here without you putting the poisons of society into places you can't easy shake.  Mindfully be in the Now.  You'll begin to recognize the importance and purpose of your deeper presence.