Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Lyrics From Billy's Forest Chapter 132

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I'm not a weatherman but I do enjoy studying the way of the rain.  As much as I want to believe each drop is sent to feed the roots of a tree it's never met, the other side of my creative mind believes rain is sent to locate an ocean.  This far inland how can such a thought be possible?  You like to dream right? Your thoughts are single drops of rain.  Somehow someway you get to touch the opposite side of a rainbow.  A gentle rain is no different.  A single drop unknowing to us, will make it's way to a larger body of water.  During my daily watches of weather moving through us, I've learned that most of us don't truly like to put ourselves in places where the water from the sky dampens our desire to be in such a place of receiving.  Birds and even deer enjoy the offering from the sky.  Each have a special dance or way of accepting.  Not the human.  We quickly run inside to do nothing but complain.  Have you ever interrupted a raindrop's day?  Maybe you got in the way of it touching the shores of a far in the distance ocean.  On this podcast I talk about how many times the average person tends to complain about what they are presently doing with their career.  The storms that each of us face but we don't truly learn from the challenge or accept the rain.  That causes a lot of disconnection in our wishes and or personal demands.  Some withstand the daily grind while others spend a lifetime looking for a job that makes them happy.  Really?  Your boss has a boss who has a boss.  No matter how much you try to be greater then yesterday your place of business will always have a new collection of rain.  Stand in it.  Let it drench your every purpose and reason.  Your boss is a label.  Beneath it, he or she is just another raindrop seeking the scent of an ocean shore.  Two raindrops collected create a trickle.  Imagine if you made it less about you and more about the process of progress.  Let the presence of your raindrop locate a puddle then a creek then a lake and beyond. 

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