Friday, May 24, 2019

Its Not Easy Being Green

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Wow! That's kind of a whacked out title. What does being green mean? Am I a wanna be frog waiting for a television show to pick me up? In a truth filled way and walk we're all green. Some more than others. I happen to enjoy staying green. It makes me available to be the forever student. To be willing with my way of wanting to learn during an age where change is everyday. On this podcast we put a lot of focus on living in the present. Being available for your Now. Openly I admit that it's extremely difficult to make such a choice. To mindfully be in the present. It doesn't happen overnight and due to a smartphone overflowing with photographs its extremely easy to fall off the Now wagon. I ask the question, "How many more summers do you have left?" That's impossible to answer! I don't want to touch that equation because it could feed a new seed planted in the soil that hold up your foundation of Now. Living in such a place and space begins with getting to know yourself. Your best interview or conversation shouldn't be just anyone. Your best should always be you. That's not conceit! For 26 years I've put a lot of faith in the answers I get back from the self that's been extremely committed to growing forward. You can't lie to yourself. The interviewer in you will call them out. When you begin to listen to the inner core of your heart meeting a beat, the moment of Now has incredible energy. Each day you arrive be green. Be open to the idea that people are going to be late but you're going to fill that space with peace. No matter how late someone is that gives you 15 or 30 more minutes to get something else done. Being present in your Now allows you to learn more about what doesn't trigger you. Winning is a choice. So is anger. Get to know your Now.

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