Monday, August 20, 2018

Am I Frozen In My Now

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This could easily be turned into a multi layered podcast with no way of truly locating the right answer.  Yet I'm charged up with the fact that such a thought and or feeling fell across my path and I didn't walk over it.  I chose to pick it up.  To make it a part of my now.  Mindfully I listen.  On today's show I dive into the very center of a lot of paths meeting as one.  Openly I admit that in order to get from my twenties into my thirties, forties and fifties I've had my share of Self Help and motivational books.  I love them all and read many of them as great reminders.  I've studied Native American Spirituality to Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and for a moment  I honestly thought my trail of tales was headed straight for Scientology.  I've always been this open sail shooting a ship across an unknowing universe.  Because I mindfully walk in the moment of now, I asked while in prayer, "Do you see me only in the now?" Then came those dreaded words that too many people pop out when doubting, "I often wonder how others pray?"  Is it a question that crosses the line?  I spend a lot of time writing about living a life in the moment of now.  How difficult it is to remain free of a past you can't change and a future that doesn't steal from the shape of today?  If it's all I activate.  Is it the only thing God sees of me?  Preachers will shout at the top of their lungs,"God is the all knowing.  He see's everything."  I respect that.  But if what I activate is the moment am I missing out on valuable lessons planted in the roots of a time my heart no longer recognizes?  As leaders do we keep ourselves from growing if we don't utilize the tools experienced during times of reaching forward, through and around giant boulders designed to look like dream breakers and careless whispers?  In what you think about not just now but daily are you frozen in a time that creates no room for growing?

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