Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 70

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 70" on Spreaker. I am a huge planner. Managing time is my strength. Making sure there's enough distance between performances is a requirement that allows the mind body and soul to breathe. But is there a difference between a planner and someone who predicts? In reality while laying out the ground work of each new day am I not predicting this is how things will arrive? It's a dangerous thin line. Putting a prediction out there sets you up for disappointment. But when you break it down. So does daily planning. I go into each day knowing what should be accomplished but we know how today's working environment is based on other peoples time. How do you better protect the system that carries you to the productivity required. Knowing the difference between planning and predicting is a brilliant step in awareness. Respecting each side of the fence may feel like a closed door but in the end being prepared is always the answer.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Time Isn't Controlled By You

Listen to "Time Is Not Controlled By You" on Spreaker. We're all guilty of it. Allowing time to always get in the way. So much so we use it as the go to excuse as to why we can't be on time. Learning to respect time is like trying to stay on a diet. You think you've got it completely under control until you realize you don't own time. When you're time is up. There's no longer and room to locate answers. I am a time freak. Being too early drives people crazy. Only to realize those that arrive late totally take me out. Doctors are horrible time keepers. I joke around about charging them money for my time. Then I slip in, "No I'm serious. You owe me a break in your price." My laying out of plans begins a week in advance. If required it allows me to correct the path. Sadly though... No matter how hard I work on the importance of time about 80% of the rest of the pack truly don't see it through the same eyes. Someone asked me why I give so much attention to time. My answer spun them around and gave them a full invitation to walk away. I said, "I value time. Just as Jesus did. He knew he had to be ready when his father told him it was time."

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Help Deliver

Listen to "Help Deliver" on Spreaker. My parents constantly tried to keep me focused on doing my chores and school work. For some that might be easy. For me? Thoughts would arrive then I'd spend the next few hours trying to understand the rooting system of why it was given to me to think. In January of 2016 plenty of thought poured from my writing instrument onto the pages of my daily writing. Most of the time I can take the three pages and make sense of the entire picture. But not this particular day. Several layers of expression were laid out like a teachers lesson plan. One such paragraph of thought will shoot over your head so far that it won't land anywhere near you until you come face to face with a different day. Then you'll say "Wait that's what he was talking about." Here's that paragraph. I need to prove to myself. That to be a leader in today's new age of sound collectors. There is a place of plain sight. And its the industry of ancient that keeps the next level of success from crossing the bridge into a layer of connection. Now that you've ready it. What are you waiting for? How many more days do you expect to set aside your dreams. You see them. You hear them. But your feet won't move.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Are You Grateful For The Sun

Listen to "Are You Grateful For The Sun" on Spreaker. We've all heard the stories of the Rock Stars that penned out the lyrics of a song onto the open space of a napkin. We've read how book ideas came into inch thick chapters and it all started with a jotting down of thought. In our own personal lives. The notes we take. The tiny doodles and verbal deliveries loosely penciled in. What impact do they have your present place? I came across a paragraph penned out on January 31,2016 at 6:40am. It's an honest piece. One that sculpts the characters of a socially networked society that demands change but wants nothing to do with the results of it. And in the end. Are you grateful for the sun?

Monday, May 22, 2017

A Vision

Listen to "A Visual" on Spreaker. A vision. When does it become visual? We all have the strength to envision. Sadly things don't always pan out the way the vision put it into play. Or to achieve it requires more time then the mind body and soul are willing to sacrifice. A vision will sit inside without ever being shared driving the creative mind bonkers. But that's not what this is about. Visions that came to us during times of change, challenge, darkness and or hell on earth. What color is your victory painted if the opening of the seed was pointed in the direction of a bad decision. Who gets credit for the good times if the vision started out as an extremely bad moment? In my book Conversation With The Devil the main character comes face to face with that situation. He stole a record from a music store. In the years that follow he locates tremendous success. Then one day the keeper of dark times shows up and says, "I want my credit for your success." In your world of now. Has there been a knock on your door or is it coming? And what will your answer be?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Beyond Mothers Day

Listen to "A Celebration Of Motherhood" on Spreaker. I had a difficult time writing on Mother's Day. Not because I am a person that has designed their life to living in the present. But rather I believe that Mother's deserve more than memories. They're growing forward just like we are. It should be more than a 24 hour period, lunch or dinner. A mother needs to hear from you more than you already offer. More importantly you need to be documenting the path your mother helped create so that the generation you put into play has more to hold then what you left with them. I had a difficult time writing on Mother's Day not because I couldn't locate one thousand things to bring back to the surface of the present. I wanted to extend the day beyond what we know it as. To break free of the storms and challenges that moms are associated with. To lift the mountains surrounding our lives and expose the person that held onto one thing you had no control of or over. She made a choice. And in that moment your path began. From that decision look at how many lives you've affected by your brilliant presence in this moment.


Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Tiesto Talks Music Production" on Spreaker. The evolution of today's festival and club DJ's now includes one more task on an already extremely busy layout of sound. Tiesto says that in order to survive in an over saturated market is to produce music. Not just yours! But to develop your own sights and sounds then push them out. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is On My Way.


Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Gorillaz New App" on Spreaker. I first came across this idea a couple of years ago with Julian Lennon. The artist lifting the level of digital visibility to creating an app that serves as a solid source of sight and sound. The latest to pull themselves into this realm of connection with fans and followers is Gorillaz. I call it the new age album with benefits. The latest release from Gorillaz on rBeatz Radio is Let Me Out...

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 69

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 69" on Spreaker. I'm a poet that just happens to write in a forest. Today I was greeted by a whitetail deer. We looked at each other and said nothing. Instantly I was given a message. Christians are no different then what happened between the deer and I. Separate journeys with a single line of energy and or leadership but feeling no need to talk about what the preacher delivered this past Sunday. Just standing there looking at each other in a forest of life. I chose to write about it because it makes me wonder if its a he said she said situation. What we learn each Sunday is the point of view of the person in the pit and not necessarily the belief of all people. And yet it came from the same book. Did God make us to be silent? In a weird way I say yes. He's given us the power of choice. To talk about it or walk on without a whisper of appreciation for those that take the time each Sunday to pour their energy onto a group of people called to sit in those chairs.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dr Michelle Stevens

Listen to "Dr Michelle Stevens Scared Selfless" on Spreaker. A shocking, inspiring, and enlightening new memoir aims to change this: SCARED SELFLESS: My Journey from Abuse and Madness to Surviving and Thriving by Michelle Stevens (G.P. Putnam’s Sons; on sale March 21, 2017), by Dr. Michelle Stevens, chronicles her improbable journey from horrendous child sexual abuse, loss, and mental illness to healing, recovery, and happiness. As a child, Michelle Stevens was the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather, Gary Lundquist—elementary school teacher, neighborhood stalwart, and brutal pedophile. He locked her in a cage, tortured her, and used her as his sex slave, subjecting her to inconceivable cruelty. She was forced to perform in child pornography and trafficked in a child sex ring. To cope with the trauma, Michelle unconsciously repressed the memories of what she had experienced and developed multiple personalities. Years later, Michelle was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), more commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. DID is a complex psychological condition that is frequently misunderstood and still considered controversial. The disorder is caused by severe and repeated childhood trauma, usually physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. Though DID itself is rare, its underlying cause is not. Not until Michelle remembered and confronted the full extent of what had happened to her, was she able to find the path to recovery and ultimately triumph. She is now a successful psychotherapist, expert in trauma, and prominent advocate against child abuse, as well as a happily married wife and mother. As part of an interview, Michelle Stevens can discuss: How her story differs from those that make headlines (Jaycee Dugard, Elizabeth Smart, the Cleveland kidnapping victims) and why that’s significant. Common misconceptions about sexual abuse and abusers and warning signs for parents, educators, institutions, law enforcement, and anyone who cares about the well-being of children. Psychological symptoms of someone who has suffered sexual abuse and why victims usually do not come forward. Dissociative Identity Disorder: what it is, why it’s controversial, and what it’s like to live with it. When and how the memories of her abuse came back to her after years of unconsciously repressing them. Why she chose to become a psychologist and the mission behind her nonprofit, Post-Traumatic Success. Why she chose to share her story now and what her life is like today. SCARED SELFLESS is an examination of the extraordinary—and inexplicable—feats of the mind in the face of unspeakable abuse and a remarkable story of triumph that offers help and hope for recovery. We urge you to make prominent plans for coverage and will be in touch soon to discuss possibilities. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Michelle Stevens, a psychologist, is the founder and director of Post-Traumatic Success, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring those affected by psychological trauma. She studied writing at New York University before earning her doctorate in clinical psychology from Saybrook University, where her thesis was honored as the Dissertation of Distinction. Stevens has presented her research to the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation and the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, where she also received an award for Outstanding Research. She works with survivors around the globe as a therapist, speaker, and advocate, encouraging them to heal, grow, and fight for better lives. She lives in Los Angeles with her wife and son.

Julie Scoggins

Listen to "Julie Scoggins Redefining Comedy" on Spreaker. Every medium is changing, Comedy Clubs aren't just for funny people anymore. The biggest and best nights of the week are being taken over by YouTube sensations. How do comedians act and react to the change? Do they participate with the process or look for new stages?

Open Your Mind

Listen to "Open Your Mind" on Spreaker. Open your mind. Let love flow through your heart. Let there be life within so that all things shooting from you can be shared. Blend the sun with night. Invite rain to flood your fields of change. Set free the music that grows behind all things silent. Let there be presence in this moment. Be alive now....

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Tail Of A Squirrel

Listen to "The Tail Of A Squirrel" on Spreaker. It was Julia Cameron that first convinced me to clean out the closet. To physically step into your tiny space in the house and begin a process of tossing stuff out without thinking about it. So what does that have to do with everyday life? Getting used to the idea that you're not a collector of space takers. Training yourself to live in the present is a process not a spur of the moment decision. By keeping your mental closet clean that leaves a lot of room for you to try new things. Within those lines you'll begin to see who you are and why. Which is where most people run from. But face the truth. Each of us were designed not by the art of our gifts of performance but rather the needs of decision makers. We became because they required. Clean out your closet and get back to living your life. Set yourself free by refocusing on what you once dreamed. Those mental pictures don't die. We do.... Clean out your closet.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Who And What

Listen to "Who And What" on Spreaker. The missing link to the puzzles presented by everyday life are the actualities required to accomplish what it is we do. Wait... I get it. You don't understand what was just written. That's my writing accent speaking. Unless you are with my writing self every day I never expect any passerby to physically grasp what it is that I speak. It's really to easy say that we need to spend more time understanding what each of us write. Instead of instantly shooting out emails and scribbling notes we should walk the letter up to the boss or family member and let them read it first. After they finish we then read it with our own inflection. Bosses and coworkers endlessly read things wrong. I believe that's a choice. We're all wound up so tight by the expectations of those above us that by the time we get around to reading email we haven't got the time to hear the physical voice of the one writing. Maybe that's why when I see photographs of businesses on Linkedin of the entire staff I instantly begin to look beyond the fake smiles. There are truer stories within the photographs. That's where my accent loves to travel. Yeah I know... you don't get it. But if you heard my voice you would.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Mile Marked Life

Listen to "Mile Marked Life" on Spreaker. When was the last time you sat down and had a real conversation with a family member or a friend? We have developed into this generation of mile marker collecting. This was the date that. That was the date that. We have our calendars packed with events that have already taken place. So much so that it's almost too uncool to want to grow forward. There's a lot of drama left in a past we can't change. Let it go. Learn to put your feet in the present. Get your eyes off that number in a box and discover the fire in your heart.

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Invisibleness of Time

Listen to "The Invisibleness Of Time" on Spreaker. The invisibleness of time... Invisibleness. I know its not a word. But the actuality of time becoming invisible is lived out everyday. It's that layer of energy that takes your imagination into a zone that runners tend to get credit for. I can stare at a blank wall for two hours and see more pictures in my mind body and soul then the 500 plus channels television offers. The invisibleness of time. We spend so much time watching time that we waste too much time trying to catch up to what we assume we've lost. I was asked the other day if I get bored a lot. I looked at them and kind of laughed. My words in return were, "You see boredom as something that is wrong. I see it as a place where time is slowed down."

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 68

Listen to "The Lyrics From Billys Forest Chapter 68" on Spreaker. We were designed to take chances. During those steps we learn to fear, take on doubt while exposing reasons to shame the self that dared his or her dreams to exceed the limits beyond a simple thought. In the blink of an eye life suddenly becomes a book of several chapters. Your career is no longer locked on rookie stage but rather a master at your craft. And yet you still feel empty, under appreciated and unable to process a dream. In February of 2016 I raised my arms at McDowell Park in Charlotte and softly said "In your name I let go." It's created the most incredible journey. I had no idea what laid ahead or how things around me would change beyond explanation. Never once losing faith in that moment in the park. That's my testimony. What's yours?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Why We Stop

Listen to "Why We Stop" on Spreaker. A side of me tries to explain to the creative path that what I'm doing is pretty reckless. Very very rarely do I daily write then let the Broadcaster in me take it to the air. Not the same day. I've always believed in letting thoughts ferment. It's a process of growth that creates separation between what is and what was. But today heart speaks louder. I'm blessed every week to get the opportunity to help open the souls of creative people. The very second we begin to see light boom the walls crash and we're back in a lonely moment. If you're creative. You get what I'm saying. Creative doesn't mean one outlet. That's why I believe people turn off their reasons to set things free. You are whom you assume. When in fact you are the opposite. So today... the daily writer with his accent is met by the Broadcaster. You will hear a distinct difference between the two creative outlets. While embracing your own place in the flow of bringing art to life.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Forgiving Sun

Listen to "The Forgiving Sun" on Spreaker. I'm the furthest from far when it comes to being an expert. But being a daily writer has given me an inside story as to what it's like to recognize the face of moody ways and means. Learning how to control the steps of recovery without having to down a Red Bull or twelve cups of hot coffee. Mood swings come at us like the rays of the sun tossing light. One minute you're singing the lyrics of a favorite song then a memory puts your feet in a place and plan you can't control. But you can. You always hold the reins of choice. As much as that dark spirit wants to consume your every breath you ultimately have control over where you send your energy. Believe it or not it requires just as much power to be positive as it does being negative. I don't play a game with my emotions. I look through a window and or stare at a wall and reboot by putting my thoughts on all things around me that are in the shape of giving and not taking. Excuse yourself from the radio and or music. It's nothing more than a free ticket to anywhere without a ride back. In every place you are there is something positive. Don't lean on it. Throw yourself into it. Make notes about why it's presence is light. Bleed your system of moodiness a drop at a time. Don't expect sudden change. Let the process of being free grow in front of you. I love it when people get angry with me because I'm being positive. It makes them aware of where they presently stand. It's a choice.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Don't be Preachy

Listen to "Dont Be Preachy Or Teachy" on Spreaker. It's probably going to come across that I am being Preachy when in fact I don't believe I'm even being Teachy. I find it interesting to watch as people endlessly reach out for answers. And yet your mind body and soul are caked with rivers and oceans of experiences. It's as if we want others to make up our decisions for us. While sitting in a forest in South Carolina something powerful was handed to me by way of the wind. As I sat listening to the energy around me I began to realize that we are the process of everything moving around us. But how many of us know what we've allowed to live with in us? Negative? Oh we have that nailed. We hang posters everyday. I believe my father is more a part of me after his passing then he was while here on earth. I can still feel the energy of all my rescued puppies. When someone says "I stand before Christ and ask for his leadership." I smile as well as laugh. Because I see God in two places. In front of you and inside of you. Your loved ones play the same performance. They are in you just as much as they are outside of you. Reach beyond belief. Utilize that incredible source of energy. It kills me to hear people call themselves a failure when I know that's not the true seed within. But we never face that truth about ourselves. We'd rather rely on what we can see. Learn to recognize the faces you hold within. Allow them to continue inspiring your purpose and reason. Reach beyond belief.

Dillon Francis

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Dillon Francis Puts In A Full Day" on Spreaker. It's not always fun and pleasure for those whose roots grow like wildflowers on festival stages and club history. Dillon Francis is locked into an everyday performance that keeps him endlessly in contact with what it takes to bring the right music to the surface. The full body workout to guaranteeing that imagination its opportunity to play in the studio. His latest release on rBeatz Radio has him teamed up with G Easy Say Less.

Calvin Harris

Listen to "rBeatz Music Update Calvin Harris Talks About Success" on Spreaker. Even in this age of digital music platforms and satellite sounds, radio continues to be that place that artists what to be heard. But if your Calvin Harris it reaches beyond that two speaker stage. Success in his chapters is based on the live performance. How many people in that crowd are singing your lyrics? How many get emotional by the message being shared. His latest release on rBeatz Radio is Slide.