Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Moving Beyond Your Hell

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The one simple thing I carry with me everyday is a lesson learned while evolving into a second degree black belt in martial arts.  Winning is a choice.  Not just a positive thought.  It's a lifestyle changer.  Winning is a choice.  It's also your choice to have a bad day.  It's also your choice to see dark clouds over every decision made.  On this podcast we leap into the moments of learning how to become more positive on your journey without irritating those that want nothing to do with upbeat happy people.  Living a winning is a choice lifestyle requires only one thing.  Awareness of where you presently stand.  You have the power and ability to control all things that are happening right now.  When bad luck hits.  Winning is a choice.  Accept the unexpected.  Learn from it.  Teach someone how to avoid what you labeled hell.  There was once a time when earning a black belt wasn't a quarterly test at a school but rather a known participation with dedication, loyalty and determination.  A black belt meant you put a lot of sweat into your studies.  You worked so hard learning how to master more than the kicks but the walk through the everyday.  That one time white belt became dark due to how much of your life was poured into the cloth.  The more I grew as a martial artist the more my journey became spiritual.  In all things there is energy.  Good, bad and unexplained.  I keep a defrag journal.  It has nothing to do with my daily writing journal.  Like a computer the human mind spirit and system of decisions needs to be defragged.  The person you get to view in the bathroom mirror is rarely the same image deep within the skin.  Learning to communicate with the core of your drive or lack of enables you to move beyond your hell.  Winning is a choice.  Ignoring who you are inside your head and heart is to.  In all things there is energy.  We are only an element and it's our choice to participate or style away from what could lead to a brighter sunrise.     

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