Monday, November 5, 2018

Awareness Connection Activation Reconnection

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It can fit into any shape of business striving to reach beyond the four walls of thought.  Awareness + Connection + Activation + Re-connection.  Seems like an easy task to fulfill until the requirement is to show up everyday not just when you're in the mood.  Through daily writing I've become an incredible people watcher.  From afar I study the mindset and patterns of employees that are there to make a difference versus collecting a few hours and dollars.  We all can't be superstar stand outs!  In those moments I do challenge myself to become the decision maker that made the hire.  What is it about a tuned out nearly lazy person that always grabs the job from the hard workers still trying to locate employment?  On this podcast we tackle the subject of what is serving?  It feels pretty good to take the time on a weekend and serve a non-profit organization.  We feel good in the moment only to never return or only come back during the holiday.  Then there's serving.  No matter how tired you are or which pro team is playing in town or on TV, you show up and serve.  You make physical connections and re-connections with those in need.  So lets break it down.  Through awareness we reach out to serve.  The connection is made.  For most this is the breaking point.  We served!  We didn't activate.  If you had the re-connection process would've been put into play.  The same rule applies to your job.  Awareness + Connection + Activation + Re-connection.  So many great thinkers, doers and planners make the connection but once the expectations of activation step on the toes of personal needs and reasons to succeed its time to reshape the reasons for being there.  Activation is where the party begins!  You're not supposed to be in the mood or be motivated before the arrival.  You're supposed to question your decisions to become part of.  Once the activation creates a clear accomplishment then without a doubt there will be a re-connection.  Serve or serve?         

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