Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Earphone Hair

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My parents brought into this world eight children.  I was set in the center.  A total black sheep of the family.  I had to be!  The only way I was going to be heard was to make a lot of noise.  It was difficult getting lost in the mix.  I didn't want to wear hand me down clothes or be compared to my older brothers.  I needed my own space.  I learned early in life to grip the reality of being left alone by utilizing the tools that could take me there.  My mouth.  Say things out loud even if it's directed straight into the soul of someone close.  I think this is the reason why I cherish the moments of studying the verbal habits of comedians and songwriters.  They've given themselves permission to put it out there.  It doesn't always have to be Disney World happy but thank God it's no longer part of me.  On this podcast we put focus on the words we share not with others but to the image in the mirror.  I don't know if you realize how sensitive that image is.  It'll fake whatever mood you want it to be in but in the end it got its feelings hurt again.  Because I'm a daily writer I get the opportunity to slip back into the pages brought to life up to 26 years ago.  I read the words as if they're happening right now.  I don't assume that I know what the writer is saying.  I was there!  I'm the eyewitness to a moment that shoved the inner core of the soul into a jagged edged silence that found no way to locate peace until it was forgotten.  I've become extremely aware of how I use my words.  Things like peaceful versus peace filled.  I don't want to be peaceful!  I don't like being full!  I probably look bloated,  My clothes don't fit.  Being peace filled clears the way for me to tell me that there's always more room for peace.  I keep a dictionary with me every morning I write.  To look up words.  To see if I'm using them correctly or to locate newer ways to share an expression without it coming across as a negative.  I come into this recording studio every morning at 5:30.  Two hours into the day I take note of my hair in the bathroom mirror.  I wear earphones all the time.  Not earbuds but big ole clumpy studio earphones.  It crushes your hair faster than a damp rainy day in the south.  In two sentences I created a negative that I didn't mean.  I asked myself, "How are you doing?"  I answered, "Great!"  Only to hear my outside self come back with, "Your hair sucks today.  You have earphone hair."  The image in the mirror shot back a fake smile.  The words you write on text messages and emails.  Be aware.  Know what you are projecting.  Understand how others are receiving your energy.  A simple task.  You'll grow in ways that invite many peace filled moments.

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