Thursday, April 16, 2020

Not Settling For The New Normal

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It's not selfish or the physical act of being spoiled. I'm just not interested in being what has been labeled the New Normal. I see it instead as a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience rebirth. We almost got there in 2001 when the nation took a hard hit then another in 2008 with the financial crisis. The big difference is how the entire planet didn't stop. I grasp why they're trying to call this moment a new way of life. Having a normal life is pretty much what the average person wants. Extravagant is beautiful in pictures but in the end those who we think they have it all really have but in ways of angst, depression, greed, uncaring feelings, comparison discomfort and the list goes on. I accept the rebirth. The computer reboot of an everyday world that was addicted to collecting paychecks and downloading free music. On this podcast episode we touch on the way we were in January and February 2020. Mainly because social media is flooded with people who want to return to a normal life. But you're smarter than what you were five weeks ago. You're stronger and more willing to accept ideas and other people. Being judged by what car you drive or what style of tennis shoes your kids wear is what we did in 2019. The rebirth is a physical interaction with creative minds brought together through amazing technology. In every meeting I've been involved in since March 2020 I instantly took note of how we've started listening to each other. Yes its been tough working from home in a world where your spouse has no idea what you've done with your career but now they can see how it all comes together and they want to help motivate and inspire but there are still corporate rules you have to abide by. The bombardment of the conspiracy hounds and internet troller's is louder than ever. We've heard their words. We have compassion for their emotions. Just don't hit reply. On this podcast though I do step out there with an answer to their deep passionate concern for the well being of our great nation. If all of this isn't really happening and it's a way to control the people and the businesses connected I ask that you donate your stimulus checks to a non-profit organization. Give it to the man or woman standing on the corner with a sign asking for help. Sadly with the way we're bickering about how and when we're gonna get back to work I can't help but be the total buzz kill in the way of maybe I should be asking the man and woman on the street how they survive. There's a big chance we're gonna be battling for that corner spot.

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