Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hearing The Command By Way Of Being Transparent

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I wish there was a microphone that was strong enough to record the voices in your head and heart.  The problem is we'd turn it away from ourselves and put focus on others.  Being transparent has been a hot button for a couple of seasons. Companies throw it out like a worm on a hook.  I hear it in car commercials to banking leaders trying to convince potential clients to switch over to their side of the financial tree. In this podcast I ask a simple dull roar question, "Are you being transparent with yourself?"  In this age of identity do we have the courage to expose the experience required to get you where you're presently standing? I once got in trouble for being too transparent with future Broadcasters.  I was told to dream with them not create what could become a nightmare. I get it. I was once there. I've lived this radio path for 39 years. That doesn't make me an expert. Only a participant. Several chapters into my personal experiences I wish someone of greater experience would've said,"That decision you're about to make isn't wise. Rethink the path."  Here's what happens in moments like that. Those voices in the head and heart shout out, "Mind your own business!"  This isn't a knock on bosses but most decision makers are more interested in their success rather than grasping onto the reins of reality.  Multi tasking has rotted the fields of preparation then delivery.  Not an expert.  I'm only a participant.  Transparent. I just told my inner self to continue dreaming. We're going to locate victory. Anybody can do the jobs we bring to life everyday.  From radio to preaching to driving for Uber. Fulfilling that empty spot in your soul requires a personal act of energy that's going to feel like Mark Walberg in a war movie. He gets up. He knows his mission.  You heard the command. It's alive inside of you everyday.  Stop yourself from walking away.  Know your mission.  Be transparent.

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